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20 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Pen, Withers and Punkape 'like' this.

You really have descended to never before seen levels of shitness.

From sharp tongued lone wolf, to a four-for-one fucking spastic cunt.

Your four-for-one shit is wearing very thin. ‘Pen, Withers, Frank.. naaa naa na naaa naaah, you’re all faacking shitcuuuunts’.

Fuck off, Decimus. You’ve lost it, boy.

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Guest Dustyballs

Worst fucking kind of people around, you don’t need to look for a vegan because they tell you they’re plant munching cunts, even if you don’t ask. Worse than that the extreme cunts that have pets feed them on a vegan diet what fucking dog wants to eat "plants" they want meat.. They would rather eat their own shit than eat a fucking bit of grass. Vegans going around vandalising stuff and pissing honest working people off, think it’s ok to push their cunty cult on to you.too much.. I would love to rub a juicy bit of ribeye round the face of a malnourished, stinking, tongue pierced hippy bitch and eat it raw.


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8 minutes ago, Frank said:

Your four-for-one shit is wearing very thin. ‘Pen, Withers, Frank.. naaa naa na naaa naaah, you’re all faacking shitcuuuunts’.

Fuck off, Decimus. You’ve lost it, boy.

I've mentioned it twice, which is a few thousand times less than the three of four stock catchphrases which make up the vast majority of your shit fucking back catalogue. 

Still, I'd stick to your four word retorts. Your piss poor attempt to expand upon a single sentence when dealing with Wolfie earlier was excruciating to read.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've mentioned it twice, which is a few thousand times less than the three of four stock catchphrases which make up the vast majority of your shit fucking back catalogue. 

Still, I'd stick to your four word retorts. Your piss poor attempt to expand upon a single sentence when dealing with Wolfie earlier was excruciating to read.

Fuck off from this nom you have got fuck all to say you attention seeking fuckwit.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've mentioned it twice, which is a few thousand times less than the three of four stock catchphrases which make up the vast majority of your shit fucking back catalogue. 

Still, I'd stick to your four word retorts. Your piss poor attempt to expand upon a single sentence when dealing with Wolfie earlier was excruciating to read.

I like Wolfie.. he suffers. You’re a detestable little prick who needs a slap. If I come for you, you’ll know all about it. 

You've been warned. 

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19 minutes ago, Dustyballs said:

Worst fucking kind of people around, you don’t need to look for a vegan because they tell you they’re plant munching cunts, even if you don’t ask. Worse than that the extreme cunts that have pets feed them on a vegan diet what fucking dog wants to eat "plants" they want meat.. They would rather eat their own shit than eat a fucking bit of grass. Vegans going around vandalising stuff and pissing honest working people off, think it’s ok to push their cunty cult on to you.too much.. I would love to rub a juicy bit of ribeye round the face of a malnourished, stinking, tongue pierced hippy bitch and eat it raw.


Why the fuck would you ruin a good steak by getting dreadlock grease and moustache hair in it?

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
49 minutes ago, Decimus said:


I haven't laughed that much since I saw Frank Spencer uncontrollably roller skate down a car park ramp, comedy gold!

Fucking idiot.

It's funny because it's true, you withered up old crone.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

A lot?

Even your two dot ellipsis is fucking predictable. 

There'll be no further communication between us etc, segue into narcissistic video of a Saga holiday to France ad nauseam.

Good .. there will be no further communication between me and yourself either .. get fucked.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

A lot?

Even your two dot ellipsis is fucking predictable. 

There'll be no further communication between us etc, segue into narcissistic video of a Saga holiday to France ad nauseam.

‘Even your two dot ellipsis ner ne ner nerrr bla......’ Listen to yourself, man.


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1 hour ago, Glowworm said:

Fuck off from this nom you have got fuck all to say you attention seeking fuckwit.

I was going to say that it’s hilarious the way you ‘grow a pair’ when you’ve got your beloved Frank on team, but then it dawned on me that you’ve always had a pair. Freak and Frank. What a pair of utter wankers.


fuck off etc.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's no closer than it was three years ago.

If you think we're leaving by the 31st, you're more pissed than on any other Drewsday in history

The country's fate seems to be in the hands of 15 potential Labour rebels. Lets see what's more important, fear of Corbyn or fear of losing their seats at the hands of a local electorate who voted overwhelmingly to leave...

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3 hours ago, Dustyballs said:

Worst fucking kind of people around, you don’t need to look for a vegan because they tell you they’re plant munching cunts, even if you don’t ask. Worse than that the extreme cunts that have pets feed them on a vegan diet what fucking dog wants to eat "plants" they want meat.. They would rather eat their own shit than eat a fucking bit of grass. Vegans going around vandalising stuff and pissing honest working people off, think it’s ok to push their cunty cult on to you.too much.. I would love to rub a juicy bit of ribeye round the face of a malnourished, stinking, tongue pierced hippy bitch and eat it raw.


Another Pleb has arrived....

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8 hours ago, Ape said:

I was going to say that it’s hilarious the way you ‘grow a pair’ when you’ve got your beloved Frank on team, but then it dawned on me that you’ve always had a pair. Freak and Frank. What a pair of utter wankers.


fuck off etc.

Four-for-one, Freak'n'Frank'n'Faggot'n'Frog.

It shows how far "The best one on here" has fallen when he's not even the best amongst that quartet of absolute fucking bores.


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9 hours ago, Ape said:

I was going to say that it’s hilarious the way you ‘grow a pair’ when you’ve got your beloved Frank on team, but then it dawned on me that you’ve always had a pair. Freak and Frank. What a pair of utter wankers.


fuck off etc.

How are you this morning?

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11 hours ago, Dustyballs said:

Worst fucking kind of people around, you don’t need to look for a vegan because they tell you they’re plant munching cunts, even if you don’t ask. Worse than that the extreme cunts that have pets feed them on a vegan diet what fucking dog wants to eat "plants" they want meat.. They would rather eat their own shit than eat a fucking bit of grass. Vegans going around vandalising stuff and pissing honest working people off, think it’s ok to push their cunty cult on to you.too much.. I would love to rub a juicy bit of ribeye round the face of a malnourished, stinking, tongue pierced hippy bitch and eat it raw.


Good one Bricktop, have a like.

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