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Iranian cunts

Earl of Punkape

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4 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Wasn't that in a Dr Who or Star Trek story where they landed on some planet where the elite had hid away in bunkers but that it turn out that the people who emerged from the bunkers centuries later were actually descended from the cunts who were supposed have guarded the elite but killed them off instead?

Fuckin' Morlock

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13 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Wasn't that in a Dr Who or Star Trek story where they landed on some planet where the elite had hid away in bunkers but that it turn out that the people who emerged from the bunkers centuries later were actually descended from the cunts who were supposed have guarded the elite but killed them off instead?

Possibly. If it wasn't, it should have been. It would have been a better episode than 'Kirk vs Gorn'.

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, a thousand pieces of aeroplane raining down from high rather makes the cause of "engine problems" rather suspect.

Thanks to Trump's knee-jerk military action, the USA has backed itself into a diplomatic corner within the world stage. Setting aside the niceties of executing terrorists without the benefit of trial, America was ill advised in killing Suleimani in another sovereign state. Trump has not only embarrassed Iraq (on whose soil the hit took place) he's now inflamed the younger and westernised moderates of Iran who were slowly but surely gaining the upper hand over the unelected theocracy. Decades of sanctions and diplomacy down the tubes in a matter of seconds.

The "more progressive" carpet flyers had a reality call courtesy of the Oracle. Such misplaced, naive thinking now got punished accordingly and Hammams have a good bitch memory and a penchant for a long, regular, low tech nibbling at the Yanks and their acolytes. Anyone dealing with America should know how to handle the nation, (North Korea has a clue), which like every other empire before will steam roll all other to achieve it's own goals.

This situation is bailing out a lot of US frackers and justifies further money printing and US military investments. Shoot one mullah and stocks are rising. No need to pressure anyone to buy US oil. Well played Yanks.

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11 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

In that episode ("Arena" by the wonderfully named Gene L Coon) the Gorn was voiced by Ted Cassidy, most famous as Lurch from the Addams Family.

The best episode was the one with Clint Howard as a little piss-head.

Not as good as the reprisal of the role in William Shatner's comedy roast.

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17 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

The "more progressive" carpet flyers had a reality call courtesy of the Oracle. Such misplaced, naive thinking now got punished accordingly and Hammams have a good bitch memory and a penchant for a long, regular, low tech nibbling at the Yanks and their acolytes. Anyone dealing with America should know how to handle the nation, (North Korea has a clue), which like every other empire before will steam roll all other to achieve it's own goals.

This situation is bailing out a lot of US frackers and justifies further money printing and US military investments. Shoot one mullah and stocks are rising. No need to pressure anyone to buy US oil. Well played Yanks.

As with everything the US do internationally the initial perceived  stupidity of the act is concealing many layers of reason as to (why?) .The yanks are more or less self sufficient when it comes to their domestic energy needs now. They’ve never forgiven the Arabs for holding them to ransom and humiliating them in the early 70s and have carefully nurtured the Saudis who have the most oil reserves ever since. The Iranians who have large oil reserves have been strangled by US sanctions for decades as it doesn’t suit US policy for them to flood the market and drive down the price. Factor in the huge income from arms sales to Saudi, then its easy to see why the yanks have been happy to stir up disputes and wars between the different Arab/Muslim countries. It all comes around to ‘What’s best for us?’ The yanks are the masters of this game and all the idiots who start shouting every time Trump/Obama/Bush/Clinton or whichever President happens to be  current strikes out should shut up and try to work out what the real story is and what the end game is.

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

As with everything the US do internationally the initial perceived  stupidity of the act is concealing many layers of reason as to (why?) .The yanks are more or less self sufficient when it comes to their domestic energy needs now. They’ve never forgiven the Arabs for holding them to ransom and humiliating them in the early 70s and have carefully nurtured the Saudis who have the most oil reserves ever since. The Iranians who have large oil reserves have been strangled by US sanctions for decades as it doesn’t suit US policy for them to flood the market and drive down the price. Factor in the huge income from arms sales to Saudi, then its easy to see why the yanks have been happy to stir up disputes and wars between the different Arab/Muslim countries. It all comes around to ‘What’s best for us?’ The yanks are the masters of this game and all the idiots who start shouting every time Trump/Obama/Bush/Clinton or whichever President happens to be  current strikes out should shut up and try to work out what the real story is and what the end game is.

What load of Shiite.

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

As with everything the US do internationally the initial perceived  stupidity of the act is concealing many layers of reason as to (why?) .The yanks are more or less self sufficient when it comes to their domestic energy needs now. They’ve never forgiven the Arabs for holding them to ransom and humiliating them in the early 70s and have carefully nurtured the Saudis who have the most oil reserves ever since. The Iranians who have large oil reserves have been strangled by US sanctions for decades as it doesn’t suit US policy for them to flood the market and drive down the price. Factor in the huge income from arms sales to Saudi, then its easy to see why the yanks have been happy to stir up disputes and wars between the different Arab/Muslim countries. It all comes around to ‘What’s best for us?’ The yanks are the masters of this game and all the idiots who start shouting every time Trump/Obama/Bush/Clinton or whichever President happens to be  current strikes out should shut up and try to work out what the real story is and what the end game is.

Your premise seems to be that America's Middle Policy is driven by financial expediency and profit. Without even incorporating the direct and indirect costs including the price of lives lost through 9/11, I would contend that the profit and loss sheet to the USA would be covered in red ink. In fact America's involvement and contribution to the tinderbox disaster that is the current Middle East situation can be traced back to the Bitter Lake Agreement of 1945 between President Roosevelt and Saudi Arabia's King Abdulaziz. In return for Abdulaziz not kicking up a fuss over Palestine (i.e the creation of Israel) America would agree to purchase Saudi oil at a favourable price to the arab state. Also, the USA would allow the Saudis to promote and finance Wahhabism, a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. The unintended consequence led to the nurturing of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda which in turn led to ISIS. The situation today is the result of accident and lack of foresight, not by design.

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39 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Your premise seems to be that America's Middle Policy is driven by financial expediency and profit. Without even incorporating the direct and indirect costs including the price of lives lost through 9/11, I would contend that the profit and loss sheet to the USA would be covered in red ink. In fact America's involvement and contribution to the tinderbox disaster that is the current Middle East situation can be traced back to the Bitter Lake Agreement of 1945 between President Roosevelt and Saudi Arabia's King Abdulaziz. In return for Abdulaziz not kicking up a fuss over Palestine (i.e the creation of Israel) America would agree to purchase Saudi oil at a favourable price to the arab state. Also, the USA would allow the Saudis to promote and finance Wahhabism, a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. The unintended consequence led to the nurturing of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda which in turn led to ISIS. The situation today is the result of accident and lack of foresight, not by design.

I didn’t say it was by design. What I said was that the US has so many different agendas going on worldwide that you have to look beyond the actions that their forces take usually to work out the real reasons for them. e.g. the latest assassination. The Iranian response was to say the least feeble and more to the point the yanks were prewarned, which leads to the possibility that maybe the strike on yer man wasn’t such a surprise to Iran as first thought. Could it be that it’s the first step of a change in tactics by the Iranians and he would have been a major fly in the ointment. Just saying that there seems to be a lot more to this than the story so far. We’ll see. The anti Trump brigade may be the ones who end up looking fucking stupid.

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
4 hours ago, King Billy said:

I didn’t say it was by design. What I said was that the US has so many different agendas going on worldwide that you have to look beyond the actions that their forces take usually to work out the real reasons for them. e.g. the latest assassination. The Iranian response was to say the least feeble and more to the point the yanks were prewarned, which leads to the possibility that maybe the strike on yer man wasn’t such a surprise to Iran as first thought. Could it be that it’s the first step of a change in tactics by the Iranians and he would have been a major fly in the ointment. Just saying that there seems to be a lot more to this than the story so far. We’ll see. The anti Trump brigade may be the ones who end up looking fucking stupid.

Also, the USA presidential election campaign will be stepping up a gear over the next few weeks.

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

...Could it be that it’s the first step of a change in tactics by the Iranians and he would have been a major fly in the ointment...

Judging by Iran's retaliatory ballistic missile strike, probably not.

Edited by Mrs Roops
I was schooled by Billy
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6 hours ago, King Billy said:

I didn’t say it was by design. What I said was that the US has so many different agendas going on worldwide that you have to look beyond the actions that their forces take usually to work out the real reasons for them. e.g. the latest assassination. The Iranian response was to say the least feeble and more to the point the yanks were prewarned, which leads to the possibility that maybe the strike on yer man wasn’t such a surprise to Iran as first thought. Could it be that it’s the first step of a change in tactics by the Iranians and he would have been a major fly in the ointment. Just saying that there seems to be a lot more to this than the story so far. We’ll see. The anti Trump brigade may be the ones who end up looking fucking stupid.

Does not look like any agreement re Israel was actually made with the Saudis in 1945  .. also interesting re the stance of the then UK Labour government .. ie blocking the movement of jewish refugees to Palestine.


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Just now, King Billy said:
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Judging by Iraq’s retaliatory ballistic missile strike, probably not.

No one killed, no one injured, no further threats to US. Seems a bit of a token gesture for home consumption to me. 

I presume you mean Iran’s retaliatory strike?

I suppose you’ll have some hilariously clever and witty response resulting in me being wrong and the mighty Roops being  right, as always.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

I presume you mean Iran’s retaliatory strike?

I suppose you’ll have some hilariously clever and witty response resulting in me being wrong and the mighty Roops being  right, as always.

You're quite right, my bad. I've corrected the error, so chalk that one up for the good guys.

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2 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Does not look like any agreement re Israel was actually made with the Saudis in 1945  .. also interesting re the stance of the then UK Labour government .. ie blocking the movement of jewish refugees to Palestine.


One letter does not define a world event. Nevertheless if you read the fine print Roosevelt gives Abdulaziz a commitment that the USA will not allow Israel to harm Saudi. Certainly all the constituent parts are there; the state of Israel was established, the USA stuffed Saudi with money and the Wahhabi schools flourished around the world.

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It now looks like some trigger twitchy junior NCO thought the plane taking off from the international airport was an incoming tomahawk. I'm guessing this twat is now 6 feet under and also the reason why the Iranians refused to hand over the black box or allow investigators to find their own SAM fragments amongst the charred body parts.

What a pack of weapons grade thick cunts, the Donald will be pissing himself

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48 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

It now looks like some trigger twitchy junior NCO thought the plane taking off from the international airport was an incoming tomahawk. I'm guessing this twat is now 6 feet under and also the reason why the Iranians refused to hand over the black box or allow investigators to find their own SAM fragments amongst the charred body parts.

What a pack of weapons grade thick cunts, the Donald will be pissing himself

Ground all 737s and soon we’ll be selling Lancasters and Gipsy Moths all over the world.

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33 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Ground all 737s and soon we’ll be selling Lancasters and Gipsy Moths all over the world.

Accidents do happen .. I bet that the NCO said "whoops butterfingers!" after he realised his error. Just unfortunate that the Ayatollah had also muttered about the other planes that fell from the sky.

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On 08/01/2020 at 14:19, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, a thousand pieces of aeroplane raining down from high rather makes the cause of "engine problems" rather suspect.

Thanks to Trump's knee-jerk military action, the USA has backed itself into a diplomatic corner within the world stage. Setting aside the niceties of executing terrorists without the benefit of trial, America was ill advised in killing Suleimani in another sovereign state. Trump has not only embarrassed Iraq (on whose soil the hit took place) he's now inflamed the younger and westernised moderates of Iran who were slowly but surely gaining the upper hand over the unelected theocracy. Decades of sanctions and diplomacy down the tubes in a matter of seconds.

Utter fucking wank shite..... for decades the USA have pussy footed around Iran, ultimately letting it off lightly on matters like, building atomic weapons.  They are close to having them and they needed weakening.  Fucking useless Obama was a limp wristed wanker and let these fucking jihadi johns think they can push their weight around in the nuclear world.  Tuff problems have tough solutions.  

Edited by N/A
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On 08/01/2020 at 12:56, Dawn Chorus said:

They have lost the franchise .. now operated by a joint First and Italian venture called Aventi West Coast.

I rest my case your honour.....fucking Italians have more reverse gears than forward. Never get you there.

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