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Britain To Be Made Example Of

Guest Cunt-End Of The World

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Guest Terrible Ted
6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

What? You are Anders Breivik and I claim my 5 Krone. Seriously though, supremacist ideology when put into practice has not worked well for anyone so yes, the political thinking behind Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa and to some extent the segregation laws of the USA are and have been thoroughly discredited. One race subjugating another is not defensible.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised on your views on music and art - classical music is more complex, therefor I am and anything other than figurative art is not art. Maybe you're not Anders Breivik after all, but you are Disgusted from Tunbridge Wells and I claim my five Guineas. Art and music and the appreciation thereof is highly subjective. While you may take an elitist view to music it should be noted that classical music, together with the Avant Garde and a few obscure folk troupe performances survives only through state grants paid for by the masses whether they like it or not. Popular music is left to its own devices and thrives because its er… popular thanks largely to African influences.

Its not too clear why you think "true art is a simulation of beauty". Surely art is what the artist creates for his own satisfaction. The viewer is then free to choose to like or dislike the artist's work. Above all, a piece of art tells a story as seen through the artist's eyes and his interpretation.

Popular music is popular because it's cheap. It can be written and churned out en masse and it has a kind of basic appeal. That doesn't make it brilliant. Baked beans are more popular than lobster thermidor, Primark vests are more popular than Savile Row tailoring and Ford Fiestas are more popular than Rolls-Royces, but it would be ludicrous to suggest that any of them are better than their more exclusive counterparts.

The simulation of beauty and the invocation of a strong emotional reaction was the aim of every artist for a centuries and I don't think anyone attempted to undermine it until at least the end of the 18th century, possibly later. By saying 'anything can be art' you are opening the doors for charlatans like Hirst, Emin, Banksy and the man who stuck some Sellotape on a banana, who have neither talent nor intellectual vision. It's like telling kids that anyone can be a winner or a trans freak that anyone can be a woman. No. A fat, buck-toothed kid can only ever be a loser and a man can never be a woman. Ugliness or mediocrity can never be art.

The English language is lacking a word to distinguish between high art, of the Renaissance and Victorian academies and so on, which is made for art's sake, and commercial art, which requires talent to produce but which only exists for commercial reasons.

I never argued in favour of racial subjugation, you've just plucked that out of thin air. Simply put, though, equality is a myth and the forced acceptance of it (on a very one-sided basis) is wrong. That kid who was fired from the Tories recently was fired because he said 'white people are more intelligent than blacks', i.e. speaking the truth. Had he said 'Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent than whites' or 'blacks are more athletic than whites', he would have been fine. The statements are all equally racist, but in today's world there's a right kind of racism and a wrong kind of racism.

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23 minutes ago, Terrible Ted said:

Popular music is popular because it's cheap. It can be written and churned out en masse and it has a kind of basic appeal. That doesn't make it brilliant. Baked beans are more popular than lobster thermidor, Primark vests are more popular than Savile Row tailoring and Ford Fiestas are more popular than Rolls-Royces, but it would be ludicrous to suggest that any of them are better than their more exclusive counterparts.

The simulation of beauty and the invocation of a strong emotional reaction was the aim of every artist for a centuries and I don't think anyone attempted to undermine it until at least the end of the 18th century, possibly later. By saying 'anything can be art' you are opening the doors for charlatans like Hirst, Emin, Banksy and the man who stuck some Sellotape on a banana, who have neither talent nor intellectual vision. It's like telling kids that anyone can be a winner or a trans freak that anyone can be a woman. No. A fat, buck-toothed kid can only ever be a loser and a man can never be a woman. Ugliness or mediocrity can never be art.

The English language is lacking a word to distinguish between high art, of the Renaissance and Victorian academies and so on, which is made for art's sake, and commercial art, which requires talent to produce but which only exists for commercial reasons.

I never argued in favour of racial subjugation, you've just plucked that out of thin air. Simply put, though, equality is a myth and the forced acceptance of it (on a very one-sided basis) is wrong. That kid who was fired from the Tories recently was fired because he said 'white people are more intelligent than blacks', i.e. speaking the truth. Had he said 'Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent than whites' or 'blacks are more athletic than whites', he would have been fine. The statements are all equally racist, but in today's world there's a right kind of racism and a wrong kind of racism.

Out of likes Ted, but I do agree. Did you used to be 'Gong Farmer'?

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18 minutes ago, Terrible Ted said:

Popular music is popular because it's cheap. It can be written and churned out en masse and it has a kind of basic appeal. That doesn't make it brilliant. Baked beans are more popular than lobster thermidor, Primark vests are more popular than Savile Row tailoring and Ford Fiestas are more popular than Rolls-Royces, but it would be ludicrous to suggest that any of them are better than their more exclusive counterparts.

The simulation of beauty and the invocation of a strong emotional reaction was the aim of every artist for a centuries and I don't think anyone attempted to undermine it until at least the end of the 18th century, possibly later. By saying 'anything can be art' you are opening the doors for charlatans like Hirst, Emin, Banksy and the man who stuck some Sellotape on a banana, who have neither talent nor intellectual vision. It's like telling kids that anyone can be a winner or a trans freak that anyone can be a woman. No. A fat, buck-toothed kid can only ever be a loser and a man can never be a woman. Ugliness or mediocrity can never be art.

The English language is lacking a word to distinguish between high art, of the Renaissance and Victorian academies and so on, which is made for art's sake, and commercial art, which requires talent to produce but which only exists for commercial reasons.

I never argued in favour of racial subjugation, you've just plucked that out of thin air. Simply put, though, equality is a myth and the forced acceptance of it (on a very one-sided basis) is wrong. That kid who was fired from the Tories recently was fired because he said 'white people are more intelligent than blacks', i.e. speaking the truth. Had he said 'Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent than whites' or 'blacks are more athletic than whites', he would have been fine. The statements are all equally racist, but in today's world there's a right kind of racism and a wrong kind of racism.

None of what you are saying is objective, it's all subjective and based upon your own personal preferences. No music, or art, is "better" than any other variant forms of those entertainment mediums.

You're also mistaking popularity with a person's financial circumstances. Beans sell more than lobster, but does that mean given the choice a person on the dole wouldn't rather eat expensive shellfish as opposed to a tin of Heinz? Using that argument with music in a 21st century world where the cost of downloading a classical song is the same as downloading the latest Justin Bieber track doesn't do your argument any favours.

As for racial intelligence, it's the one point that you made that I might be inclined to agree with you on. However, I don't think it's an open and shut case as not enough research has been done on it in recent years due to its controversial nature. 

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

. Beans sell more than lobster, but does that mean given the choice a person on the dole wouldn't rather eat expensive shellfish as opposed to a tin of Heinz?

There’s only one way to find out.

 📣 APE !!!

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1 hour ago, Terrible Ted said:

Popular music is popular because it's cheap. It can be written and churned out en masse and it has a kind of basic appeal. That doesn't make it brilliant. Baked beans are more popular than lobster thermidor, Primark vests are more popular than Savile Row tailoring and Ford Fiestas are more popular than Rolls-Royces, but it would be ludicrous to suggest that any of them are better than their more exclusive counterparts.

The simulation of beauty and the invocation of a strong emotional reaction was the aim of every artist for a centuries and I don't think anyone attempted to undermine it until at least the end of the 18th century, possibly later. By saying 'anything can be art' you are opening the doors for charlatans like Hirst, Emin, Banksy and the man who stuck some Sellotape on a banana, who have neither talent nor intellectual vision. It's like telling kids that anyone can be a winner or a trans freak that anyone can be a woman. No. A fat, buck-toothed kid can only ever be a loser and a man can never be a woman. Ugliness or mediocrity can never be art.

The English language is lacking a word to distinguish between high art, of the Renaissance and Victorian academies and so on, which is made for art's sake, and commercial art, which requires talent to produce but which only exists for commercial reasons.

I never argued in favour of racial subjugation, you've just plucked that out of thin air. Simply put, though, equality is a myth and the forced acceptance of it (on a very one-sided basis) is wrong. That kid who was fired from the Tories recently was fired because he said 'white people are more intelligent than blacks', i.e. speaking the truth. Had he said 'Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent than whites' or 'blacks are more athletic than whites', he would have been fine. The statements are all equally racist, but in today's world there's a right kind of racism and a wrong kind of racism.

Firstly, what he said,

1 hour ago, Decimus said:

None of what you are saying is objective, it's all subjective and based upon your own personal preferences. No music, or art, is "better" than any other variant forms of those entertainment mediums.

You're also mistaking popularity with a person's financial circumstances. Beans sell more than lobster, but does that mean given the choice a person on the dole wouldn't rather eat expensive shellfish as opposed to a tin of Heinz? Using that argument with music in a 21st century world where the cost of downloading a classical song is the same as downloading the latest Justin Bieber track doesn't do your argument any favours.

As for racial intelligence, it's the one point that you made that I might be inclined to agree with you on. However, I don't think it's an open and shut case as not enough research has been done on it in recent years due to its controversial nature. 

On a totally unconnected note, its not often that Decs and I agree on anything!

I didn't say "any art is art" I refuted your assertion that true art is a simulation of beauty, furthermore I said art is whatever gives the artist satisfaction and qualified that by saying it was up to the individual to decide whether or not to register an appreciation of the work.

1 hour ago, Terrible Ted said:

I never argued in favour of racial subjugation, you've just plucked that out of thin air. Simply put, though, equality is a myth and the forced acceptance of it (on a very one-sided basis) is wrong. That kid who was fired from the Tories recently was fired because he said 'white people are more intelligent than blacks', i.e. speaking the truth. Had he said 'Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent than whites' or 'blacks are more athletic than whites', he would have been fine. The statements are all equally racist, but in today's world there's a right kind of racism and a wrong kind of racism.

What you said was this, aside from a totally exaggerated assessment that was a masterclass of the Four D's - Dismiss, Distort, Distract & Dismay.

On 02/03/2020 at 17:28, Terrible Ted said:

...It might be prejudiced but it's not a question of white vs. non-white, it's a case of good vs. bad... 

Your comments overall did not mention racial subjugation, however history shows that when used they are a precursor to justifying an extreme action. Your example of the "Tory Kid" who was fired is a case in point. If it was a "tory kid" then as a statement by itself he should have been left alone as he was exercising his right to free speech. In fact the "tory kid" was Andrew Sabisky, a No 10 policy advisor who was advocating enforced long term contraception to certain demographics at the onset of puberty. As an unelected government SpAd he had to go.

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25 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Firstly, what he said,

On a totally unconnected note, its not often that Decs and I agree on anything!

I didn't say "any art is art" I refuted your assertion that true art is a simulation of beauty, furthermore I said art is whatever gives the artist satisfaction and qualified that by saying it was up to the individual to decide whether or not to register an appreciation of the work.

What you said was this, aside from a totally exaggerated assessment that was a masterclass of the Four D's - Dismiss, Distort, Distract & Dismay.

Your comments overall did not mention racial subjugation, however history shows that when used they are a precursor to justifying an extreme action. Your example of the "Tory Kid" who was fired is a case in point. If it was a "tory kid" then as a statement by itself he should have been left alone as he was exercising his right to free speech. In fact the "tory kid" was Andrew Sabisky, a No 10 policy advisor who was advocating enforced long term contraception to certain demographics at the onset of puberty. As an unelected government SpAd he had to go.

Sabisky had a point though but unfortunately in this era of free speech hes not allowed to speak. The human race is getting bigger and stupider and if the thickies who can't afford to bring up children in a loving and stable environment and not spunk all their benefits on tats, booze and iPhones then they should be actively encouraged not to breed. If this were put into place it would certainly solve a fuck load of social problems and money. Far more money than paying them not to have child's in the first place. 

No politician will have the balls to say this lest they get labeled as a nazi

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:


As for racial intelligence, it's the one point that you made that I might be inclined to agree with you on. However, I don't think it's an open and shut case as not enough research has been done on it in recent years due to its controversial nature. 

i don't know decs, those wooly haired sods manage to give out parking tickets left right and centre in that there London, must have the intelligence of at least fatty on a good day...


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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

i don't know decs, those wooly haired sods manage to give out parking tickets left right and centre in that there London, must have the intelligence of at least fatty on a good day...


A Nobel prize was stripped from a professor who had published the result of an experiment to test the IQs of students from all ethnicities. The results clearly showed that Asians and Europeans score significantly higher than Afro-Caribbeans. 

Nobel prize redacted, reputation destroyed, career over. 

To quote Fox Mulder.. "The truth is out there". (Don't say it out loud though)

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13 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

A Nobel prize was stripped from a professor who had published the result of an experiment to test the IQs of students from all ethnicities. The results clearly showed that Asians and Europeans score significantly higher than Afro-Caribbeans. 

Nobel prize redacted, reputation destroyed, career over. 

To quote Fox Mulder.. "The truth is out there". (Don't say it out loud though)

chinks clever, whites average, blacks stupid, not rocket science....

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12 hours ago, Eddie said:

chinks clever, whites average, blacks stupid, not rocket science....

There will be some scientific reason for it; higher protein diet, climate, environmental conditions etc. The examples of post colonial Africa and Asia are good enough for me and comparing the two. Nigeria a hive of corruption, lawlessness and chaos, Thailand decent hospitals. Somalia let's hack every cunt to death with big knives, Vietnam beat a superpower in war 

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33 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There will be some scientific reason for it; higher protein diet, climate, environmental conditions etc. The examples of post colonial Africa and Asia are good enough for me and comparing the two. Nigeria a hive of corruption, lawlessness and chaos, Thailand decent hospitals. Somalia let's hack every cunt to death with big knives, Vietnam beat a superpower in war 

a degenerate, jingoistic superpower, subordinate to the military industrial and international Zionism. Fuck, I reckon even you and me could have licked 'em Shrub


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13 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Sabisky had a point though but unfortunately in this era of free speech hes not allowed to speak. The human race is getting bigger and stupider and if the thickies who can't afford to bring up children in a loving and stable environment and not spunk all their benefits on tats, booze and iPhones then they should be actively encouraged not to breed. If this were put into place it would certainly solve a fuck load of social problems and money. Far more money than paying them not to have child's in the first place. 

No politician will have the balls to say this lest they get labeled as a nazi

The problem for Sabisky is that it's essential for all components within the pinnacle of government to sing from the same hymn sheet. Sabisky's "solution" would have created more problems than solve them.

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12 hours ago, ratcum said:

a degenerate, jingoistic superpower, subordinate to the military industrial and international Zionism. Fuck, I reckon even you and me could have licked 'em Shrub


I can attest to this ratty after the comical efforts of some members of the USMC to take on a 10 miler across Dartmoor

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13 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

A Nobel prize was stripped from a professor who had published the result of an experiment to test the IQs of students from all ethnicities. The results clearly showed that Asians and Europeans score significantly higher than Afro-Caribbeans. 

Nobel prize redacted, reputation destroyed, career over. 

To quote Fox Mulder.. "The truth is out there". (Don't say it out loud though)

This would be professor James Watson. He did not have his Nobel prize taken away. He did lose many honorary titles though. He got himself into hot water from expressing personal opinions on IQ tests taken by army recruits during WW I. 

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