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It's that time of year again when, without  irony the BBC milks the fuck out of the annual shitefest known as 'Chilren in neeed' aka the gathering of Z list self ingratiating cunts who find time in their hectic schedules to lecture us ordinary folk and ponce around being 'wacky' and scrounge in the name of charridee for the sake of some snot nosed little shit somewhere or other. When it's all over they'll depart in their Mercs and private helicopters safe in the knowledge that the latest PR wheeze has gone down a treat with the oinks who eagerly await the next episode of Strictly Arsewipes. What better excuse to binge rewatch Sons of A all evening could there be. 


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17 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

It's that time of year again when the BBC milks the fuck out of the annual shitefest known as 'Chilren in neeed' aka the gathering of Z list self ingratiating cunts who find time in their hectic schedules to lecture us ordinary folk and ponce around being 'wacky' and scrounge in the name of charridee for the sake of some snot nosed little shit somewhere or other. When it's all over they'll depart in their Mercs and private helicopters safe in the knowledge that the latest PR wheeze has gone down a treat with the oinks eagerly awaiting the next episode of Strictly Arsewipes. What better excuse to binge rewatch Sons of A all evening could there be. 

Especially the last episode when Jax lets go of the handlebars. Shitty accent cunt. 

Marilyn Manson was creepier than usual in that.

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13 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I'm actually surprised this is still hosted by the BBC given their record of harbouring presenters with a little too much interest in the 'needs' of children.

Can you imagine if they had this in the 70s?  Hosted by Jimmy Savile  with Rolf Harris painting "can you guess what it is yet", a special Its a knockout in the studio with Stuart Hall, music from Gary Glitter and a special appearance by Rt.Hon Cyril Smith MP  

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Can you imagine if they had this in the 70s?  Hosted by Jimmy Savile  with Rolf Harris painting "can you guess what it is yet", a special Its a knockout in the studio with Stuart Hall, music from Gary Glitter and a special appearance by Rt.Hon Cyril Smith MP  

Give what you can.

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3 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

It's that time of year again when the BBC milks the fuck out of the annual shitefest known as 'Chilren in neeed' aka the gathering of Z list self ingratiating cunts who find time in their hectic schedules to lecture us ordinary folk and ponce around being 'wacky' and scrounge in the name of charridee for the sake of some snot nosed little shit somewhere or other. When it's all over they'll depart in their Mercs and private helicopters safe in the knowledge that the latest PR wheeze has gone down a treat with the oinks eagerly awaiting the next episode of Strictly Arsewipes. What better excuse to binge rewatch Sons of A all evening could there be. 

As long as you and your ghastly offspring are vaguely amused you won’t have the foresight to build barricades and get the pitchforks out.


Fuck off scum.

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