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Climate Agenda Seed Funding Cunts

Guest Cunt-End Of The World

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World

Climate change exists, but it isn't man made and they fucking know it. Meteorological records only go back so far, geological record goes back over 4 billion years worth of decayed matter and with my basic degree in geology from 16 years ago I can tell you global warming and cooling is recorded in layers of rock, to roughly the same degree as it is displaying now, every 200 and 400 and 10,000 years. Never quoted.

Take a look at all the major climate organisations and their original seed funders, all billionaire proponents of eugenics. Absolute fucking fact avoiding, agenda pushing cunts.

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Climate change has always been part of the living planet and space interaction, but the massive CO2 and pollution buildup of the last three hundred year, still expanding, is directly related to human activity. Please point to any sources if you want to make a valid argument. Chinks have recently cut their massive carbon-riddled activities and the crap in the air is already falling (pollution not CO2). That itself may lead to a sudden increase in global temperatures, as more radiation is reaching the Earth. With El Niño effects being felt later in the year, this year is looking a right fucking disaster cluster. Be patient. 

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Guest Monaco Slim

I love how you science cucks are absolutely convinced you know the earth is billions of years old and know all about what the climate was like back then all because you stare at a rock and assume its age.

The earths looks flat because it is fucking flat and you feel no spin because it aint fucking spinning. The climate has always been the same, Scotlands never going to stop raining, Spains never going to stop being hot.

Climate change is pushed so that  you sheep beg to pay your climate tax and buy your gay little electric cars to "SAVE THE PLANETTTT"


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16 minutes ago, Monaco Slim said:

I love how you science cucks are absolutely convinced you know the earth is billions of years old and know all about what the climate was like back then all because you stare at a rock and assume its age.

The earths looks flat because it is fucking flat and you feel no spin because it aint fucking spinning. The climate has always been the same, Scotlands never going to stop raining, Spains never going to stop being hot.

Climate change is pushed so that  you sheep beg to pay your climate tax and buy your gay little electric cars to "SAVE THE PLANETTTT"


I had to thoroughly beat my son last week after he returned home from school spouting a load of soy boy, beta cock nonsense.

According to him and his teachers, we're all monkeys from Africa, and the first humans were as black as the ace of spades.

Needless to say, after knocking his teeth half way across the room, I calmly explained to him that blacks and Asians are a separate species to us, descended from Gorillas and Capuchin monkeys respectively, whilst the white man was of course created by God in his own image.

It breaks my heart to think that communist, left wing paedos are allowed to brainwash our children into believing that dinosaurs existed, gays have rights and that we're kin with darkies. Fucking sickening.

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Guest Monaco Slim
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

I had to thoroughly beat my son last week after he returned home from school spouting a load of soy boy, beta cock nonsense.

According to him and his teachers, we're all monkeys from Africa, and the first humans were as black as the ace of spades.

Needless to say, after knocking his teeth half way across the room, I calmly explained to him that blacks and Asians are a separate species to us, descended from Gorillas and Capuchin monkeys respectively, whilst the white man was of course created by God in his own image.

It breaks my heart to think that communist, left wing paedos are allowed to brainwash our children into believing that dinosaurs existed, gays have rights and that we're kin with darkies. Fucking sickening.

When I was in school the amount of space & dinosaur programming was unreal, projects every 4 months where you would have to talk about your favourite fake dinosaur from 40 million years ago or your favourite fake planet where you hold up an artists interpretation and talk about how many moons it has

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I had to thoroughly beat my son last week after he returned home from school spouting a load of soy boy, beta cock nonsense.

According to him and his teachers, we're all monkeys from Africa, and the first humans were as black as the ace of spades.

Needless to say, after knocking his teeth half way across the room, I calmly explained to him that blacks and Asians are a separate species to us, descended from Gorillas and Capuchin monkeys respectively, whilst the white man was of course created by God in his own image.

It breaks my heart to think that communist, left wing paedos are allowed to brainwash our children into believing that dinosaurs existed, gays have rights and that we're kin with darkies. Fucking sickening.

I have two disgusting dinosaurs next door and would love for the revolting bastards to go extinct some time soon. The corona virus seems to jump species effectively, so I suppose it’s just a matter of time now.

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2 hours ago, Monaco Slim said:

When I was in school the amount of space & dinosaur programming was unreal, projects every 4 months where you would have to talk about your favourite fake dinosaur from 40 million years ago or your favourite fake planet where you hold up an artists interpretation and talk about how many moons it has

I bet you loved talking about Uranus at your school. It wasn't catholic by any chance?

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6 hours ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

Climate change exists, but it isn't man made and they fucking know it. Meteorological records only go back so far, geological record goes back over 4 billion years worth of decayed matter and with my basic degree in geology from 16 years ago I can tell you global warming and cooling is recorded in layers of rock, to roughly the same degree as it is displaying now, every 200 and 400 and 10,000 years. Never quoted.

Take a look at all the major climate organisations and their original seed funders, all billionaire proponents of eugenics. Absolute fucking fact avoiding, agenda pushing cunts.

You seem to be devoid of facts yourself. Which "major climate organisations" are you referring to?

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Guest Monaco Slim
13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I hope you don't mind me saying this as one heterosexual alpha to another, but you're the best thing to happen to this site within the past three years. 

What are you thoughts on Vegans?

Just another group of deluded mentally ill faggots much like the climate protesters, they probably slept with stuffed animals for too long. Its amazing that those anorexic greasy haired cunt bags have convinced themselves that the vegan diet is healthy. Jesus knew that getting his omega 3 fish oil was important and that's all I need to know.

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4 minutes ago, Monaco Slim said:

Just another group of deluded mentally ill faggots much like the climate protesters, they probably slept with stuffed animals for too long. Its amazing that those anorexic greasy haired cunt bags have convinced themselves that the vegan diet is healthy. Jesus knew that getting his omega 3 fish oil was important and that's all I need to know.

The vegan diet is fine for a few years but I've seen vegans begin to develop health problems because many of them don't take supplements. I went to a vegan restaurant with friends. Never again. 

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Guest Monaco Slim
5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The vegan diet is fine for a few years but I've seen vegans begin to develop health problems because many of them don't take supplements. I went to a vegan restaurant with friends. Never again. 

If your diet has to rely on man made supplements then right there you know its a complete sham.

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26 minutes ago, Monaco Slim said:

If your diet has to rely on man made supplements then right there you know its a complete sham.

The majority of vegans are degenerate homosexuals who derive most of their protein intake from semen. They want to give human rights to beasts of the field against all that is right and holy.

Pigs, cows, chickens and sheep wouldn't exist if it wasn't for normal, non-weird folk such as you and I, so vegans should fuck off and die.

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Guest Monaco Slim
1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Worse still is the 'organic' brigade. Biggest fucking scam going.  

All those delusional cunts probably think the chickens are being farmed on the set of the teletubbies because they spent an extra £1 on the chicken

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I don't think these shitheels from extinction rebellion are anything more than controlled opposition.

Images of them sitting on a London Bridge with their picnic blanket and all the middle class fayre is hardly what I would associate with a full on claret and teeth rebellion.

We are all having our plonkers pulled by these unbearable cunts.

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2 hours ago, Monaco Slim said:

Just another group of deluded mentally ill faggots much like the climate protesters, they probably slept with stuffed animals for too long. Its amazing that those anorexic greasy haired cunt bags have convinced themselves that the vegan diet is healthy. Jesus knew that getting his omega 3 fish oil was important and that's all I need to know.

Jesus was a pseudo intellectual jewish queer, and I for one am glad he's dead. His brand of washing powder for the soul is declining faster than Weinstein's arse is widening. Death to all shysters and their imperialist running dog followers.  


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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

I hope you don't mind me saying this as one heterosexual alpha to another, but you're the best thing to happen to this site within the past three years. 

What are you thoughts on Vegans?

you're about as straight as DNA strands playing twister tonight Deco. 

Glad you've got a new friend though.


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6 minutes ago, ratcum said:

you're about as straight as DNA strands playing twister tonight Deco. 

Glad you've got a new friend though.


I'd never want you to mistake my virulent antisemitism for a mere schoolboy heartbreak, but the truth is that I first started hating the three quarter cocks shortly after some yiddy cunt called David poached my girlfriend away from me at sixth form. I've despised them ever since.


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