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Amsumana Sillah Trawally


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This cunt dived off the top of a shopping centre in Stratford, London on 17th October 2018 in an attempt to commit suicide .. sadly he failed because he landed on top of Grace Spencer-Green (a trainee doctor) and left her paralysed from the waist down. Amazingly he has only been sentenced to four years in prison, hopefully he will have a fall down the stairs whilst in prison. Spare a few thoughts for the courage of Ms Spencer-Green who say's that she bears him no ill will and has now recommenced her studies.

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2 minutes ago, Glowworm said:

This cunt dived off the top of a shopping centre in Stratford, London on 17th October 2018 in an attempt to commit suicide .. sadly he failed because he landed on top of Grace Spencer-Green (a trainee doctor) and left her paralysed from the waist down. Amazingly he has only been sentenced to four years in prison, hopefully he will have a fall down the stairs whilst in prison. Spare a few thoughts for the courage of Ms Spencer-Green who say's that she bears him no ill will and has now recommenced her studies.

Is he an anagram? 

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5 minutes ago, Ape said:

I’m more interested in which newspaper you have delivered. Is it The Times by any chance? It’s that or The Telegraph. Has to be one of these two, judging by what a fucking wanker you are.

Do you read the Daily Mail or the Daily Express Ape?

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29 minutes ago, Ape said:

I’m more interested in which newspaper you have delivered. Is it The Times by any chance? It’s that or The Telegraph. Has to be one of these two, judging by what a fucking wanker you are.

I get the Telegraph and the F.T daily and on Sunday I get the Sunday Times and the Observer for some balance....

I also have periodicals delivered....The Spectator,Golf Monthly, Country Life, the Cheshire Magazine, Private Eye and the Investor’s Chronicle.

Which newspapers do you have delivered ?

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26 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

I get the Telegraph and the F.T daily and on Sunday I get the Sunday Times and the Observer for some balance....

I also have periodicals delivered....The Spectator,Golf Monthly, Country Life, the Cheshire Magazine, Private Eye and the Investor’s Chronicle.

Which newspapers do you have delivered ?

Do you like gladiator movies?

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31 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

I get the Telegraph and the F.T daily and on Sunday I get the Sunday Times and the Observer for some balance....

I also have periodicals delivered....The Spectator,Golf Monthly, Country Life, the Cheshire Magazine, Private Eye and the Investor’s Chronicle.

Which newspapers do you have delivered ?

Ape has the Beano reserved at his local Tesco.

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40 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

I get the Telegraph and the F.T daily and on Sunday I get the Sunday Times and the Observer for some balance....

I also have periodicals delivered....The Spectator,Golf Monthly, Country Life, the Cheshire Magazine, Private Eye and the Investor’s Chronicle.

Which newspapers do you have delivered ?

Metro on weekdays and Asian Express Uhm Uhm at weekends.

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46 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

I get the Telegraph and the F.T daily and on Sunday I get the Sunday Times and the Observer for some balance....

I also have periodicals delivered....The Spectator,Golf Monthly, Country Life, the Cheshire Magazine, Private Eye and the Investor’s Chronicle.

Which newspapers do you have delivered ?

 You buy The Mirror at your local paper shop, en route to the local men’s toilets. You’re a massive faggot. End of story.

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10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

In fairness, if my name was 'Ansumnalah Silky Trawler', I would jump off a fucking taller building that that cunt.




Yes, I know several of you are about to suggest I change it by deed poll. 

Why let a silly little detail like a name hold you back?

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:


have you suffered some kind of cerebral haemorrhage?

A bit cryptic I guess...

Its from the deleted scene (since restored) from "Spartacus" where the bisexual Crassus is sounding out Antonius as to which way he leans. Despite the hidden meanings, the scene still didn't get past the original censors.



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49 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

A bit cryptic I guess...

Its from the formerly deleted scene from "Spartacus" where the bisexual Crassus is sounding out Antonius as to which way he leans. The scene still didn't get past the censors.



Ah. I typed the bit you quoted into Google and nothing came up. Sadly, they've also edited out the little red van in the distant background of the climactic battle.

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