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Hare Coursers


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52 minutes ago, Glowworm said:

A vile activity that in spite of a ban has become more widespread and has also moved down the social spectrum. Now being practiced by drug dealers and other low life criminals. Anyone caught hare  coursing should be hung drawn and quartered.

Dont spoil my Saturday afternoons for me Pen. Got to have something for the pot. 

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Guest Salty Piss Flap

One of the downsides of a country having a centuries or millennia old history.

Certain traditions established back in ancient or medieval ages, which were sometimes brutal, heartless and cruel by today's standards, have hung on into modern times where some people refuse to let them go while civilized people see them as backwards and barbaric.

See also bullfighting, dog fighting, cock fighting, etc, etc.

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

A good subject nom. but I'm disappointed to not see any links to a BBC exclusive. 

It is my understanding that you need a particular breed of dog to partake in this activity. Why don't we just exterminate all them as well? 

Are you standing in for Apey Babes?

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
48 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I bet prince Andrew would be good at Coursing. He usually gets there BEFORE the hair.


(is what they usually say when he puts it in the first time) 

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