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Italexit.....Italy tells EU to fuck off

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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

All i know is i woke up one morning feeling like id been ina fight..sore all over..throat n chest felt like it was stuffed with brambles ..no energy to get out of bed ..slept for 14 hours... shivering and feeling cold while sweating  is a unique experience..next three days consisted of bed..kitchen..coffee..bed ..day five i felt better..week later fine again if they were the mild symptoms they say 80% experience then id not like to be in the unfortunate 20


That wasn't coronavirus, just normal flu, there was lots of it about around Xmas time and no old biddies and weak cunts croaking it

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, BuggerLugs said:

It's fantastic, like driving around the mountain roads of southern Spain in winter. Cock on.

I have a choice of doorways like never before B'Lugs, and I'm all for it. 

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Talk about stirring the ants nest ..i only gave a description of what happend me end of December izall ..food for thought though is if i was a carrier how many were dosed outa the bell of me sax .talk about knockin them dead anyway see boris has been taken outa the spotlight for another week or so ..headline should read  shepherd abandons herd 


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Guest 'eavensabove
7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Talk about stirring the ants nest ..i only gave a description of what happend me end of December izall ..food for thought though is if i was a carrier how many were dosed outa the bell of me sax .talk about knockin them dead anyway see boris has been taken outa the spotlight for another week or so ..headline should read  shepherd abandons herd 



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50 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Talk about stirring the ants nest ..i only gave a description of what happend me end of December izall ..food for thought though is if i was a carrier how many were dosed outa the bell of me sax .talk about knockin them dead anyway see boris has been taken outa the spotlight for another week or so ..headline should read  shepherd abandons herd 


He's only following the rules - unlike the Scottish Chief Medical Officer

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, BuggerLugs said:

I'm gonna miss this bollocks, long may it continue. 

For the first times in years, I've not once been pissed upon and I'm still in the same dry box. Life's a bliss. Why, I even get a lay in, PLUS I have not the need to self isolate. Every other cunt has fucked off!  

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16 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

For the first times in years, I've not once been pissed upon and I'm still in the same dry box. Life's a bliss. Why, I even get a lay in, PLUS I have not the need to self isolate. Every other cunt has fucked off!  

Ace innit? I've just out on the street clapping and whooping like a spaz, I'm hammered again and I don't think my neighbours like me.

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Guest 'eavensabove
8 minutes ago, BuggerLugs said:

Ace innit? I've just out on the street clapping and whooping like a spaz, I'm hammered again and I don't think my neighbours like me.

Neighbours? Brick their windows. That'll fuck 'em off. It works wonders, and they'll think its the cunt on other side. "2 nerds with one stone" if you like. 

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35 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

For the first times in years, I've not once been pissed upon and I'm still in the same dry box. Life's a bliss. Why, I even get a lay in, PLUS I have not the need to self isolate. Every other cunt has fucked off!  

Did you need longer string for your dog? 

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Guest 'eavensabove
6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Did you need longer string for your dog? 

A frayed knot. 

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On 05/04/2020 at 11:03, Mrs Roops said:

Errr...yes I rest my case.  That report tries to correct the Italian arguement of no help..by saying the EU has helped them out.  The report also only questions what the EU is about morally....not that it’s fucking breaking apart due to ze Germans WANTING to look after their own and fuck ze rest of Europe.   Must say this is hardly on the TV ....you must admit.   One page on the backwaters of the BBC website hardly show fair coverage...... also NOT one single mention of the French.  Or the fact the Poles are totally up in arms and at massive odds with the EU about immigrants and borders.    Only the naughty Hungarians get a mention.   Really poor report.    It falls short on many fronts as to the aggression shown between the parties...... headlines should read EU on verge of collapse.   If it were the true BBC sensationalists wanting to tell the story in their true style it would read...  Germans stick the Jack boot into Fascist Italy, Hungary and Easter block countries defy Brussels at their peril.  Whilst Britain pisses itself laughing at the lucky escape from this self consuming shit fest. Whilst the French act as CUNTs as per usual.  That’s the correct headline.   Roops....you must admit the EU is on the verge of complete collapse.  This report does not mention the word collapse once.

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23 hours ago, BuggerLugs said:

Ace innit? I've just out on the street clapping and whooping like a spaz, I'm hammered again and I don't think my neighbours like me.

That Syrian family next door hate everyone.... they didn’t get the five bedroom Mayfair town house and 80 inch plasma screen tv they were promised in the Turkey immigration center.

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On 05/04/2020 at 08:46, PANZER MURPHY said:

England look on track to mirror Italy these days 


The Irish look on track to mirror Palestine these days.....  second Potatoe famine on the way.  

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On 05/04/2020 at 10:46, Jiggerycock said:

This is a real acid test of the whole European adventure.

Surely debt mutualisation is the only means of truly becoming “Europe”. Anything else and you know some countries (strangely enough those that shout loudest about closer cooperation) aren’t committed to the project, making a mockery of the whole thing.

The only way to make that viable is total political union and control.

I bet that's going to be the recommendation from on high after the smoke clears.

Nope....the nationalist, sovereign borders are being protected and individual states are being run by their own internal government powers.  The EU cunts have all returned to type in this hour of need.    This shows just how thin the veneer was.   Italy has seen that they are being hung out to dry by the Germans and face a future of Massive Greek like debt....they are also not getting much help for their Neighbours, no ventilators or equipment being sent to help them early on..... small token amounts now the shit is too late.  Just to try and save a little face.     The EU has no backbone and the members are all seeing it is best to take control of your own sovereign state...... this is what Brexit was about really....behind all the shit talk and lies from the BBC and EU Remoaners cunts.    No deal Brexit guaranteed now...fuck em.    They are all fucking each other over in their time of need.     Italy will fuck off.... Eu collapse immediately. Germans can’t see a need to stay in now...it’s getting too expensive to bail everyone out.  Italy will be their patsy and take the blame for the collapse....which is engineered by the Germans who actually want out.  Lol.  

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9 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Nope....the nationalist, sovereign borders are being protected and individual states are being run by their own internal government powers.  The EU cunts have all returned to type in this hour of need.    This shows just how thin the veneer was.   Italy has seen that they are being hung out to dry by the Germans and face a future of Massive Greek like debt....they are also not getting much help for their Neighbours, no ventilators or equipment being sent to help them early on..... small token amounts now the shit is too late.  Just to try and save a little face.     The EU has no backbone and the members are all seeing it is best to take control of your own sovereign state...... this is what Brexit was about really....behind all the shit talk and lies from the BBC and EU Remoaners cunts.    No deal Brexit guaranteed now...fuck em.    They are all fucking each other over in their time of need.     Italy will fuck off.... Eu collapse immediately. Germans can’t see a need to stay in now...it’s getting too expensive to bail everyone out.  Italy will be their patsy and take the blame for the collapse....which is engineered by the Germans who actually want out.  Lol.  

Mmm and therin lies the delicious problem, for us who have seen through this whole malignant exercise - the reality of countries wanting to be, well, countries versus their lordly, distant, EU masters insisting on further and deeper integration.

They can't make enough popcorn for the spectators on this one.

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9 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Errr...yes I rest my case.  That report tries to correct the Italian arguement of no help..by saying the EU has helped them out.  The report also only questions what the EU is about morally....not that it’s fucking breaking apart due to ze Germans WANTING to look after their own and fuck ze rest of Europe.   Must say this is hardly on the TV ....you must admit.   One page on the backwaters of the BBC website hardly show fair coverage...... also NOT one single mention of the French.  Or the fact the Poles are totally up in arms and at massive odds with the EU about immigrants and borders.    Only the naughty Hungarians get a mention.   Really poor report.    It falls short on many fronts as to the aggression shown between the parties...... headlines should read EU on verge of collapse.   If it were the true BBC sensationalists wanting to tell the story in their true style it would read...  Germans stick the Jack boot into Fascist Italy, Hungary and Easter block countries defy Brussels at their peril.  Whilst Britain pisses itself laughing at the lucky escape from this self consuming shit fest. Whilst the French act as CUNTs as per usual.  That’s the correct headline.   Roops....you must admit the EU is on the verge of complete collapse.  This report does not mention the word collapse once.

Probably because the article is a balanced viewpoint. As much as I welcomed the Brexit referendum result the current inter-nation spat cannot under any stretch of the imagination be described as on "the verge of a complete collapse". The euro-club have always had disagreements on a variety of issues. If anything the answer is pretty obvious - power should be invested into parliament away from the Commission and the Eurocrats. At present Parliament is a glorified talking shop. The Eurozone's single currency makes complete disintegration almost impossible. Another issue is that a one-size fits all simply does not work and is too large and diverse.  

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Probably because the article is a balanced viewpoint. As much as I welcomed the Brexit referendum result the current inter-nation spat cannot under any stretch of the imagination be described as on "the verge of a complete collapse". The euro-club have always had disagreements on a variety of issues. If anything the answer is pretty obvious - power should be invested into parliament away from the Commission and the Eurocrats. At present Parliament is a glorified talking shop. The Eurozone's single currency makes complete disintegration almost impossible. Another issue is that a one-size fits all simply does not work and is too large and diverse.  

I think all that will change post plague..nothing like a one fits all pestilence to focus the nations of the world..kinda like bill Pullmans rally speech in that alien invader film from way back 


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21 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I think all that will change post plague..nothing like a one fits all pestilence to focus the nations of the world..kinda like bill Pullmans rally speech in that alien invader film from way back 


Personally, I think the EU would prosper if it was smaller and tighter, restricting membership to France, Germany, Benelux, Austria and some of the Nordic states. Keep free trade within frictionless borders, do away with the parasitic Mediterranean states together with the economic and constitutional basket cases and invest the Parliament with supreme authority.

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20 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Personally, I think the EU would prosper if it was smaller and tighter, restricting membership to France, Germany, Benelux, Austria and some of the Nordic states. Keep free trade within frictionless borders, do away with the parasitic Mediterranean states together with the economic and constitutional basket cases and invest the Parliament with supreme authority.

That sounds like 'reform' to me - and about a further few thousand miles down the road from what the EU were prepared to bung Cameron, pre-Referendum, that he dressed up as some negotiating triumph before it was soundly rejected by the 17.4 million.

Whilst, to any rational outsider (as we are now) this all looks like common sense, the EU apparatchicks are weddied to further and harder integration no matter what - like I said, it's going to be interesting after this (stern) test of EU cohesiveness, to see if Brussels can take the (disparate) populations of their countries with them down this road.

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46 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Personally, I think the EU would prosper if it was smaller and tighter, restricting membership to France, Germany, Benelux, Austria and some of the Nordic states. Keep free trade within frictionless borders, do away with the parasitic Mediterranean states together with the economic and constitutional basket cases and invest the Parliament with supreme authority.

And who is going to help the likes of Greece and Italy deal with the waves of third world migrants wanting to get to the promised land of democracy and high moral standards? Lets not forget who created the conditions in their shite and corruption filled homelands in the first place. The "parasitic" Mediterranean states will become chock full of wallahs from Eritrea, Sudan, Syria, Afghan, Congo and any other cesspit of humanity you can think of prompting the wealthy Europeans in your new reformed EU to call for a big fuck off wall to keep the duskys and peaceful goat shaggers out.  

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49 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

And who is going to help the likes of Greece and Italy deal with the waves of third world migrants wanting to get to the promised land of democracy and high moral standards? Lets not forget who created the conditions in their shite and corruption filled homelands in the first place. The "parasitic" Mediterranean states will become chock full of wallahs from Eritrea, Sudan, Syria, Afghan, Congo and any other cesspit of humanity you can think of prompting the wealthy Europeans in your new reformed EU to call for a big fuck off wall to keep the duskys and peaceful goat shaggers out.  

I disagree Stubbs. Greece, Italy, Spain and most, if not all the Balkan and former Soviet countries have large right wing parties ready to weaponise public anger should the EU abandon them, (or even give that impression) and in my opinion most would elect far right populist governments immediately and thousands year old grievances and hostility would quickly become the norm. Russia, Turkey, The US and China would immediately be jockeying for influence in all these countries. In other words chaos would ensue for a long time and inevitably that would mean war in many cases. Human history will always repeat itself eventually. That is the one certainty in life.

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