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Brendan Doolin


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This cunt who is from Crumlin  in Oireland  has just been sentenced to three years in prison for a internet campaign of harassment against six women journalists and writers, leaving some of them in fear for their lives. During his trial it turned out that he managed to do thins in spite of only having left his house twice in 17 years. I am just wondering whether there any other cunts living in Oiland who managed to vex other cunts using the internet in spite of never leaving their home?

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The most interesting comment in this sad case was by Doolin's defence counsel,


He decided to eliminate his triggers by not going outside. He would paint a picture of himself as someone who was derisory and mocking of mental health issues when in fact his life was beset by those issues and profoundly so,...


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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The most interesting comment in this sad case was by Doolin's defence counsel,


Another prize quote was .. His lawyers said Doolin viewed himself as someone with no voice and completely insignificant so he developed an alternative persona through his use the internet.

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5 hours ago, Glowworm said:

And two times more than you have ever stepped outside.

Are you saying there is a world outside your window?

I've heard rumours, bur never been able to confirm them, the tin foil that covers my walls just reflects my face.

Now I'm getting worried.

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24 minutes ago, Joker said:

Are you saying there is a world outside your window?

I've heard rumours, bur never been able to confirm them, the tin foil that covers my walls just reflects my face.

Now I'm getting worried.

There was me thinking you would see faeces and not faces, especially not yours, but I guess there isn't that much difference. Haha Haha.

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On 15/11/2019 at 18:30, Cunty BigBollox said:

There was me thinking you would see faeces and not faces, especially not yours, but I guess there isn't that much difference. Haha Haha.

Says the cunt with the dog-shit themed meme.


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