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Britain To Be Made Example Of

Guest Cunt-End Of The World

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6 hours ago, The Beast said:

He may well be OTT with some of the racist comments about Africans, but let's not underplay some of the black or BAME supremacists that happily go on about "whiteness" and "white privilege". I don't see their point. If it were directed at a few ruling people or elite I would have no issue. However, that is not their proclivity. Their venom is broad brush to make anyone think twice about countering their revisionist World view. These guardian type sponsored professional UK plc haters are happy to tear down what they perceive as the white European culture of colonialism, but at the same time are only too happy to enjoy the liberty and freedoms of such culture and happily drink from the same font with their middle class comfortable life style. The hypocrisy is full frontal.

I'm not a nationalist or a fascist, I never stand up for the national anthem. But even I can see some of these people, not all, want more than equality.

In their limited minds, 'equality' actually means 'preferential treatment' and ultimately 'revenge'. 

Apparently, slavery is the fault of modern Caucasians and they should be punished. (Don't anybody mention that slaves were traded to westerners by black Africans and Middle Eastern Muslims on an extensive scale. Ffs don't mention that.)

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4 hours ago, Terrible Ted said:

Pretty easy to back up my previous statements.

Mozart, Beethoven and the whole Classical canon vs bongos

The plays, poetry and prose of ancient Greek and Rome, mediaeval scholars, Shakespeare, Scott, Orwell, etc. vs something about a magical spider

Art and architecture vs cave paintings and mud huts

Medicine and vaccination vs witch doctors

A semi-functional political system vs brazen corruption, military oppression and contempt for other countryfolk

Computers, the internet, self-propelled transport and white goods vs nothing remotely comparable

I'm not talking about a list of technological innovations created by white civilisations, I'm referring to your ridiculous statements that intimated a false harmony that supposedly existed in our society before "the floodgates opened to a bunch of darkie cunts". You stated that the western world "functioned quite nicely" by adhering to mantras such as "love thy neighbour" and "turn the other cheek" prior to the advent of mass immigration, which as I've asserted, either indicates that you are trolling or are as thick as pig shit.

Pakistanis and sub-saharan Africans had nothing to do with historical Christian sectarian violence, European ethnic cleansing during the colonial era, internecine European warfare during the middle ages, or two world wars that cost millions upon millions of lives. 

I've got no problem with you highlighting problems with wokeness and how subsections of the left demonise everything about white society. If you took the trouble to review some of my previous posts, you'll see that I heartily agree with your thoughts on political correctness. What I don't agree with is you making shit up about the supposed peacefulness of our race in years gone by, and how you suggest that this was only tarnished by the introduction of other cultures into our country. I don't agree with it mainly because it is complete bullshit, and secondly because it smacks of something more sinister than blind ignorance.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

But let's be realistic. If a giant magic meteorite full of Vibranium were to land in Africa, the locals would be unlikely to develop or exploit such a resource to any further extent than painting it, hanging beads on it, and hitting it with a stick to see what noise it makes.


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5 hours ago, Terrible Ted said:

Pretty easy to back up my previous statements.

Mozart, Beethoven and the whole Classical canon vs bongos

The plays, poetry and prose of ancient Greek and Rome, mediaeval scholars, Shakespeare, Scott, Orwell, etc. vs something about a magical spider

Art and architecture vs cave paintings and mud huts

Medicine and vaccination vs witch doctors

A semi-functional political system vs brazen corruption, military oppression and contempt for other countryfolk

Computers, the internet, self-propelled transport and white goods vs nothing remotely comparable

Well said Ted but you left off the list that without exception they all 100% fucking stink!

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

In their limited minds, 'equality' actually means 'preferential treatment' and ultimately 'revenge'. 

Apparently, slavery is the fault of modern Caucasians and they should be punished. (Don't anybody mention that slaves were traded to westerners by black Africans and Middle Eastern Muslims on an extensive scale. Ffs don't mention that.)

That’s why Eddie and I seem to get on so well. My great grandad owned his great great grandmother and by all accounts treated her very well, very bloody well.

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Guest Terrible Ted
1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I'm not talking about a list of technological innovations created by white civilisations, I'm referring to your ridiculous statements that intimated a false harmony that supposedly existed in our society before "the floodgates opened to a bunch of darkie cunts". You stated that the western world "functioned quite nicely" by adhering to mantras such as "love thy neighbour" and "turn the other cheek" prior to the advent of mass immigration, which as I've asserted, either indicates that you are trolling or are as thick as pig shit.

Pakistanis and sub-saharan Africans had nothing to do with historical Christian sectarian violence, European ethnic cleansing during the colonial era, internecine European warfare during the middle ages, or two world wars that cost millions upon millions of lives. 

I've got no problem with you highlighting problems with wokeness and how subsections of the left demonise everything about white society. If you took the trouble to review some of my previous posts, you'll see that I heartily agree with your thoughts on political correctness. What I don't agree with is you making shit up about the supposed peacefulness of our race in years gone by, and how you suggest that this was only tarnished by the introduction of other cultures into our country. I don't agree with it mainly because it is complete bullshit, and secondly because it smacks of something more sinister than blind ignorance.

I think if I retract the word 'perfectly' and just say that it 'functioned nicely' I would not be incorrect. Of course peace has not reigned supreme across the entirety of our history but European society has generally been co-operatively united by a set of shared values which have been fundamental to the development of our civilisation. While certain discoveries and inventions may be attributable to one individual, the fact is that they could not have succeeded had they been entirely on their own; their achievements have been the results of other people teaching them and working alongside them. Societies and schools have been created for the sake of a certain cause, the guiding idea behind them being that people should place aside all other differences and work together in pursuit of one particular aim for which they are all united.

I genuinely believe that the Bible contains a lot of merit and we could never have come as far as we have without placing it in the centre of our society (I do not have the same appreciation of organised religion, though). By instilling Bible teachings into the populace, you are promoting the values that have contributed to the successes previously referred to. Obviously it didn't work for everyone, since you still had murder, theft, avarice, vice and covetousness, but it would have worked on enough people to be effective. You might think that you don't need the Haynes Manual of Righteousness to tell you how to behave and I'm sure you don't. Good for you. But the fact is that a lot of people do need to be told how to behave - that's how 'wokeness' has taken off, because people rely on some sort of behavioural guidance from a higher authority.

Before the Bible, the Greeks prospered because their increasingly enlightened form of paganism was blended with philosophy and accepted across the civilisation. Contrast that with African paganism and you have different sets of simplistic ideas all competing for superiority, and without a common set of principles established to unite people, the continent would be doomed to a perpetual cycle of tribal warfare and lack of progress.

Sometimes, but not always, conflicts in our history have been for the better. When the Romans and then the Normans invaded, they brought with them knowledge, culture and learning that the much ruder people of our island didn't possess. It's a shame to think that a lot of innocent Celts and Saxons were killed by the invaders, but the fact remains that the island and its people prospered more as a result. The current onslaught of immigration is a similar thing insofar as we are beset by foreign peoples with vastly disparate ideas from our own. The difference is that they are not a people of learning or cohesion and such an invasion could never succeed of its own accord, but it is being aided by western governments and earnest criticism of it is moving ever further from the sphere of what is socially, even legally, acceptable.

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5 minutes ago, Terrible Ted said:

I think if I retract the word 'perfectly' and just say that it 'functioned nicely' I would not be incorrect. Of course peace has not reigned supreme across the entirety of our history but European society has generally been co-operatively united by a set of shared values which have been fundamental to the development of our civilisation. While certain discoveries and inventions may be attributable to one individual, the fact is that they could not have succeeded had they been entirely on their own; their achievements have been the results of other people teaching them and working alongside them. Societies and schools have been created for the sake of a certain cause, the guiding idea behind them being that people should place aside all other differences and work together in pursuit of one particular aim for which they are all united.

I genuinely believe that the Bible contains a lot of merit and we could never have come as far as we have without placing it in the centre of our society (I do not have the same appreciation of organised religion, though). By instilling Bible teachings into the populace, you are promoting the values that have contributed to the successes previously referred to. Obviously it didn't work for everyone, since you still had murder, theft, avarice, vice and covetousness, but it would have worked on enough people to be effective. You might think that you don't need the Haynes Manual of Righteousness to tell you how to behave and I'm sure you don't. Good for you. But the fact is that a lot of people do need to be told how to behave - that's how 'wokeness' has taken off, because people rely on some sort of behavioural guidance from a higher authority.

Before the Bible, the Greeks prospered because their increasingly enlightened form of paganism was blended with philosophy and accepted across the civilisation. Contrast that with African paganism and you have different sets of simplistic ideas all competing for superiority, and without a common set of principles established to unite people, the continent would be doomed to a perpetual cycle of tribal warfare and lack of progress.

Sometimes, but not always, conflicts in our history have been for the better. When the Romans and then the Normans invaded, they brought with them knowledge, culture and learning that the much ruder people of our island didn't possess. It's a shame to think that a lot of innocent Celts and Saxons were killed by the invaders, but the fact remains that the island and its people prospered more as a result. The current onslaught of immigration is a similar thing insofar as we are beset by foreign peoples with vastly disparate ideas from our own. The difference is that they are not a people of learning or cohesion and such an invasion could never succeed of its own accord, but it is being aided by western governments and earnest criticism of it is moving ever further from the sphere of what is socially, even legally, acceptable.

Utter nonsense.

I think I've made my point, I can't be bothered to waste anymore time pulling your arguments apart, but I'm sure that if you keep pushing it, @Mrs Roops will be happy to indulge you.


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Guest Terrible Ted
2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Utter nonsense.

I think I've made my point, I can't be bothered to waste anymore time pulling your arguments apart, but I'm sure that if you keep pushing it, @Mrs Roops will be happy to indulge you.


You have proven nothing except the limitations of going around with your head up your own arse. Still, there's a valuable lesson in that, I'm sure.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

In their limited minds, 'equality' actually means 'preferential treatment' and ultimately 'revenge'. 

Apparently, slavery is the fault of modern Caucasians and they should be punished. (Don't anybody mention that slaves were traded to westerners by black Africans and Middle Eastern Muslims on an extensive scale. Ffs don't mention that.)

Cornish coastal hamlets were nearly emptied by barbary pirates nobody fucking remembers that. 

It makes my piss boil when I hear middle class cunts who say we should all feel guilty about slavery. Well, I can fucking safely say that not one of my ancestors ever owned slaves. 

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Guest Terrible Ted
7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Not great Ted. I've just found out that @King Billy raped me when I was wounded and unconscious during the Korean War. I feel dirty, not good dirty.

Oh, hard cheese. Still, look on the bright side - at least you didn't have gook juice pumped inside you. That happened to my cousin Keith. The pain was totally non-existent, but the shame drove him completely insane and now he goes full Hawkeye whenever he sees a hospital. I wouldn't mind but I always get roped in to apologise on his behalf.

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55 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Cornish coastal hamlets were nearly emptied by barbary pirates nobody fucking remembers that. 

It makes my piss boil when I hear middle class cunts who say we should all feel guilty about slavery. Well, I can fucking safely say that not one of my ancestors ever owned slaves. 

None of your ancestors but what about your current kin folk?

15 Lithuanian cunts to one caravan I bet until they can work off their debt of being smuggled to you the first place

That's the arrangement  @Eddie has with @Fatty 

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

As I intimated earlier, wokeness, political correctness and gender politics have been taken to ridiculous levels. Things will only be restored to an even keel by measured debate. Spewing out discredited supremacist ideology only serves to provide ammunition to extremist advocates of the BAME cause.

Not all, but some of these ethnic grifters are extreme and are supported by the mainstream media. This country has changed beyond recognition since my childhood in the 70's and early 80's. Tolerance and respect for people who are of different race, culture and religion has been offered. Those that have refused such largesse, those that continue to stoke division with terms such as whiteness and white privilege clearly can't integrate into European culture.

Those that seek to undermine white European culture need to go their own way from the majority and return to their racial homelands. This should be any government's sensible message to maintain equality and stability for all. I don't want it left to the fascists to deliver this message.

If the mainstream centrist rump entertains and promotes such an ideology the counter response will inevitably be extreme. This will be undesirable and bad for all.


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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

None of your ancestors but what about your current kin folk?

15 Lithuanian cunts to one caravan I bet until they can work off their debt of being smuggled to you the first place

That's the arrangement  @Eddie has with @Fatty 

I pay them. That's not technically slavery. 

Those clothes pegs don't make themselves.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Not great Ted. I've just found out that @King Billy raped me when I was wounded and unconscious during the Korean War. I feel dirty, not good dirty.

I didn’t know you were unconscious Eric. I assumed you were dead and wouldn’t mind. You owe me really for clearing all that mud out of your orifices.

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18 hours ago, Terrible Ted said:

As far as I'm concerned, my ideology has not been discredit and I doubt it's even discreditable. 

What? You are Anders Breivik and I claim my 5 Krone. Seriously though, supremacist ideology when put into practice has not worked well for anyone so yes, the political thinking behind Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa and to some extent the segregation laws of the USA are and have been thoroughly discredited. One race subjugating another is not defensible.

18 hours ago, Terrible Ted said:

None of your points are wrong but I don't exactly see then as contradictory to mine, either. Undoubtedly, modern pop has incorporated black influences over time, but in no way can pop or rock be considered superior to Classical. Don't get me wrong, I like blues and some of its derivatives, but in terms of sophistication and beauty it does not come close to anything created by the West. It appeals to our base instincts rather than our intelligent conscience. Besides, it's not like the West was at a loss for rhythm and percussion prior to the uptake of black music.

Likewise art. I'm afraid abstract art is nowt but a scam. True art is a simulation of beauty, which is not how I would describe the work of Picasso and Moore. Kids have come home from school with work resembling priceless Pollocks. If only toddlers were able to fluently espouse empty bullshit, they too could be darlings of the modern art world. If I wanted a multi-coloured splodge or a misshapen buffalo on my wall, I'd paint it myself. Instead, I'd rather get a proper artist to produce a realistic image conveying beauty and emotion. Personally, I'm a bit of a Pre-Raphaelite man.

As for your last point, it's entirely correct, which is why I regard our European cousins with nothing besides respect and adulation for the ways in which they have helped to advance Britain. However, I never criticised them, I was criticising Africans. I might be disgustingly racist but I'm no xenophobe.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised on your views on music and art - classical music is more complex, therefor I am and anything other than figurative art is not art. Maybe you're not Anders Breivik after all, but you are Disgusted from Tunbridge Wells and I claim my five Guineas. Art and music and the appreciation thereof is highly subjective. While you may take an elitist view to music it should be noted that classical music, together with the Avant Garde and a few obscure folk troupe performances survives only through state grants paid for by the masses whether they like it or not. Popular music is left to its own devices and thrives because its er… popular thanks largely to African influences.

Its not too clear why you think "true art is a simulation of beauty". Surely art is what the artist creates for his own satisfaction. The viewer is then free to choose to like or dislike the artist's work. Above all, a piece of art tells a story as seen through the artist's eyes and his interpretation.

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8 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

ts not too clear why you think true art is a simulation of beauty. Surely art is what the artist creates for his own satisfaction. The viewer is then free to choose to like or dislike the artist's work. Above all a piece of art tells a story as seen through the artist's eyes and his interpretation.

I agree. My daughter finished her masters degree recently in graphic design and illustration. The work she does in illustration is to me absolutely amazing and is a testament to the talent she has, which her mother and her mothers mother have too, and also to the tutors who have taught her so much. I am immensely proud of her and would jump under a bus for her, but alas she has been infected with the contagion which all universities are breeding grounds for nowadays. By that I mean all of this PC, woke, leftie, social justice ideology. I sometimes wonder if she’ll grow out of it but I’m not so sure. Young people nowadays don’t seem to have any common sense, maybe that’s the snowflake generations reward for being wrapped in cotton  wool growing up. I think though that there must come a time when all this nonsense will be curtailed. Otherwise we’re all in trouble.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
On 01/03/2020 at 23:02, Monumental cunt said:

History teaches us everything.....it’s all been done before.    Look at the USSR now defunct.....look at colonialism now defunct,...... look at the old empires of antiquity.     Eventually people of a local region who share the same values start to question and challenge centralized power that is increasingly distant and irrelevant to their day to day lives and cracks appear that are eventually that wide that things like Brexit happen.   The Hungarians, Poles and indeed all the Eastern European states are all complaining about the EU as they know from experience the problems with such centralized power in the old Soviet.   They can smell a rat when they smell one.   So can the British.   With all the financial problems faced by the Italian banks, the failing German economy and the French doing what they do best....burning shit on the streets.  It won’t be long before the EU collapses.  Anyone remember the Berlin Wall......or are you Loy that fucking young and naive that you missed that video clip on You Tube history day.     Eu won’t exist with two years .....good bet.

History is written by the winners. Legislation changes and historic public spending is how you follow a trail. Comparison with historic events that bear similarity is perfectly valid, except in this case there are some fundamental differences. Historically, permission was never sought to force an ideology, if you had enough money and / or enough support, you would simply do it and argue the toss later with the international community. Today it is being done with consent and has been since since Michael Ryan went bananas, added to by the Oklahoma bombing, then 9/11 and 7/7. Eroded freedoms as a result of changes in international law regarding terror has meant the global framework is already in place and you have been giving permission on the basis you are provided 'security'. That includes treaties signed by all of the countries you mentioned above that affect domestic policy in each as it relates to obeying international and / or EU law. It already happened. The basis for global governance already exists.

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