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Age Does Not Guarantee Respect

Guest Cunt-End Of The World

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1 hour ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

I live in Oxfordshire, a tremendous place for day-to-day cunt spotting and verbal assault. Apathy and wealth combine to create corduroy wearing, red faced, gout suffering gherkins who would be happy to buy your business, simply for the pleasure of sinking it. Recently their unique brand of entitlement has spilled into my street, and I don't fucking like it. 

There is no designated parking outside. There is no entitlement to any one family over any one space. We all live under these rules. Some 30 households. It works beautifully, with a rotation for the one car overspill to seek alternate parking every day. But one cunt just won't play ball. Cone cunt. Not orange and white cone cunt, but yellow "floor is wet" cone cunt. He has fashioned himself a space of his own and I have designs on making him chew concrete. I asked him (in gorilla mode) what he has done to earn this entitlement. He suggested that it is because he has paid tax for 55 years and has earned it. I politely suggested he was a mental old duffer and a cunt (said div, out of respect). 

I believe him to be a cunt. We'll all be working till were old, It doesn't earn me special rights. Age Does not guarantee respect. Am I wrong? Or can I book this old cunt a meeting with the kerb?

When my cousin had issues with the neighbour who also played around with traffic cones and often blocked Steve’s driveway, being a vengeful, working from home single cunt, he started a mission of fucking around with the bloke’s black bin. Every week, he would wheel it around and dump it in difficult to reach locations. Or he would empty milk or paint into it. It went on for years until the old git finally snuffed it. Apparently it was easy to tell that the man expired, because the cones stopped moving.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
3 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:


Bloody hell I had you down as Blackbird Leys!

respect is due!

Chippy mate, haha. Originally from the mutant village of Stanwell just outside Heathrow airport. 

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5 hours ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

I see David Cameron in the co-op. He is actually a walking, talking Gammon joint. Red faced cunt. 

Do you have one to ones with him in his shepherds hut ,, you are not that weirdo with the funny symbols on his hat who hangs about at the rollright stones are you?

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
Just now, Dawn Chorus said:

Do you have one to ones with him in his shepherds hut ,, you are not that weirdo with the funny symbols on his hat who hangs about at the rollright stones are you?

I lob bricks from the bushes at anyone with their eyes closed on Sunday afternoons. Love it. 

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Guest Ghengis Khunt

Unless it's a particularly heavy yellow cone, I'd just pick the thing up, chuck it into his front garden and then park my car. If the cunt says anything then a tidy uppercut to his wobbly jowls should end any further discussion on the matter 

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15 hours ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

I live in Oxfordshire, a tremendous place for day-to-day cunt spotting and verbal assault. Apathy and wealth combine to create corduroy wearing, red faced, gout suffering gherkins who would be happy to buy your business, simply for the pleasure of sinking it. Recently their unique brand of entitlement has spilled into my street, and I don't fucking like it. 

There is no designated parking outside. There is no entitlement to any one family over any one space. We all live under these rules. Some 30 households. It works beautifully, with a rotation for the one car overspill to seek alternate parking every day. But one cunt just won't play ball. Cone cunt. Not orange and white cone cunt, but yellow "floor is wet" cone cunt. He has fashioned himself a space of his own and I have designs on making him chew concrete. I asked him (in gorilla mode) what he has done to earn this entitlement. He suggested that it is because he has paid tax for 55 years and has earned it. I politely suggested he was a mental old duffer and a cunt (said div, out of respect). 

I believe him to be a cunt. We'll all be working till were old, It doesn't earn me special rights. Age Does not guarantee respect. Am I wrong? Or can I book this old cunt a meeting with the kerb?

This is baby-boomer entitlement. Not content bagging the benefits of the property boom and pensions that are no longer available to younger generations, he clearly feels he has automatic rights to sections of public space. Report him to the Council who, under the Highways Act, will slap a fixed penalty of £100 every time he puts the cones out. For extra vindictiveness drop a line to the local rag newsdesk, they love stories like this.

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13 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is baby-boomer entitlement. Not content bagging the benefits of the property boom and pensions that are no longer available to younger generations, he clearly feels he has automatic rights to sections of public space. Report him to the Council who, under the Highways Act, will slap a fixed penalty of £100 every time he puts the cones out. For extra vindictiveness drop a line to the local rag newsdesk, they love stories like this.

This is the bit that my generation forget. Parents who scrimped and went without to buy that house 50 or 60 years ago for anything from £1k to £5k that was sold for 50 times that went those parents died paid off their own mortgages taken out in the 1970s and 1980s and perhaps also paid for a new car and a world cruise and of course a lot of them have also played the equity release game so their own children who will never be able afford to buy their own home will get fuck all.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is baby-boomer entitlement. Not content bagging the benefits of the property boom and pensions that are no longer available to younger generations, he clearly feels he has automatic rights to sections of public space. Report him to the Council who, under the Highways Act, will slap a fixed penalty of £100 every time he puts the cones out. For extra vindictiveness drop a line to the local rag newsdesk, they love stories like this.

Reporting this to the local rag is likely to ostracise this particular street further away from our wealthier overlords and I have lonely housewives to fuck who like a bit of rough. Don't want to draw attention to myself. 

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On 31/01/2020 at 18:41, Earl of Punkape said:

At least you live in an area which produces our Prime Ministers and smooths the way for our public school elite to forge our new Empire post Brexit....you are privileged to co-exist with such people.

Are you religious?

I was thinking about my past as a catholic and my lapse in faith , now I'm 37 time doesn't seem as sparse as it once was.

I took holy communion the other day but I felt dirty after so many years of atheism, I've repented and I still feel same way is there anything that you could advise?

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6 hours ago, Snowy said:

I was thinking about my past as a catholic and my lapse in faith , now I'm 37 time doesn't seem as sparse as it once was.

I took holy communion the other day but I felt dirty after so many years of atheism, I've repented and I still feel same way is there anything that you could advise?

Kill Sir Philip Green. That should stop the voices in your head.

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6 hours ago, Snowy said:

I was thinking about my past as a catholic and my lapse in faith , now I'm 37 time doesn't seem as sparse as it once was.

I took holy communion the other day but I felt dirty after so many years of atheism, I've repented and I still feel same way is there anything that you could advise?

I feel for you, young Snowy, Catholic guilt is no laughing matter. Despite years of committed atheism, it still lurks in the darkest parts of my unconscious mind, threatening to overwhelm me in the most unlikely of circumstances.

If it helps, I usually get through it by cutting out the priestly middle man and experiencing the divine through a combination of LSD, Es, and a far better bottle of wine than the piss that they dish out at communion. I guarantee that God will speak to you, and what He'll have to say will be a lot more interesting than the load of fairy tale fucking shite that they put in the Bible.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I feel for you, young Snowy, Catholic guilt is no laughing matter. Despite years of committed atheism, it still lurks in the darkest parts of my unconscious mind, threatening to overwhelm me in the most unlikely of circumstances.

If it helps, I usually get through it by cutting out the priestly middle man and experiencing the divine through a combination of LSD, Es, and a far better bottle of wine than the piss that they dish out at communion. I guarantee that God will speak to you, and what He'll have to say will be a lot more interesting than the load of fairy tale fucking shite that they put in the Bible.

You may save yourself yet..

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14 hours ago, Snowy said:

I was thinking about my past as a catholic and my lapse in faith , now I'm 37 time doesn't seem as sparse as it once was.

I took holy communion the other day but I felt dirty after so many years of atheism, I've repented and I still feel same way is there anything that you could advise?

Try Prozac.

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