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Italexit.....Italy tells EU to fuck off

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21 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I disagree Stubbs. Greece, Italy, Spain and most, if not all the Balkan and former Soviet countries have large right wing parties ready to weaponise public anger should the EU abandon them, (or even give that impression) and in my opinion most would elect far right populist governments immediately and thousands year old grievances and hostility would quickly become the norm. Russia, Turkey, The US and China would immediately be jockeying for influence in all these countries. In other words chaos would ensue for a long time and inevitably that would mean war in many cases. Human history will always repeat itself eventually. That is the one certainty in life.

Hungary is already there. The parliament has just granted Viktor Orban the power to rule by decree indefinitely and his first move was to strip all of his political opponents of their funding. Poland, which has just put its entire judiciary under political control, will be next followed by Romania and possibly Croatia which has a long association with Fascism. Give it another 5 to 10 years and Europe will be back in the 1930s again.

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

And who is going to help the likes of Greece and Italy deal with the waves of third world migrants wanting to get to the promised land of democracy and high moral standards? Lets not forget who created the conditions in their shite and corruption filled homelands in the first place. The "parasitic" Mediterranean states will become chock full of wallahs from Eritrea, Sudan, Syria, Afghan, Congo and any other cesspit of humanity you can think of prompting the wealthy Europeans in your new reformed EU to call for a big fuck off wall to keep the duskys and peaceful goat shaggers out.  

I volunteered ideas on that could make the EU more prosperous. That doesn't mean I was advocating a policy of splendid isolation. Any constitutional reform should not be determined by localised regional issues.

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2 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Hungary is already there. The parliament has just granted Viktor Orban the power to rule by decree indefinitely and his first move was to strip all of his political opponents of their funding. Poland, which has just put its entire judiciary under political control, will be next followed by Romania and possibly Croatia which has a long association with Fascism. Give it another 5 to 10 years and Europe will be back in the 1930s again.

I'm guessing this comes to pass all the duskies and peacefuls will be the first to be vilified and their young kids with full beards will think twice about padding the med on a wilkos lilo to join them.

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On 07/04/2020 at 10:12, Mrs Roops said:

Probably because the article is a balanced viewpoint. As much as I welcomed the Brexit referendum result the current inter-nation spat cannot under any stretch of the imagination be described as on "the verge of a complete collapse". The euro-club have always had disagreements on a variety of issues. If anything the answer is pretty obvious - power should be invested into parliament away from the Commission and the Eurocrats. At present Parliament is a glorified talking shop. The Eurozone's single currency makes complete disintegration almost impossible. Another issue is that a one-size fits all simply does not work and is too large and diverse.  

At last I agree with SOME of what you say....on the one size fits all not working.    However of course you do fail to see the EU is on the verge of collapse as Italy’s relationship deteriorates at a fast rate with the EU, Hungary has simply given itself its state powers back on borders and the Shenzhen principle is in complete tatters as all states have reverted back to type and are looking after their own.....in complete contradiction to the EUs principles.    A lot of countries in the EU are looking at Brussels for help and found it’s simply an empty vessel, nothing happening, so it might be they think.....where we’re you when we needed you??  Post event, I can see a lot of fall out.  Hungary, Poland, And Italy are already very vocal at how they have been let down by the EU to the point af saying.... what’s the point of being in the EU.   Hungary has practically left already.

Collapse is the correct way the describe this.

and as for the French impounding trucks in ports that are carrying medical supplies to the UK.  Well what a set of fucking Cunts they are.   That’s what’s also happening to Italy.   No one for their mates in the EU helping with supplies.....and they know it.     Collapse written all over that situation.

even main stream has now managed to show some reports on the above.....that’s how fucking obvious it’s become even over just the past couple of days.  A whole one or two minutes was shown even on the BBC. Ffs.

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On 07/04/2020 at 09:28, Jiggerycock said:

Mmm and therin lies the delicious problem, for us who have seen through this whole malignant exercise - the reality of countries wanting to be, well, countries versus their lordly, distant, EU masters insisting on further and deeper integration.

They can't make enough popcorn for the spectators on this one.

Popcorn.....that’s fucking  rationed mate and the cinema is closed.   

However, In these very difficult times, very far reaching conclusions will be made by the countries being treated so appallingly by the French and the Germans.   Poland, Hungary and Italy are all top of the fuck off list.    The Italians are not at all happy with being hung out to dry with no medical help from their EU “partners”.   The fucking French are impounding trucks with medical supplies....not only to us but to everyone, including the Italians.     You can always trust the Frenchnto be a cunt in times of need.     The Italians will reac to this by simply leaving the EU as messily as they can.   Support for the EU has collapsed in Italy.  Even the BBC has spotted that and opened a big bag of Sunkiss 

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38 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

At last I agree with SOME of what you say....on the one size fits all not working.    However of course you do fail to see the EU is on the verge of collapse as Italy’s relationship deteriorates at a fast rate with the EU, Hungary has simply given itself its state powers back on borders and the Shenzhen principle is in complete tatters as all states have reverted back to type and are looking after their own.....in complete contradiction to the EUs principles.    A lot of countries in the EU are looking at Brussels for help and found it’s simply an empty vessel, nothing happening, so it might be they think.....where we’re you when we needed you??  Post event, I can see a lot of fall out.  Hungary, Poland, And Italy are already very vocal at how they have been let down by the EU to the point af saying.... what’s the point of being in the EU.   Hungary has practically left already.

Collapse is the correct way the describe this.

and as for the French impounding trucks in ports that are carrying medical supplies to the UK.  Well what a set of fucking Cunts they are.   That’s what’s also happening to Italy.   No one for their mates in the EU helping with supplies.....and they know it.     Collapse written all over that situation.

even main stream has now managed to show some reports on the above.....that’s how fucking obvious it’s become even over just the past couple of days.  A whole one or two minutes was shown even on the BBC. Ffs.

Well, the EU President's mailbox isn't exactly stuffed with envelopes containing Article 50 Notices. Member countries are not going to cut off their supply of free money either. Surprisingly one EU member state that everyone is looking to is Greece which has recorded one of the lowest Covid-19 transmission and fatality rates in the world. Greece, unlike most countries, went into lockdown mode immediately after the first coronavirus patient died. It also was quietly knuckling down to sort out its economic problems and the light was beginning to show at the end of the tunnel so the latest crisis is doubly unfortunate.

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, the EU President's mailbox isn't exactly stuffed with envelopes containing Article 50 Notices. Member countries are not going to cut off their supply of free money either. Surprisingly one EU member state that everyone is looking to is Greece which has recorded one of the lowest Covid-19 transmission and fatality rates in the world. Greece, unlike most countries, went into lockdown mode immediately after the first coronavirus patient died. It also was quietly knuckling down to sort out its economic problems and the light was beginning to show at the end of the tunnel so the latest crisis is doubly unfortunate.

Greece....light at the end of the tunnel???  They couldn’t see a light with the fucking Hubble.    Deluded.      My mate at work moved here from Greece 8 years ago. He says the place is still a fucking absolute basket case.    He watches our news then watches his home news and sees that NOTHING is being reported.  It’s brushed under the inconvenient carpet of the EU funded BBC.   He also,knows Greece is not an economic power strong enough to dictate any terms to the EU....or the Germans as he correctly calls them.     Italy on the other hand or even Poland....are a much bigger threat to EU existence should they choose to drop out having been fucked over in their hour of need.

As for Covid.... Greece didn’t listen to the EU and acted like a state government .....that’s why they got it under control early on.    Others have since followed them but alas too late.  

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3 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Greece....light at the end of the tunnel???  They couldn’t see a light with the fucking Hubble.    Deluded.      My mate at work moved here from Greece 8 years ago. He says the place is still a fucking absolute basket case.    He watches our news then watches his home news and sees that NOTHING is being reported.  It’s brushed under the inconvenient carpet of the EU funded BBC.   He also,knows Greece is not an economic power strong enough to dictate any terms to the EU....or the Germans as he correctly calls them.     Italy on the other hand or even Poland....are a much bigger threat to EU existence should they choose to drop out having been fucked over in their hour of need.

As for Covid.... Greece didn’t listen to the EU and acted like a state government .....that’s why they got it under control early on.    Others have since followed them but alas too late.  

On the basis of birds of a feather flock together you'll have to excuse if sane people do not pay too much attention to your "mates" findings...

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Guest 'eavensabove
7 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Greece....light at the end of the tunnel???  They couldn’t see a light with the fucking Hubble.    Deluded.      My mate at work moved here from Greece 8 years ago. He says the place is still a fucking absolute basket case.    He watches our news then watches his home news and sees that NOTHING is being reported.  It’s brushed under the inconvenient carpet of the EU funded BBC.   He also,knows Greece is not an economic power strong enough to dictate any terms to the EU....or the Germans as he correctly calls them.     Italy on the other hand or even Poland....are a much bigger threat to EU existence should they choose to drop out having been fucked over in their hour of need.

As for Covid.... Greece didn’t listen to the EU and acted like a state government .....that’s why they got it under control early on.    Others have since followed them but alas too late.  

Ha! Worth a like.

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8 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

On the basis of birds of a feather flock together you'll have to excuse if sane people do not pay too much attention to your "mates" findings...

So the fact he is a professional educated man who has upped sticks with his family and had to move from a lovely home in a beautiful part of the world to work in the Midlands ...... isn’t testament to the fucking shit fest of a problem Greece has been dealt by the EU?  You are a fucking thick cunt at best Roops... but this is LAME by even your standards.    If it was light at the end of the tunnel and things were looking roses back in Greece, this guy would be on the first plane back there.    Indeed and in fact his brother is moving over with his family soon.   Giving up a fabulous home with a pool and sea views to come live in Coventry.    That’s how fucking bad it is in Greece..... there is NO light at the end of the tunnel.....  where on earth did you get that shit fest of a story from?   You’ve been on the meth again.


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On 08/04/2020 at 14:13, Mrs Roops said:

I volunteered ideas on that could make the EU more prosperous. That doesn't mean I was advocating a policy of splendid isolation. Any constitutional reform should not be determined by localised regional issues.

IF the EU survives it will be because the local governments have taken back control and have turned the EU back into a trading block with NO constitutional power over member states government..... taking the EU back to pre 1990s..... where it was an ok idea.

However, the fact that this virus problem has caused all nations to LOOK after themselves....showing the EU to be a useless cunt.... will determine its downfall.   Italy with Hungary and Poland will bring it down.   They see it for what it is and the local people of each country can see how they have been fucked by the powers of Germany and France being cunts.....when the others relied upon them to help.   People don’t forget.

This virus and how it’s been handled by Countires.... not the EU....as they have been useless.   Reminds countries that they are on their own.   It’s nice to trade....but countries are best placed to run.....errrr the country.  Simple.

i don’t think the EU will allow constitutional reform... so it’s collapse is inevitable under the circumstances.

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10 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

So the fact he is a professional educated man who has upped sticks with his family and had to move from a lovely home in a beautiful part of the world to work in the Midlands ...... isn’t testament to the fucking shit fest of a problem Greece has been dealt by the EU?  You are a fucking thick cunt at best Roops... but this is LAME by even your standards.    If it was light at the end of the tunnel and things were looking roses back in Greece, this guy would be on the first plane back there.    Indeed and in fact his brother is moving over with his family soon.   Giving up a fabulous home with a pool and sea views to come live in Coventry.    That’s how fucking bad it is in Greece..... there is NO light at the end of the tunnel.....  where on earth did you get that shit fest of a story from?   You’ve been on the meth again.


Well, excuse me for taking a jaundiced view on this but I remember the words of wisdom of "Sir Barry", another "mate" of yours and how well that panned out for you...

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4 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

IF the EU survives it will be because the local governments have taken back control and have turned the EU back into a trading block with NO constitutional power over member states government..... taking the EU back to pre 1990s..... where it was an ok idea.

However, the fact that this virus problem has caused all nations to LOOK after themselves....showing the EU to be a useless cunt.... will determine its downfall.   Italy with Hungary and Poland will bring it down.   They see it for what it is and the local people of each country can see how they have been fucked by the powers of Germany and France being cunts.....when the others relied upon them to help.   People don’t forget.

This virus and how it’s been handled by Countires.... not the EU....as they have been useless.   Reminds countries that they are on their own.   It’s nice to trade....but countries are best placed to run.....errrr the country.  Simple.

i don’t think the EU will allow constitutional reform... so it’s collapse is inevitable under the circumstances.

After the fixed "election" of Ursula von der Leyen, constitutional reform is currently on the table. We'll wait and see...

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On 05/04/2020 at 12:40, Cuntybaws said:


Yes I’ve seen footage... not on the BBC of course.... of many Italian town majors removing the blue star spangled shit fest from their flag poles...... these were very supportive people of the EU last year.   Not now.

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16 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

After the fixed "election" of Ursula von der Leyen, constitutional reform is currently on the table. We'll wait and see...

Nah.... the separate states of the EU having to act like countries and take control of the situation, together with the complete lack of a together we can solve this approach by the EU has lead to people in previously supportive EU countries realizing.... profoundly... that the EU is a fucking crock of shit.   Flags are being removed from government offices and public places out of EMBARASSMENT.   It’s a fucking busted flush.   There will be nothing to reform as it will not have any members who give a shit and due to its unique non constitution it can never reform.    Italy looks more like a dead certain for leaving day by day..... flags taken down....politicians previously  supportive of the EU now publicly all set against staying in the EU.    They are of course seeing the fucking huge problems being faced by mass burials in Italian towns no supplies from their German and French cunt EU friends and the prospect of a 500 billion Greek style punishing bail out.  What’s not to like.... lol.     Reform..... it needs tearing down.

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6 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Yes I’ve seen footage... not on the BBC of course.... of many Italian town majors removing the blue star spangled shit fest from their flag poles...... these were very supportive people of the EU last year.   Not now.

Its not a proper protest unless something is on fire MC baby.


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2 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Not everywhere is uncivilized as Ireland you know.

We're a jovial lot over here TF baby..these lockdown measures over here arent popular. Its a 100 years ago this month when churchy sent the scum of the UK jails over here to try n keep down the peasants ..and just over two decades since kang bally n his ilk were stoppin n searchin the citizenry..but we know when to lie low..unlike yer throngs of yobbos who just dont get the keep calm n carry on mentality that y'all usta have.


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7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We're a jovial lot over here TF baby..these lockdown measures over here arent popular. Its a 100 years ago this month when churchy sent the scum of the UK jails over here to try n keep down the peasants ..and just over two decades since kang bally n his ilk were stoppin n searchin the citizenry..but we know when to lie low..unlike yer throngs of yobbos who just dont get the keep calm n carry on mentality that y'all usta have.


But how will you cope when the meths runs out?

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3 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

I'll be fine Paddy, I have a huge still in the shed and plenty of ingredients to keep me going until next summer. None of that nasty synthetic stuff for me.

Alcohol has a flashpoint of just over 43°C..lotta lads snared by the rozzerz for not having eyebrows, singed hairlines or missing bits of face.


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7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Alcohol has a flashpoint of just over 43°C..lotta lads snared by the rozzerz for not having eyebrows, singed hairlines or missing bits of face.


I'm making quality liquor with a well oiled machine (purely for personal use, I might add) and many years of trial and error well behind me. None of that dodgy Poitín swill for me.

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