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Italexit.....Italy tells EU to fuck off

Guest N/A

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So in the middle of all the bat flu fuck fest..... the EU but in particular the French and Z Germans have told Italy that their bail,out package will be based upon the same fund as the Greek bail out package.... Full of very damaging repayment terms that will put Italy in the same mess as Greece for the next 100 years or so.   Italy quite rightly argued that this virus problem is not of their doing ...everyone is suffering just the same.....Italy didn’t cause the virus economic problem.. so why use the punishing debt package issued to the defaulting Greeks?     Why not have an EU bail out like the English or USA?    Where everyone shares in the problem and the solution.     But the EU cunts want Italy to be under their Jack boot.     So Italy called them all cunts.......  I suspect they will be out of the EU within two years.....  maybe even earlier they way this is going.   The Germans may be playing a cute game....of forcing Italy to try and accept shit terms, knowing they will,kick off and hope they leave, so ze Germans can go it alone out of the failed EU project and copy England....whom they are jealous of watching us over the water and want to be like us, with no fucking hangers on with hands in every pocket....... hope the fucking Jocks fuck off soon being the exception.

bye bye EU cunts.....

of course this isn’t really covered anywhere in the BBC reports at all.... fucking useless biased EU protecting corrupt corporate  cunts.

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This is a real acid test of the whole European adventure.

Surely debt mutualisation is the only means of truly becoming “Europe”. Anything else and you know some countries (strangely enough those that shout loudest about closer cooperation) aren’t committed to the project, making a mockery of the whole thing.

The only way to make that viable is total political union and control.

I bet that's going to be the recommendation from on high after the smoke clears.

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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

England look on track to mirror Italy these days 


Yeah possibly, but you’ll be looking down on us from your Corona peak if there’s any of you still alive. Don’t imagine that your third world peat-bog/potato patch republic is somehow going to show us the way it’s done  Panz. Remember half your country keeled over when the shops ran short of spuds. The Chinky plague hasn’t been programmed to  swerve around the yyes men of the world such as yourselves. It won’t be long till the only sounds heard in Dublin are the trundling wheels of the fever carts and the shouts of “Bring out your dead!” as the rat covered corpses pile up in the open shit filled sewers making their way down to the Liffey. You must be very disappointed Panz. All these funerals coming up and you can’t even squeeze a few quid and free sandwiches out  of the grieving families with that old battered tin whistle you’ve been assaulting  peoples lugs with recently. Anyway, Fear not. The end when it comes will be quick, but also agonisingly painful. Anyway”Top o the morning to ya”

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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Yeah possibly, but you’ll be looking down on us from your Corona peak if there’s any of you still alive. Don’t imagine that your third world peat-bog/potato patch republic is somehow going to show us the way it’s done  Panz. Remember half your country keeled over when the shops ran short of spuds. The Chinky plague hasn’t been programmed to  swerve around the yyes men of the world such as yourselves. It won’t be long till the only sounds heard in Dublin are the trundling wheels of the fever carts and the shouts of “Bring out your dead!” as the rat covered corpses pile up in the open shit filled sewers making their way down to the Liffey. You must be very disappointed Panz. All these funerals coming up and you can’t even squeeze a few quid and free sandwiches out  of the grieving families with that old battered tin whistle you’ve been assaulting  peoples lugs with recently. Anyway, Fear not. The end when it comes will be quick, but also agonisingly painful. Anyway”Top o the morning to ya”

The fuckers will be on the phone to Boris in a couple of months begging for another loan. It never ceases to amaze me how they always brag about how prosperous Ireland is but can never navigate a crisis without begging us or the EU to bail them out.

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Gerrout there n get yer herd immunity..whatever the fuck that means...ya could ask boris but he's in his plague bunker ..the holdouts in euro land will eventually come around to the notion that this pestilence knows no rank or nationality..breath deep now..ive already felt it caress..knocked me down in December ..its a fuck of a dose and im in superb condition..bally baby...ya may meet yer old teeth in the afterlife 


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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Gerrout there n get yer herd immunity..whatever the fuck that means...ya could ask boris but he's in his plague bunker ..the holdouts in euro land will eventually come around to the notion that this pestilence knows no rank or nationality..breath deep now..ive already felt it caress..knocked me down in December ..its a fuck of a dose and im in superb condition..bally baby...ya may meet yer old teeth in the afterlife 


So you had it before it was even discovered in China? How could that be? Either you’ve been at it with Mr Wong the owner of Wuhan Palace take away or you’ve been fucking a bat. Either way you should hang your head in shame. 



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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

So you had it before or was even discovered in China? How could that be? Either you’ve been at it with Mr Wong the owner of Wuhan Palace take away or you’ve been fucking a bat. Either way you should hang your head in shame. 



Ya seem to place a lot of faith in what comes outa the chinee department of information yet in the same wheezy breath reject all things chinee related bally baby..as for 1690..who knows who'll be left to ramambaar ...


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8 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ya seem to place a lot of faith in what comes outa the chinee department of information yet in the same wheezy breath reject all things chinee related bally baby..as for 1690..who knows who'll be left to ramambaar ...


I’m fucking with you Panz. I couldn’t give a monkeys about all the old sectarian shit mate. Sure once our new yellow masters have us all out working the paddy fields you and me will be on the same side for once. Unless you’ve registered as a neutral country again to get a bit of maintenance work on the yellow submarine fleet. (There’s a song in that somewhere) As for you having had the Kungflu in December. That means you started it and you're well on your way to killing millions of cunts all over the world.(Something us Brits would never do.)

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All i know is i woke up one morning feeling like id been ina fight..sore all over..throat n chest felt like it was stuffed with brambles ..no energy to get out of bed ..slept for 14 hours... shivering and feeling cold while sweating  is a unique experience..next three days consisted of bed..kitchen..coffee..bed ..day five i felt better..week later fine again if they were the mild symptoms they say 80% experience then id not like to be in the unfortunate 20


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Guest judgetwi
12 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

All i know is i woke up one morning feeling like id been ina fight..sore all over..throat n chest felt like it was stuffed with brambles ..no energy to get out of bed ..slept for 14 hours... shivering and feeling cold while sweating  is a unique experience..next three days consisted of bed..kitchen..coffee..bed ..day five i felt better..week later fine again if they were the mild symptoms they say 80% experience then id not like to be in the unfortunate 20


Bullshit. Never happened.

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23 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

All i know is i woke up one morning feeling like id been ina fight..sore all over..throat n chest felt like it was stuffed with brambles ..no energy to get out of bed ..slept for 14 hours... shivering and feeling cold while sweating  is a unique experience..next three days consisted of bed..kitchen..coffee..bed ..day five i felt better..week later fine again if they were the mild symptoms they say 80% experience then id not like to be in the unfortunate 20


Maybe you should move to a more sheltered doorway. Or get a better cardboard box.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

Maybe you should move to a more sheltered doorway. Or get a better cardboard box.

If that were the case I'd have found meself in the nearest hospital and have been waited on hand n foot..the private sector are pretty much on their own. 


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29 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

All i know is i woke up one morning feeling like id been ina fight..sore all over..throat n chest felt like it was stuffed with brambles ..no energy to get out of bed ..slept for 14 hours... shivering and feeling cold while sweating  is a unique experience..next three days consisted of bed..kitchen..coffee..bed ..day five i felt better..week later fine again if they were the mild symptoms they say 80% experience then id not like to be in the unfortunate 20


Coming off craic (see what I did there?), is tough, my little ginger leprechaun. But you'll get through it. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

If that were the case I'd have found meself in the nearest hospital and have been waited on hand n foot..the private sector are pretty much on their own. 


One good thing about the current pox, is the removal of gutter snipes from our streets. I now have the entire South Circular to myself Panz, and I aint looked back since.  

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Guest 'eavensabove
36 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

All i know is i woke up one morning feeling like id been ina fight..sore all over..throat n chest felt like it was stuffed with brambles ..no energy to get out of bed ..slept for 14 hours... shivering and feeling cold while sweating  is a unique experience..next three days consisted of bed..kitchen..coffee..bed ..day five i felt better..week later fine again if they were the mild symptoms they say 80% experience then id not like to be in the unfortunate 20


Dodgy pint of Guinness, I take it then? 

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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:


2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

All i know is i woke up one morning feeling like id been ina fight..sore all over..throat n chest felt like it was stuffed with brambles ..no energy to get out of bed ..slept for 14 hours... shivering and feeling cold while sweating  is a unique experience..next three days consisted of bed..kitchen..coffee..bed ..day five i felt better..week later fine again if they were the mild symptoms they say 80% experience then id not like to be in the unfortunate 20


So that'll be what I'd call a decent hangover. Nothing to see here.

Fuck off.


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2 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

One good thing about the current pox, is the removal of gutter snipes from our streets. I now have the entire South Circular to myself Panz, and I aint looked back since.  

It's fantastic, like driving around the mountain roads of southern Spain in winter. Cock on.

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