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Guest 'eavensabove
3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Apparently Eric at 9pm tomorrow we all have to go outside and sing "We'll meet again". 


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19 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

You'd fucking love it, Gyps... The news just now on BBC1, is comparing Monday morning's 'easing' to ve day, and suggesting that some streets are marking the day with celebrations, bunting, bag-pipes & NHS flags.  They're also calling for a NHS memorial plinth to be erected in Trafalgar Square.


Fuck it. I’m gonna slip the Cadillac into the procession and do my best Boss Hogg impression. I’ll get the birds to dress as porn star GI Janes. It’s party time.

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Guest 'eavensabove
11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Fuck it. I’m gonna slip the Cadillac into the procession and do my best Boss Hogg impression. I’ll get the birds to dress as porn star GI Janes. It’s party time.

I'm doing some cheese & pineapple and a few sausage rolls. I may even crack open a can of Party 7 and a tin of red salmon. 

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Just now, 'eavensabove said:

I'm doing some cheese & pineapple and a few sausage rolls. I may even crack open a can of Party 7 and a tin of red salmon. 

You’re on the guest list. Make yourself known to Eric. I haven’t asked him yet but I’m guessing he’s itching to get back to work. 



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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You’re on the guest list. Make yourself known to Eric. I haven’t asked him yet but I’m guessing he’s itching to get back to work. 



I'll bring a few weapons and some cannon fodder. What time is it kicking-off? 

Oh, I'll need a tethering post and/or an area of pasture., for the wife.

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1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

It's also the looks you get, for arriving on yer doorstep 2 minutes late or heaven forbid not at all. Cast-out of yer community, sneered at and labelled as a turncoat. 'whispers' following you everywhere you go: "errrr, that's Him! The cunt without a rainbow, stone the fucker!!  I'm worried for me life, Gyps. I'm sure they're gonna lynch me on the village green, for not waving a poxy PPE mask and whooping "NHS" at the top of me voice wiv me hands clapping... I cant go on this, and I'll never get an ambulance at this rate for fuck all. I've been black-legged for not being daft.   

Dont worry 'eavens. We're all outcasts on here. You're just like the rest of us: a cunt. 

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1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

You'd fucking love it, Gyps... The news just now on BBC1, is comparing Monday morning's 'easing' to ve day, and suggesting that some streets are marking the day with celebrations, bunting, bag-pipes & NHS flags.  They're also calling for a NHS memorial plinth to be erected in Trafalgar Square.


I'm thinking of applying for a job on a research station on the Ross Ice Shelf. The only cunts who clap down there are the fucking penguins. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

You know how to party you


Yep, and when I say 'cheese & pineapple,' I mean on sticks, AND I chill the tin of red salmon, the night before... It's the little things that make all the difference, Gyps. I also tend to do a  C60 cassette tape too, so yer aint got to get out yer seat to flip-over to the B-sides on yer 45rpms. 

See... I know me stuff. Me last shin-dig went on to well past 12:45am in the morning!!!

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15 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Oh, I'll need a tethering post and/or an area of pasture., for the wife

As a three time husband I feel qualified to let you into a little secret. The only three times I can honestly say I’ve felt happy is the day when I’ve left them.

“I’d never get married again though. I’ll just find a woman who hates me and buy the fucker a house.”

Jim Davidson.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, King Billy said:

As a three time husband I feel qualified to let you into a little secret. The only three times I can honestly say I’ve felt happy is the day when I’ve left them.

“I’d never get married again though. I’ll just find a woman who hates me and buy the fucker a house.”

Jim Davidson.

I'll let YOU into a secret. I've never married ANY of the fuckers. 

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11 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Yep, and when I say 'cheese & pineapple,' I mean on sticks, AND I chill the tin of red salmon, the night before... It's the little things that make all the difference, Gyps. I also tend to do a  C60 cassette tape too, so yer aint got to get out yer seat to flip-over to the B-sides on yer 45rpms. 

See... I know me stuff. Me last shin-dig went on to well past 12:45am in the morning!!!

What are those wrinkly things on sticks? Oh I know. They're pensioners. 

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1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

I'll bring a few weapons and some cannon fodder. What time is it kicking-off? 

Oh, I'll need a tethering post and/or an area of pasture., for the wife.

Unfortunately, financial constraints mean that food cannot be provided. However, Roops and Gyppo have agreed to wear their quick access front loading bra's so they can flop their milkers out if anyone needs feeding.

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Guest 'eavensabove
10 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Unfortunately, financial constraints mean that food cannot be provided. However, Roops and Gyppo have agreed to wear their quick access front loading bra's so they can flop their milkers out if anyone needs feeding.

errrrrm. I think I'll take mine black, if it's all the same. Put me name forward for the Futterwacken, and I'll bring me hat and teapot. 

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Sky news reports 140 migrants were intercepted trying to cross the channel and get into Britain on Friday, the highest number in a single day. Some lesbian, snowflake slut says they are fleeing danger in their own country!! May I remind Ms Snowflake that we are leading the European league for deaths from Covid-19 so what makes these rag heads and darker people think they'll be safer here than, oh I don't know, Germany??? Fucking scroungers after our benefits when we have enough indigenous sorts like Pansy.

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Guest 'eavensabove
20 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Sky news reports 140 migrants were intercepted trying to cross the channel and get into Britain on Friday, the highest number in a single day. Some lesbian, snowflake slut says they are fleeing danger in their own country!! May I remind Ms Snowflake that we are leading the European league for deaths from Covid-19 so what makes these rag heads and darker people think they'll be safer here than, oh I don't know, Germany??? Fucking scroungers after our benefits when we have enough indigenous sorts like Pansy.

Which in other words, means that a further 140,000 were not... 

These carefully planned crossings by the jabookies, were timed to coincide with the D-Day landings. They simply got the "D" mixed-up with the "V" and the "E" and read somewhere that COVID 19 was a DWP Benefit handed out to those fortunate enough to remain afloat. 

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3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Sky news reports 140 migrants were intercepted trying to cross the channel and get into Britain on Friday, the highest number in a single day. Some lesbian, snowflake slut says they are fleeing danger in their own country!! May I remind Ms Snowflake that we are leading the European league for deaths from Covid-19 so what makes these rag heads and darker people think they'll be safer here than, oh I don't know, Germany??? Fucking scroungers after our benefits when we have enough indigenous sorts like Pansy.

Perhaps information about our lockdown didn’t quite reach all the shit holes of sub Saharan Africa that these brownies came from. Maybe chinks will have them, Wuhan is opening for business.

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There's something very fishy about this ching chong bat flu. How come it's affecting and killing more in countries with the most robust health care in the world yet in places right next to the supposed outbreak like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand etc whose hospitals aren't a patch on ours, the death toll is a fraction of the western liberal democracies? It seems to be killing healthy Europeans and the ethnics here and sweeping over places which until a decade or so ago would have been classed as third world. It's almost as if its selective in its victims and as chance would have it, appeared first in the city with the chinks bio lab next door. Engineered as a vengeance weapon to teach us wide eyes not to wage trade wars against the CCP

The chinks have been lying through their zipper head teeth since day one with this shit. Telling the Aussies there's no problem when Bruce suggested shutting boarders whilst at the same time buying up all their med kit. Getting the WHO on side to silence Taiwan when they raised the alarm in January

These shitcunts can't be trusted and until the decent world comes to a consensus they'll keep doing what they like and laughing at our piss weak, pussy leaders. Unfortunately there's a buffoon in the White House and until a reasonable person takes charge that consensus won't come. 

Time to strike back with our own bio weapons now

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16 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There's something very fishy about this ching chong bat flu. How come it's affecting and killing more in countries with the most robust health care in the world yet in places right next to the supposed outbreak like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand etc whose hospitals aren't a patch on ours, the death toll is a fraction of the western liberal democracies? It seems to be killing healthy Europeans and the ethnics here and sweeping over places which until a decade or so ago would have been classed as third world. It's almost as if its selective in its victims and as chance would have it, appeared first in the city with the chinks bio lab next door. Engineered as a vengeance weapon to teach us wide eyes not to wage trade wars against the CCP

The chinks have been lying through their zipper head teeth since day one with this shit. Telling the Aussies there's no problem when Bruce suggested shutting boarders whilst at the same time buying up all their med kit. Getting the WHO on side to silence Taiwan when they raised the alarm in January

These shitcunts can't be trusted and until the decent world comes to a consensus they'll keep doing what they like and laughing at our piss weak, pussy leaders. Unfortunately there's a buffoon in the White House and until a reasonable person takes charge that consensus won't come. 

Time to strike back with our own bio weapons now

Trump is the only President who’s had the bollocks to call the yellow bastards out for the treacherous cunts that they are and this shit is rapidly escalating towards war. I totally disagree that he’s a buffoon. From day one he’s recognised the total sellout of America to the slant eyed devils and he’s been up against the deep state traitors in his own country aswell who’ve tried to bring him down with fake conspiracies from day one. The General Flynn thing unfolding now is proving that Obama, Hillary and the top level of FBI and the Democrat party to have conspired to unseat him and they’re all going to jail. Sooner than  you think. The Trump haters are going to be shown up as the no good wankers that they are and they will deserve everything they have coming. Scummy cunts every one of them.

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51 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There's something very fishy about this ching chong bat flu. How come it's affecting and killing more in countries with the most robust health care in the world yet in places right next to the supposed outbreak like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand etc whose hospitals aren't a patch on ours, the death toll is a fraction of the western liberal democracies? It seems to be killing healthy Europeans and the ethnics here and sweeping over places which until a decade or so ago would have been classed as third world. It's almost as if its selective in its victims and as chance would have it, appeared first in the city with the chinks bio lab next door. Engineered as a vengeance weapon to teach us wide eyes not to wage trade wars against the CCP

The chinks have been lying through their zipper head teeth since day one with this shit. Telling the Aussies there's no problem when Bruce suggested shutting boarders whilst at the same time buying up all their med kit. Getting the WHO on side to silence Taiwan when they raised the alarm in January

These shitcunts can't be trusted and until the decent world comes to a consensus they'll keep doing what they like and laughing at our piss weak, pussy leaders. Unfortunately there's a buffoon in the White House and until a reasonable person takes charge that consensus won't come. 

Time to strike back with our own bio weapons now

You are giving the chinks too much credit in the head department, Stubby. They are sneaky little con artists, quite sloppy, less productive (per output) and not very inventive en masse. Their strength are: operating in the shadows, street cunning, bribery and hidden exploitation. There is no advantage for them to cause a pandemic, it only hastens their own demise, by trade crashing and internal bankruptcies and societal tensions rising. They are heading for a wall faster than expected with this pandemic priming the course. The official unemployment statistics show a range of around six percent but internal data hovers around twenty. And this is just for starters. Chinks export all over the world, with the West being the most lucrative destination, but all markets are going down the shitter pretty fast and with declining coal resources and the need to import top ups, the whole thing is collapsing. Western corporations have been moving parts of their operations to cheaper shit holes with more coal and plenty of slave labour.
I am looking forward to a tug of war between them and the injuns. We are fucked but they are super fucked.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

Trump is the only President who’s had the bollocks to call the yellow bastards out for the treacherous cunts that they are and this shit is rapidly escalating towards war. I totally disagree that he’s a buffoon. From day one he’s recognised the total sellout of America to the slant eyed devils and he’s been up against the deep state traitors in his own country aswell who’ve tried to bring him down with fake conspiracies from day one. The General Flynn thing unfolding now is proving that Obama, Hillary and the top level of FBI and the Democrat party to have conspired to unseat him and they’re all going to jail. Sooner than  you think. The Trump haters are going to be shown up as the no good wankers that they are and they will deserve everything they have coming. Scummy cunts every one of them.


14 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There's something very fishy about this ching chong bat flu. How come it's affecting and killing more in countries with the most robust health care in the world yet in places right next to the supposed outbreak like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand etc whose hospitals aren't a patch on ours, the death toll is a fraction of the western liberal democracies? It seems to be killing healthy Europeans and the ethnics here and sweeping over places which until a decade or so ago would have been classed as third world. It's almost as if its selective in its victims and as chance would have it, appeared first in the city with the chinks bio lab next door. Engineered as a vengeance weapon to teach us wide eyes not to wage trade wars against the CCP

The chinks have been lying through their zipper head teeth since day one with this shit. Telling the Aussies there's no problem when Bruce suggested shutting boarders whilst at the same time buying up all their med kit. Getting the WHO on side to silence Taiwan when they raised the alarm in January

These shitcunts can't be trusted and until the decent world comes to a consensus they'll keep doing what they like and laughing at our piss weak, pussy leaders. Unfortunately there's a buffoon in the White House and until a reasonable person takes charge that consensus won't come. 

Time to strike back with our own bio weapons now

Trump has been criticised by the PC-brigade for frequently referring to COVID-19 as the 'Chinese' or 'Wuhan' virus. The fact is the city was the original epicentre of the outbreak, so he is technically correct. Most I've spoken with apportion blame to China – and that's the general feeling all-round (expect for The Guardian and noble BBC). I anticipate tensions to rise in the coming weeks as the number of deaths in the US soar as a result of Beijing's initial propaganda to conceal the actual death toll (though likely we will never know the true stats since reports suggest many bodies were disposed of in mass cremations).

What the West is experiencing at the moment does not match that which China reported to the world in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if the real number was at least 5-6 times higher than China initially let on – while still permitting international travel to and from Wuhan. It wouldn't be the first time China has lied. If the US boycotts China, I hope the rest of the world follows. China's treatment of its people and now the manner with which its half-truths have caused the worldwide economy to come to a virtual standstill, the legacy of which will continue to cause poverty en mass, deserves severe consequences. I'm getting sick to the back teeth of political correctness at a time like this. Whether derived through appalling animal welfare conditions at its live food markets or an escaped bio-weapon, the truth is China created this (as well as SARS, H1-N1 and a plethora of other virulent diseases) and wholly deserves to be sanctioned.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:


Trump has been criticised by the PC-brigade for frequently referring to COVID-19 as the 'Chinese' or 'Wuhan' virus. The fact is the city was the original epicentre of the outbreak, so he is technically correct. Most I've spoken with apportion blame to China – and that's the general feeling all-round (expect for The Guardian and noble BBC). I anticipate tensions to rise in the coming weeks as the number of deaths in the US soar as a result of Beijing's initial propaganda to conceal the actual death toll (though likely we will never know the true stats since reports suggest many bodies were disposed off in mass cremations).

What the West is experiencing at the moment does not match that which China reported to the world in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if the real number was at least 5-6 times higher than China initially let on – while still permitting international travel to and from Wuhan. It wouldn't be the first time China has lied. If the US boycotts China, I hope the rest of the world follows. China's treatment of its people and now the manner with which its half-truths have caused the worldwide economy to come to a virtual standstill, the legacy of which will continue to cause poverty en mass, deserves severe consequences. I'm getting sick to the back teeth of political correctness at a time like this. Whether derived through appalling animal welfare conditions at its live food markets or an escaped bio-weapon, the truth is China created this (as well as SARS, H1-N1 and a plethora of other virulent diseases) and wholly deserves to be sanctioned.

Post of the week. Good job Wolfie. If I had my way, you'd be in charge of the news. These hand wringing liberal, pseudo-intellectual cunts need to be eliminated.

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