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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Mrs. R, my old friend. Has Withers been released yet, or is he due a reprieve in the near future?

As unbelievable as it sounds, I miss the insolvent, old frog cunt.

Once the site's critical mass looks stable in the long term, then we'll look at releasing the more toxic punters back into the site.

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Which of these would you say describes you best?

A.. Easy going, friendly and well liked.

B..Modest, good listener, popular,  but finds it difficult to maintain friendships.

C..Constantly falling out with people through no fault of your own.

D..Thin skinned, delusional, narcissist who has spent their entire life explaining to inferior people how stupid they are and how clever and wonderfully balanced and knowledgable you are.

E..A fucked up old bag who can’t accept their boring lot in life and believes the fantasy bullshit she’s been trying to have people who don’t give a fuck about any of it believe for years.

F.. Good at googling.

Quit the snivelling ya little pratt. I don't care.

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Once the site's critical mass looks stable in the long term, then we'll look at releasing the more toxic punters back into the site.

Punkape can always use his boron ‘control rod’ on anyone approaching critical mass - as long as they’re male.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Once the site's critical mass looks stable in the long term, then we'll look at releasing the more toxic punters back into the site.

Never mind that fucking shite and the pack of gaylord weapons grade cunts in lock down- we want, no fuck it, demand, quincycockfingers is contacted immediately and reinstated to his heroic position as the moral compass of this site.

When was the last time a newbie was offered a steaming turd to chew on? A fucking long bloody time ago thats when.

In fact, why don't you pack it in and make Quincy the head moderator and liven this fucking place up?

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Once the site's critical mass looks stable in the long term, then we'll look at releasing the more toxic punters back into the site.

Bullshit and double standards. I'm just as toxic as @Witheredscrote, but you allow my continued existence because I'm much sexier and you fancy me loads. 


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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Bullshit and double standards. I'm just as toxic as @Witheredscrote, but you allow my continued existence because I'm much sexier and you fancy me loads. 


I think she'll fancy anything,  Eric since Eddie kicked her out. The poor cunt didn't even get the Vauxhall Viva either. 

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

She's been after me for ages. The thought of a bit of rough with a +150 IQ leaves her slavering at the gusset.

sorry Eric, we are still very much a item, in fact i am considering taking the leg chain off of her, but obviously she will remain locked in the basement.

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4 hours ago, Eddie said:

sorry Eric, we are still very much a item, in fact i am considering taking the leg chain off of her, but obviously she will remain locked in the basement.

She won’t even want to leave till she’s read the entire Encyclopaedia Brittanica collection you’ve piled up against the door. You’re a brave man Eddie to tackle her enormous ego, never mind her humongous minge. She must be a tremendous cockpark or you must be completely mad. Which is it?

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Once the site's critical mass looks stable in the long term, then we'll look at releasing the more toxic punters back into the site.

I hope @Frank won't be included in this. Not because he was disruptive, abusive and crossed lines, I would have loved that. But more because he turned into a line-toeing, boring nonentity who for the past four years has just been here to make up the numbers.

Frank, this is the first time that you have been banned that quite literally no one has called for you to be reinstated. That alone is testament to how shit you now are.

Stay dead.


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Not interested, its natural selection so que sera sera.I hope me and my family dont get it but if any or all of us do then there is fuck all I can do about it so I'm fucked if I'm going to let people who dont have as clue what's going to happen affect my life in any way.As far as I can see the figures as yet are nowhere near previous death rates this millennium and until then fucks given are zero

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Guest judgetwi
On 13/03/2020 at 14:32, Mrs Roops said:

It says something when I have to give advice on best socialist practice. Go to a bank or post office branch where they have manned counters. Naturally you won't as you are one of those pseudo socialist virtue-signallers who shout a lot but does nothing.

Is that right? Well getting to a “manned counter” ( blatant patriarchal sexism there ) is a bit difficult when you have to FUCKING WORK ALL DAY!! Unfortunately Mr(s) Roops we’re not all drag queens who start work at 9 pm. Not that i’m making any judgements or anything.

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On 12/03/2020 at 21:54, judgetwi said:

I note that women have now found a new way to hold up the check out queue in the supermarket and annoy the shit out of me. In addition to the usual fucking about getting their cards out of their bags and purses, and putting it all back again, they are now getting out the hand gel from their cavernous bags, applying it, putting it back, searching for their gloves, fucking standing there pulling their gloves on while telling everyone “you can’t be too careful these days.” FOR FUCKS SAKE !!!!

Can we have a “MEN ONLY” checkout please.......for cunts who just want to pay for their shit and get the fuck out of there?

Cracking idea that, J. Have you ever considered a job in retail management? Look at old Philly Greene, that cunts worth a fortune, and like yourself happens to be Jewish.

No need to thank me.

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On 13/03/2020 at 20:41, King Billy said:

Which of these would you say describes you best?

A.. Easy going, friendly and well liked.

B..Modest, good listener, popular,  but finds it difficult to maintain friendships.

C..Constantly falling out with people through no fault of your own.

D..Thin skinned, delusional, narcissist who has spent their entire life explaining to inferior people how stupid they are and how clever and wonderfully balanced and knowledgable you are.

E..A fucked up old bag who can’t accept their boring lot in life and believes the fantasy bullshit she’s been trying to have people who don’t give a fuck about any of it believe for years.

F.. Good at googling.

I’m going for G ..... Excellent at eliciting reactions from others in chat room silent movie  foodfights.

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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Cracking idea that, J. Have you ever considered a job in retail management? Look at old Philly Greene, that cunts worth a fortune, and like yourself happens to be Jewish.

No need to thank me.

Sorry Marje, it was a foolish, unspoken assumption on my part that the average cunt would realise that my MEN ONLY checkout would exclude poofs and trannies. Bad news for you but, as you point out, an innovative idea in retail management.

Still, it gives yet another opportunity for you to cry like a girl. No need to thank me. 

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Is that right? Well getting to a “manned counter” ( blatant patriarchal sexism there ) is a bit difficult when you have to FUCKING WORK ALL DAY!! Unfortunately Mr(s) Roops we’re not all drag queens who start work at 9 pm. Not that i’m making any judgements or anything.

Typical  yet sickening crypto-bourgeoisie comment from you. "Do as I say, not as I do".

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