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Climate Agenda Seed Funding Cunts

Guest Cunt-End Of The World

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11 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Climate change has always been part of the living planet and space interaction, but the massive CO2 and pollution buildup of the last three hundred year, still expanding, is directly related to human activity. Please point to any sources if you want to make a valid argument. Chinks have recently cut their massive carbon-riddled activities and the crap in the air is already falling (pollution not CO2). That itself may lead to a sudden increase in global temperatures, as more radiation is reaching the Earth. With El Niño effects being felt later in the year, this year is looking a right fucking disaster cluster. Be patient. 

CO2 is a fucking red herring.....it bares no correlation to climate temperatures.  Indeed the earth is experiencing a drought of CO2 as it’s mostly all locked away in limestones of millions of years of dead animals.  The uncomfortable truth is CO2 has gradually declined as a % of the earths atmosphere over the past 250 million years and in that time of steady CO2 decline the earths temperature has gone up and down in cycles.....bearing no relation to CO 2 levels...Fact.       Now if you want to look at a gas that does have some correlation to earths temperature take a look at Clouds....H2O.     Those fuckers affect the temperature.    But  no fuckers are going around saying H2O is a problem.     It’s universities pumping hundreds of millions in grants from governments to simply measure shit.  No one is doing anything.... just simply measuring shit.    If there is any truth in climate change the special people would be fucking DOING something about it.  I smell more than a rat.


ive just asked the UK government for a £3 million grant to measure coral reefs in Thailand.  Should take me about 25 years to study properly.  Not going to do fuck all about it.....just measure it....as I know there’s really fuck all going on outside of periodical changes and we all know the world was a lot lot lot hotter in its past.   So if thing die out then shit happens and evolution will have its say.

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2 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

CO2 is a fucking red herring.....it bares no correlation to climate temperatures.  Indeed the earth is experiencing a drought of CO2 as it’s mostly all locked away in limestones of millions of years of dead animals.  The uncomfortable truth is CO2 has gradually declined as a % of the earths atmosphere over the past 250 million years and in that time of steady CO2 decline the earths temperature has gone up and down in cycles.....bearing no relation to CO 2 levels...Fact.       Now if you want to look at a gas that does have some correlation to earths temperature take a look at Clouds....H2O.     Those fuckers affect the temperature.    But  no fuckers are going around saying H2O is a problem.     It’s universities pumping hundreds of millions in grants from governments to simply measure shit.  No one is doing anything.... just simply measuring shit.    If there is any truth in climate change the special people would be fucking DOING something about it.  I smell more than a rat.


ive just asked the UK government for a £3 million grant to measure coral reefs in Thailand.  Should take me about 25 years to study properly.  Not going to do fuck all about it.....just measure it....as I know there’s really fuck all going on outside of periodical changes and we all know the world was a lot lot lot hotter in its past.   So if thing die out then shit happens and evolution will have its say.

I can imagine what you'd get up to in Thailand when your'e not studying fucking coral reefs. Bangkok? More like Drippykok. 

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There's an overwhelming and irrefutable body of evidence to prove global warming is due to human activity. This can be traced back to the industrial revolution and the exponential increase in human population. These events neatly correspond with the decrease in forest cover, draining of wetlands, massive drop in other species and the increasingly industrial and chemical farming methods that have evolved to feed our every growing numbers.

Any cunt who can't see this should read a few books or be turned into fish food. Either that or they're over 50 and read the daily express

The one shinning light is the recent chink flu which I genuinely hope kills in the millions. When the Black Death hit Europe and culled the overwhelmingly subsistence farming populace, the resulting agricultural abandonment and massive scub and tree growth sucked up enough CO2 and made enough O2 to cause a short term global cooling

fuck off

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There's an overwhelming and irrefutable body of evidence to prove global warming is due to human activity. This can be traced back to the industrial revolution and the exponential increase in human population. These events neatly correspond with the decrease in forest cover, draining of wetlands, massive drop in other species and the increasingly industrial and chemical farming methods that have evolved to feed our every growing numbers.

Any cunt who can't see this should read a few books or be turned into fish food. Either that or they're over 50 and read the daily express

The one shinning light is the recent chink flu which I genuinely hope kills in the millions. When the Black Death hit Europe and culled the overwhelmingly subsistence farming populace, the resulting agricultural abandonment and massive scub and tree growth sucked up enough CO2 and made enough O2 to cause a short term global cooling

fuck off

It’s people like you consuming cheap battery chickens, non-organic meats and irresponsibly husbanded livestock that is perverting the food chain.

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3 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

It’s people like you consuming cheap battery chickens, non-organic meats and irresponsibly husbanded livestock that is perverting the food chain.

I eat meat about once a fortnight, unlike you who scoffs down several black puddings of a night. Said ebony sausages are of course attached to an AIDS riddled congoite straight off the banana boat


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6 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

It’s people like you consuming cheap battery chickens, non-organic meats and irresponsibly husbanded livestock that is perverting the food chain.

Joking aside, I've just received funding to study deforestation in west Africa. I'm recruiting an asisstant who's main job will to be with the native bearers who'll be mostly naked and covered in sweat for their exertions in the tropical heat. Interested?

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16 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There's an overwhelming and irrefutable body of evidence to prove global warming is due to human activity. This can be traced back to the industrial revolution and the exponential increase in human population. These events neatly correspond with the decrease in forest cover, draining of wetlands, massive drop in other species and the increasingly industrial and chemical farming methods that have evolved to feed our every growing numbers.

Any cunt who can't see this should read a few books or be turned into fish food. Either that or they're over 50 and read the daily express

The one shinning light is the recent chink flu which I genuinely hope kills in the millions. When the Black Death hit Europe and culled the overwhelmingly subsistence farming populace, the resulting agricultural abandonment and massive scub and tree growth sucked up enough CO2 and made enough O2 to cause a short term global cooling

fuck off

Right on the money. Carbon emissions to absorption ratios are currently 2:1 and increasing. That’s unprecedented in human history.

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6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I eat meat about once a fortnight, unlike you who scoffs down several black puddings of a night. Said ebony sausages are of course attached to an AIDS riddled congoite straight off the banana boat



fuckin lol?

I'll give you fuckin lol mate

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On 02/03/2020 at 20:43, Stubby Pecker said:

I eat meat about once a fortnight, unlike you who scoffs down several black puddings of a night. Said ebony sausages are of course attached to an AIDS riddled congoite straight off the banana boat


You should up your meat intake John .. three times a week at least..

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On 01/03/2020 at 22:00, Decimus said:

I'd never want you to mistake my virulent antisemitism for a mere schoolboy heartbreak, but the truth is that I first started hating the three quarter cocks shortly after some yiddy cunt called David poached my girlfriend away from me at sixth form. I've despised them ever since.


I will say that any cunt who uses the ghastly term "high school" should have their skull split open with a meat cleaver and the contents thereof fed to pigs. The same should apply to these "academies" as well.

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Oh to be 6' 3" if I were 6' 3" I would be on the first train to Glawster to tear your frail 9 stone frame limb from limb sadly I'm 5' 5" .. although I reckon that with a baseball bat I could still knock your skinny legs from under you. I went to Exmouth on Monday and a few raw recruits dropped off a the commando station .. I'm not sure how they will survive the tests, they were all 6 footers but they were skinny as fuck and their legs were thinner than a female flower beetle's legs.

Why anyone would even think of joining the armed forces today is a complete mindfuck to me. As you know I have a long family history of army relatives and the way that the ungrateful cunts in government treat veterans sickens me. Basically “Fuck Off we don’t need you anymore” after sometimes 20 or 25 years service. No home to go to, no follow up treatment or psychological help for PTSD which a hell of lot of soldiers have, and which is a terrible condition which a lot of cunts who’ve never risked anything of value, never mind their lives don’t even believe is a real illness. The snowflakes of today couldn’t defend this country if we were invaded by a litter of fucking fluffy kittens. Oh and as if that’s not enough, don’t be relaxing too much in your old age cos we’ll probably send the old bill round to arrest you for shooting some dirty IRA cunt years ago.

Rule Britannia!

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

skinny as fuck and their legs were thinner than a female flower beetle's legs.

Really? And exactly how many people do you think are familiar with the bulk of a flower beetle’s legs let alone the difference between the male and female? I would suggest probably one. A complete fucking nutter who could  make Jeremy Corbyn seem exciting.

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3 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I will say that any cunt who uses the ghastly term "high school" should have their skull split open with a meat cleaver and the contents thereof fed to pigs. The same should apply to these "academies" as well.

What on Earth are you blithering on about? 

It may well be a good 50 years since you went to an all boys reformatory school for the sexually demented, but ghastly or not, in my day that's what my school was officially known as. Not a secondary modern, or whatever antiquated shite you're acquainted with. 

Take your fucking meds and shut the fuck up.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

What on Earth are you blithering on about? 

It may well be a good 50 years since you went to an all boys reformatory school for the sexually demented, but ghastly or not, in my day that's what my school was officially known as. Not a secondary modern, or whatever antiquated shite you're acquainted with. 

Take your fucking meds and shut the fuck up.

Why do you have Lech Walesa your avatar?

Have you become a Catholic?

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Have you ever seen Parks and Recreation? It's Ron Swanson. We have similar occupations and outlooks on life.

Never heard of Ron but presumably he’s a paper shuffling, pen pushing wanker who thinks his shit should be up for auction at Christie’s.

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