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Bangladesh charter flights to return stranded Brits.

Guest 'eavensabove

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8 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

We didn’t prepare properly for Hitler but we came through in the end...

The Frogs had even less time to prepare for Adolf but they made him very welcome, especially the women. The cunt ended up staying for 5 fucking years.

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Guest 'eavensabove
50 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I've just watched the daily update (bullshit) from Downing Street. The BBC journalist asked why the fuck nobody realised that we did not have enough PPE to tackle this pandemic at the outset. The cunt in the suit went all around the houses coming out with absolute clap trap, then passed it on to the science person who then reeled off a load more bullshit. Bottom line: they didn't answer the fucking original question. Did the beeb journo say "Hang on, you've given us a load of old guff. Answer the question". Did he bollocks. 

There is more & more evidence coming through which strongly suggests that the virus did in fact 'escape' from a fridge at a laboratory in Whuan during October last year. The WHO are in custody of the said fridge, and from "the leaked" photo's which also appeared in some of last weeks newspapers, the rubber seal on the door was completely fucked... its definitely all iffy, particularly the relatively small percentage of Chinese cases/deaths compared with those of many other countries... Ministers backing-off from answering questions, is hardly new is it? Those other cunts which stand to the side of whichever prat is giving the speech of the day, have also been told to shut the fuck up... If they were to tell us the absolute truth, the Houses of Parliament would be burned to a cinder... The live broadcasts are a total joke, and if any so-called journalist begins to ask the wrong questions, their monitor screen flickers like fuck , their voice begins to break and it's "Oh, we'll come back to that one, who's next?"  We aint seen nothing yet Gyps, and many will still be stuck on this current lockdown this same time next year.

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2 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

There is more & more evidence coming through which strongly suggests that the virus did in fact 'escape' from a fridge at a laboratory in Whuan during October last year. The WHO are in custody of the said fridge, and from "the leaked" photo's which also appeared in some of last weeks newspapers, the rubber seal on the door was completely fucked... its definitely all iffy, particularly the relatively small percentage of Chinese cases/deaths compared with those of many other countries... Ministers backing-off from answering questions, is hardly new is it? Those other cunts which stand to the side of whichever prat is giving the speech of the day, have also been told to shut the fuck up... If they were to tell us the absolute truth, the Houses of Parliament would be burned to a cinder... The live broadcasts are a total joke, and if any so-called journalist begins to ask the wrong questions, their monitor screen flickers like fuck , their voice begins to break and it's "Oh, we'll come back to that one, who's next?"  We aint seen nothing yet Gyps, and many will still be stuck on this current lockdown this same time next year.

No doubt the commie broadcasting corporation will blow out the papers as being 'conspiracy theory' to keep the sheep from getting out their pens. A thing that occurs to me, is all the rednecks in yankee land shouting about being released from lockdown? Are they all fucking stupid or do they know something that we dont know? 

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Guest 'eavensabove
27 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

No doubt the commie broadcasting corporation will blow out the papers as being 'conspiracy theory' to keep the sheep from getting out their pens. A thing that occurs to me, is all the rednecks in yankee land shouting about being released from lockdown? Are they all fucking stupid or do they know something that we dont know? 

It will be the 'softly softly' approach here. Easing us gently forward (if at all) and keeping us sweet with a few more 'freebies'... I reckon that schools will be the first to be reopened, to give us all a nice feeling of security. All of the government releases today have been geared towards local authorities, schools and colleges on how to keep kids safe and prevent infections from spreading, not that kids are safe right now at home in their own homes? Oh, the schools & colleges in question are for special needs, as the kids can of course be used as guinea pigs and are not a vital part of our future...?  

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Guest Stoolstabber500
19 hours ago, King Billy said:

He’s got even thicker than when he was Reptile. He must have been in a coma or had most of his minuscule brain removed while he was gone. Bless him. He’s missing his Jeremy Kyle fix probably.

This you Billy? or has he got too many teeth to be you 😂



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1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

There is more & more evidence coming through which strongly suggests that the virus did in fact 'escape' from a fridge at a laboratory in Whuan during October last year. The WHO are in custody of the said fridge, and from "the leaked" photo's which also appeared in some of last weeks newspapers, the rubber seal on the door was completely fucked... its definitely all iffy, particularly the relatively small percentage of Chinese cases/deaths compared with those of many other countries... Ministers backing-off from answering questions, is hardly new is it? Those other cunts which stand to the side of whichever prat is giving the speech of the day, have also been told to shut the fuck up... If they were to tell us the absolute truth, the Houses of Parliament would be burned to a cinder... The live broadcasts are a total joke, and if any so-called journalist begins to ask the wrong questions, their monitor screen flickers like fuck , their voice begins to break and it's "Oh, we'll come back to that one, who's next?"  We aint seen nothing yet Gyps, and many will still be stuck on this current lockdown this same time next year.

Since watching The Shawshank Redemption again the other day I’ve been doing my daily exercise behind a picture of Susan Boyle on my bedroom wall. I’m hoping to tunnel through to the main sewer and escape this self isolation covered in shit and tampons, before landing on my arse on an idyllic tropical beach and live happily ever after, until Eddie turns up after a couple of years though, grinning, saying remember me?

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Since watching The Shawshank Redemption again the other day I’ve been doing my daily exercise behind a picture of Susan Boyle on my bedroom wall. I’m hoping to tunnel through to the main sewer and escape this self isolation covered in shit and tampons, before landing on my arse on an idyllic tropical beach and live happily ever after, until Eddie turns up after a couple of years though, grinning, saying remember me?


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11 minutes ago, stoolstabber5000 said:

This you Billy? or has he got too many teeth to be you 😂



That’s me alright. Stop taking pictures of my Aston Martin. You’re late tonight. Is your mum outside scrubbing the doorstep like Hilda Ogden?

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5 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

It will be the 'softly softly' approach here. Easing us gently forward (if at all) and keeping us sweet with a few more 'freebies'... I reckon that schools will be the first to be reopened, to give us all a nice feeling of security. All of the government releases today have been geared towards local authorities, schools and colleges on how to keep kids safe and prevent infections from spreading, not that kids are safe right now at home in their own homes? Oh, the schools & colleges in question are for special needs, as the kids can of course be used as guinea pigs and are not a vital part of our future...?  

I think the government is watching to see how this plays out in Sweden which hasn't been in lockdown. If the evidence shows that the epidemic can run its course through general social distancing as opposed to keeping 95% of the population under curfew, they will lift most of the restrictions. The economy is on the verge of collapse with small businesses being forced to take out loans they can't afford or go under, major retailers which were already struggling are calling in the administrators and conservative projections are that 850,000 jobs have been lost regardless of what happens with a million more likely to go. This is going to bollocks the public finances for decades and on top of this, we're only 8 months away pulling up the drawbridge from the EU which, whatever your opinion on the subject is, was always going to cause economic instability for a while. My guess is that if the infections rate starts to go down, on May 7th schools, council offices and small businesses will be allowed to re-open followed by the larger businesses a couple of weeks later.

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6 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I think the government is watching to see how this plays out in Sweden which hasn't been in lockdown. If the evidence shows that the epidemic can run its course through general social distancing as opposed to keeping 95% of the population under curfew, they will lift most of the restrictions. The economy is on the verge of collapse with small businesses being forced to take out loans they can't afford or go under, major retailers which were already struggling are calling in the administrators and conservative projections are that 850,000 jobs have been lost regardless of what happens with a million more likely to go. This is going to bollocks the public finances for decades and on top of this, we're only 8 months away pulling up the drawbridge from the EU which, whatever your opinion on the subject is, was always going to cause economic instability for a while. My guess is that if the infections rate starts to go down, on May 7th schools, council offices and small businesses will be allowed to re-open followed by the larger businesses a couple of weeks later.

South African news is reporting widespread looting, rioting, raping and murdering. President Umbongolongo has appealed for calm in case the bat stew flu arrives to make things worse.

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7 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Is this where you live, you thick monkey hanger?


He lives in a simulated teak  veneered wardrobe in IKEA at Bolton Retail Park. On a clear day with the door slightly ajar he can see a picture of an Aston Martin on the wall of the kids bedroom display. He gorges on leftover meatballs every night and watches a cardboard TV. In his parallel universe he’s living the Northern dream.

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Guest 'eavensabove
14 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I think the government is watching to see how this plays out in Sweden which hasn't been in lockdown. If the evidence shows that the epidemic can run its course through general social distancing as opposed to keeping 95% of the population under curfew, they will lift most of the restrictions. The economy is on the verge of collapse with small businesses being forced to take out loans they can't afford or go under, major retailers which were already struggling are calling in the administrators and conservative projections are that 850,000 jobs have been lost regardless of what happens with a million more likely to go. This is going to bollocks the public finances for decades and on top of this, we're only 8 months away pulling up the drawbridge from the EU which, whatever your opinion on the subject is, was always going to cause economic instability for a while. My guess is that if the infections rate starts to go down, on May 7th schools, council offices and small businesses will be allowed to re-open followed by the larger businesses a couple of weeks later.

The government has shot itself in the foot, really. One hand, they had to ensure that wages were paid, then came more or less for the self employed, but for how long can they maintain this? They'll have to release us sooner or later, or do away with the need of money in certain areas. Either that, or we face TAX increases of up to 40% if we're not let out until this time next year. Keeping the over 70s sweet is one thing as so is looking after the under 16s, but?

At the end of the day, for as long as the virus is still infecting people as it does, I sure as fuck aint lowering my shields. There's no safety-line that I can currently see, when we can all become complacent. 

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28 minutes ago, King Billy said:

South African news is reporting widespread looting, rioting, raping and murdering. President Umbongolongo has appealed for calm in case the bat stew flu arrives to make things worse.

And their sovereign debt rating had been downgraded to junk status.  

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9 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

And their sovereign debt rating had been downgraded to junk status.  

The South Africans have found a cure for the virus. 3 Goodyear radials and a good splash of unleaded. No one has been reinfected after receiving this treatment.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

The South Africans have found a cure for the virus. 3 Goodyear radials and a good splash of unleaded. No one has been reinfected after receiving this treatment.

That sounds very high tech for the nation. I would have expected more along the lines of voodoo magic with offerings.

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Guest 'eavensabove
26 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

That sounds very high tech for the nation. I would have expected more along the lines of voodoo magic with offerings.

The guidelines are more or less the same as our own: Washing our hands for 20 seconds will "kill" the "virus." 

However, that is where the similarity ends. The jabooks, have to be plunged head-down into a sheep-dip for 20 minutes, in order that it "kills,"  "them."

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1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

The government has shot itself in the foot, really. One hand, they had to ensure that wages were paid, then came more or less for the self employed, but for how long can they maintain this? They'll have to release us sooner or later, or do away with the need of money in certain areas. Either that, or we face TAX increases of up to 40% if we're not let out until this time next year. Keeping the over 70s sweet is one thing as so is looking after the under 16s, but?

At the end of the day, for as long as the virus is still infecting people as it does, I sure as fuck aint lowering my shields. There's no safety-line that I can currently see, when we can all become complacent. 

I'm lucky in that although I'm not classed as a key worker, I provide emergency call out cover to people and organizations that fall into that category which means for the moment, I don't need to reach for the begging bowl but a mate of mine in the property rental sector who isn't entitled to any government assistance, is going to be completely wiped out in 3 months because half of his tenants, despite being on 80% wage have deliberately misinterpreted the government guidance and are refusing to pay any rent at all full in the knowledge that he's got no legal recourse whatsoever for the foreseeable future. He can't sell any of his properties to stay afloat so is therefore borrowing money to keep these opportunistic wankers in free accommodation and this is happening everywhere. In 6 months the entire private rental sector will be gone resulting in tens of thousands of properties being dumped onto what will already be a depressed market. Add that to huge losses in tax revenues to the treasury and astronomic increases in benefit payments it's highly likely that the government is going to need a lot more than £300 billion to cover this if it stretches into the Autumn.

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Guest 'eavensabove
4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I've just watched the daily update (bullshit) from Downing Street. The BBC journalist asked why the fuck nobody realised that we did not have enough PPE to tackle this pandemic at the outset. The cunt in the suit went all around the houses coming out with absolute clap trap, then passed it on to the science person who then reeled off a load more bullshit. Bottom line: they didn't answer the fucking original question. Did the beeb journo say "Hang on, you've given us a load of old guff. Answer the question". Did he bollocks. 

Indeed Gyps. The truth is, we don't have anywhere enough PPE and blaming the problem on 'distribution' is a load of tosh. There are 1,257 hospitals in the UK.   There are 3,951 Tesco stores in the UK and yet you don't hear Tesco's blaming 'distribution' for running out of bog rolls. The only place to purchase PPE from now is China, and even they cannot keep up with the current demand, let alone next weeks demand and the months after that. The government have also made appeals for our factories to produce PPE and yet all of the factories that have contacted them, aint heard fuck all back... Distribution is not to blame. Organization is. 

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