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Britain To Be Made Example Of

Guest Cunt-End Of The World

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14 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Amin was never at RMAS. 

You can’t knock a hero who awarded himself the VC along with almost every other medal in the British Army. Special, very special, so it’s no surprise that Spunkers holds him in high esteem. I believe Spunkers has been observed, lurking around some well known fag haunts in the Cheshire area, proudly displaying his George Cross. (Boy George Cross obviously) singing 🎶Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me bleed?🎶

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15 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

It's not the first time that I've had to read such errant supremacist nonsense on The Corner and no doubt it won't be the last, unless of course you're deliberately trolling for a reaction... 

He may well be OTT with some of the racist comments about Africans, but let's not underplay some of the black or BAME supremacists that happily go on about "whiteness" and "white privilege". I don't see their point. If it were directed at a few ruling people or elite I would have no issue. However, that is not their proclivity. Their venom is broad brush to make anyone think twice about countering their revisionist World view. These guardian type sponsored professional UK plc haters are happy to tear down what they perceive as the white European culture of colonialism, but at the same time are only too happy to enjoy the liberty and freedoms of such culture and happily drink from the same font with their middle class comfortable life style. The hypocrisy is full frontal.

I'm not a nationalist or a fascist, I never stand up for the national anthem. But even I can see some of these people, not all, want more than equality.

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3 minutes ago, The Beast said:

He may well be OTT with some of the racist comments about Africans, but let's not underplay some of the black or BAME supremacists that happily go on about "whiteness" and "white privilege". I don't see their point. If it were directed at a few ruling people or elite I would have no issue. However, that is not their proclivity. Their venom is broad brush to make anyone think twice about countering their revisionist World view. These guardian type sponsored professional UK plc haters are happy to tear down what they perceive as the white European culture of colonialism, but at the same time are only too happy to enjoy the liberty and freedoms of such culture and happily drink from the same font with their middle class comfortable life style. The hypocrisy is full frontal.

I'm not a nationalist or a fascist, I never stand up for the national anthem. But even I can see some of these people, not all, want more than equality.

Quite right proper, but of course your view is the one held by the majority of fuckers in the UK and the opposing one of the latte sipping, Guardian reading political class you speak off and is forced down our throat by the media and the bandwagon our shit cunt politicians jump on. This is why the Brexit vote went all wrong and why Cor-bin and his ridiculous pack of fucktards got shat on from a great height.

One hopes all this woke bullshit thats infected the UK will be seen as the silly bollocks it is and future generations will look back and not make similar mistakes.

Image result for chakrabarti

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Guest Terrible Ted
4 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

We could start with writing, mathematics, universities and err... humanity itself.

No one invented humanity and humanity did not invent mathematics. That would exist regardless of anyone having a concept of it. I'll give you universities but only because I couldn't be bothered to draw a distinction between Arabic Africans and proper Africans.

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Guest Terrible Ted
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Wildly changing the subject to avoid addressing your ridiculous statements is more akin to a Yankee teenager throwing a tantrum than anything that I have said.

The fact still remains, you're either thick as pig shit or a troll. If you consider yourself to be neither, back up your previous points and then watch me tear you and them apart. 

I'd say that this is game, set and match, wouldn't you?


Pretty easy to back up my previous statements.

Mozart, Beethoven and the whole Classical canon vs bongos

The plays, poetry and prose of ancient Greek and Rome, mediaeval scholars, Shakespeare, Scott, Orwell, etc. vs something about a magical spider

Art and architecture vs cave paintings and mud huts

Medicine and vaccination vs witch doctors

A semi-functional political system vs brazen corruption, military oppression and contempt for other countryfolk

Computers, the internet, self-propelled transport and white goods vs nothing remotely comparable

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Ah, but if only a magic meteorite full of vibranium had landed there, they'd have force fields and a science so advanced that whitey's jaw would drop in stunned amazement.

OK, it was only a film, and the critics seemed to gloss over the parts where they all took drugs, lived in grass huts, and and fought each other to the death for the right to be chief. But still, black power, eh?

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36 minutes ago, Terrible Ted said:

No one invented humanity and humanity did not invent mathematics. That would exist regardless of anyone having a concept of it. I'll give you universities but only because I couldn't be bothered to draw a distinction between Arabic Africans and proper Africans.

Whether mathematics is discovered or invented is irrelevant. The first humans came from Central Africa and their decsendants discovered/invented everything. Do you despise North Africans with a different form of bigotry or is your ignorance universal?

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Guest Terrible Ted
7 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Whether mathematics is discovered or invented is irrelevant. The first humans came from Central Africa and their decsendants discovered/invented everything. Do you despise North Africans with a different form of bigotry or is your ignorance universal?

The descendants of Africans aren't Africans though, are they? If that were the case I would be an African and this discussion wouldn't be happening. Because computers would never have been invented.

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1 hour ago, Terrible Ted said:

No one invented humanity and humanity did not invent mathematics. That would exist regardless of anyone having a concept of it. I'll give you universities but only because I couldn't be bothered to draw a distinction between Arabic Africans and proper Africans.

God invented humanity. The catholic one, not the one you devil worshipping proddie bastards worship. 

Right Punkape? 👍

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

You can’t knock a hero who awarded himself the VC along with almost every other medal in the British Army. Special, very special, so it’s no surprise that Spunkers holds him in high esteem. I believe Spunkers has been observed, lurking around some well known fag haunts in the Cheshire area, proudly displaying his George Cross. (Boy George Cross obviously) singing 🎶Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me bleed?🎶

Didnt Idi fuck the lovely pritti's family out of Uganda ..ya could say shes the sion of refugees herself..funny that 


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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Ah, but if only a magic meteorite full of vibranium had landed there, they'd have force fields and a science so advanced that whitey's jaw would drop in stunned amazement.

OK, it was only a film, and the critics seemed to gloss over the parts where they all took drugs, lived in grass huts, and and fought each other to the death for the right to be chief. But still, black power, eh?

But let's be realistic. If a giant magic meteorite full of Vibranium were to land in Africa, the locals would be unlikely to develop or exploit such a resource to any further extent than painting it, hanging beads on it, and hitting it with a stick to see what noise it makes.

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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

Now look what you’ve gone and done MC. You’ve ‘triggered’ her...

What you on about?

14 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Fuck off you silly fucking bint.  

Did that cause Woke?

Good to see you haven't lost your sense of perspective.

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14 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

But let's be realistic. If a giant magic meteorite full of Vibranium were to land in Africa, the locals would be unlikely to develop or exploit such a resource to any further extent than painting it, hanging beads on it, and hitting it with a stick to see what noise it makes.

So you've been to Deptford then. 

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2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So you've been to Deptford then. 

Unfortunately, yes. Several times. The little market square, the Victorian rail bridge. All fucking ruined by an army of 'homies' strutting around with their arses hanging out, sucking their teeth and grabbing their cocks. 

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3 hours ago, The Beast said:

He may well be OTT with some of the racist comments about Africans, but let's not underplay some of the black or BAME supremacists that happily go on about "whiteness" and "white privilege". I don't see their point. If it were directed at a few ruling people or elite I would have no issue. However, that is not their proclivity. Their venom is broad brush to make anyone think twice about countering their revisionist World view. These guardian type sponsored professional UK plc haters are happy to tear down what they perceive as the white European culture of colonialism, but at the same time are only too happy to enjoy the liberty and freedoms of such culture and happily drink from the same font with their middle class comfortable life style. The hypocrisy is full frontal.

I'm not a nationalist or a fascist, I never stand up for the national anthem. But even I can see some of these people, not all, want more than equality.

As I intimated earlier, wokeness, political correctness and gender politics have been taken to ridiculous levels. Things will only be restored to an even keel by measured debate. Spewing out discredited supremacist ideology only serves to provide ammunition to extremist advocates of the BAME cause.

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2 hours ago, Terrible Ted said:

Pretty easy to back up my previous statements.

Mozart, Beethoven and the whole Classical canon vs bongos

The plays, poetry and prose of ancient Greek and Rome, mediaeval scholars, Shakespeare, Scott, Orwell, etc. vs something about a magical spider

Art and architecture vs cave paintings and mud huts

Medicine and vaccination vs witch doctors

A semi-functional political system vs brazen corruption, military oppression and contempt for other countryfolk

Computers, the internet, self-propelled transport and white goods vs nothing remotely comparable

Hmm...bongos...which reminds me, modern popular music is heavily influenced by black African music. Importing slaves laid the foundation of soul, rhythm and blues, jazz etc. As for art, I would say the Africans were producing abstract art long before the likes of Picasso and Henry Moore were touting their wares. 

Lets not forget that our British forefathers were smearing woad on their bodies in between scrapping with other tribes whilst other civilisations had mastered maths, engineering, astronomy and some form of democracy for a couple of millennia. In fact it took a bunch of organised Italians to knock some sense of order into this sceptred isle of ours. Interestingly, it's considered that western Europe's Age of Enlightenment commenced as late as the seventeenth century, long after eastern civilisations.

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hmm...bongos...which reminds me, modern popular music is heavily influenced by black African music. Importing slaves laid the foundation of soul, rhythm and blues, jazz etc. As for art, I would say the Africans were producing abstract art long before the likes of Picasso and Henry Moore were touting their wares. 

Lets not forget that our British forefathers were smearing woad on their bodies in between scrapping with other tribes whilst other civilisations had mastered maths, engineering, astronomy and some form of democracy for a couple of millennia. In fact it took a bunch of organised Italians to knock some sense of order into this sceptred isle of ours. Interestingly, it's considered that western Europe's Age of Enlightenment commenced as late as the seventeenth century, long after eastern civilisations.

You've been hanging out with @Eddie and his jive talk for too long

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Guest Terrible Ted
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hmm...bongos...which reminds me, modern popular music is heavily influenced by black African music. Importing slaves laid the foundation of soul, rhythm and blues, jazz etc. As for art, I would say the Africans were producing abstract art long before the likes of Picasso and Henry Moore were touting their wares. 

Lets not forget that our British forefathers were smearing woad on their bodies in between scrapping with other tribes whilst other civilisations had mastered maths, engineering, astronomy and some form of democracy for a couple of millennia. In fact it took a bunch of organised Italians to knock some sense of order into this sceptred isle of ours. Interestingly, it's considered that western Europe's Age of Enlightenment commenced as late as the seventeenth century, long after eastern civilisations.

None of your points are wrong but I don't exactly see then as contradictory to mine, either. Undoubtedly, modern pop has incorporated black influences over time, but in no way can pop or rock be considered superior to Classical. Don't get me wrong, I like blues and some of its derivatives, but in terms of sophistication and beauty it does not come close to anything created by the West. It appeals to our base instincts rather than our intelligent conscience. Besides, it's not like the West was at a loss for rhythm and percussion prior to the uptake of black music.

Likewise art. I'm afraid abstract art is nowt but a scam. True art is a simulation of beauty, which is not how I would describe the work of Picasso and Moore. Kids have come home from school with work resembling priceless Pollocks. If only toddlers were able to fluently espouse empty bullshit, they too could be darlings of the modern art world. If I wanted a multi-coloured splodge or a misshapen buffalo on my wall, I'd paint it myself. Instead, I'd rather get a proper artist to produce a realistic image conveying beauty and emotion. Personally, I'm a bit of a Pre-Raphaelite man.

As for your last point, it's entirely correct, which is why I regard our European cousins with nothing besides respect and adulation for the ways in which they have helped to advance Britain. However, I never criticised them, I was criticising Africans. I might be disgustingly racist but I'm no xenophobe.

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Guest Terrible Ted
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

As I intimated earlier, wokeness, political correctness and gender politics have been taken to ridiculous levels. Things will only be restored to an even keel by measured debate. Spewing out discredited supremacist ideology only serves to provide ammunition to extremist advocates of the BAME cause.

As far as I'm concerned, my ideology has not been discredit and I doubt it's even discreditable. Regardless, the whole point of 'woke' is to encourage us to think racially and I'm happy to oblige. Except the racial thinking we're suppose to practice is of one kind only: anti-white. I'm not a total cunt and I'm pretty live and let live, but I'm not just going to be quiet while great feats and achievements by white people are discredited and rewritten or erased entirely to be replaced by inferior works for the spurious sake of equality.

I judge people on the content of their character so of course I know that there are undoubtedly a lot of good black people and very many excellent black people, but facts are facts and, as a racial group, their achievements are nothing next to whites. Considering how much exposure is given to Black Histree Munf, you'd think we might hear more about genuine black artists and innovators rather than the same repetitive shite about Martin Luther King, Mary Seacole, Rosa Parkes and Malcolm X, himself a racial supremacist.

Besides, if Africa really is Europe's equal, why are so many Africans hell bent on coming to live here? And when they do, they whinge that they're not equally represented, because they're not in fucking Africa anymore...

It was Plato who said "This city is what it is because its people are who they are."

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