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Titless Women

Guest Wizardsleeve

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10 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Do you really think you'd get away with a sweeping and altogether false statement that toads eat insects when I'm on patrol? What's a worm? A slug? They're invertebrates motherfucker. 

I don't spend every waking hour up to my bollocks in freezing pond water to rock up here with the newt spunk still stuck to my finger nails, and listen to such heresy

Don't test the pecker again


Fucking hell. Sorry.


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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Amongst the shitty nappies, stale breast pads, empty packets of citalopram and hundreds of fucking kids toys strewn around my depressing, suburban Barratt box, I often find the odd synthetic black hair.

He's into deep into this shit, trust me.

Keep an eye out for passing cars - you might see something exotic, like a Maclaren 675LT, and your life will suddenly transform.

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56 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Pen is available. I wouldn’t think it peels off great, but if you’re getting back on the horse it might be worth dipping your toe in her water, as the saying goes.

Bill, I honestly don't know how to thank you for such sage and thoughtful advice? I'm certainly planning on getting back on the horse, but not tying one to a fence and back-scuttling it with the aid of a milk crate. Which would probably be the more hygienic and pleasurable option compared to fucking the insufferable tranny Pen.

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11 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Bill, I honestly don't know how to thank you for such sage and thoughtful advice? I'm certainly planning on getting back on the horse, but not tying one to a fence and back-scuttling it with the aid of a milk crate. Which would probably be the more hygienic and pleasurable option compared to fucking the insufferable tranny Pen.

I suppose if you put it like that Major, Celibacy doesn’t actually seem such a bad idea.

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Why do you bring upon the site an unnecessary attachment to noncery, especially after being implicated in the Pete fiasco? If you're going to play on the main reason why '4 other arseholes' and myself have a gripe with you, and you're allowed to do it, then I don't want to be privy to it. Either bring something worthy to the site or eat shit.

I'd rather he eats shit to be honest. 





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2 hours ago, Ape said:

Oh? How does this work then? You’re either confessing to having something to do with the admin of this site (something that many have always suspected) or you’re full of fucking shit (something that many have always known). Which is it, fuck face?


2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Do you, or do you not own the site?

Answer the fucking question.

Its complicated, the site is owned by a syndicate known as A9-4B, the shareholders of which are a matter of public record. The fact that the names are redacted from the public record in compliance with Euro legislation covering the workings of ICANN & IANA are of course, neither here nor there. I trust this clears up any confusion and uncertainty.

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6 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


Its complicated, the site is owned by a syndicate known as A9-4B, the shareholders of which are a matter of public record. The fact that the names are redacted from the public record in compliance with Euro legislation covering the workings of ICANN & IANA are of course, neither here nor there. I trust this clears up any confusion and uncertainty.

This is your idea of humour, isn’t it? Live long and prosper, Roops.

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32 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

None, it doesn't affect me.

If it doesn't effect you it means one of 3 things, 1) you opted out. 2) you're already retired or, 3) you're not a woman.

For the record, I still have opinions on things that don't affect me, and I think the decision was brilliant to establish the equality that women rightly campaign for. Ms Pankhurst would be proud.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
17 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Oh I see now. Remarks about  noncery is not good,  but a nutter throwing a little kid over a balcony is.  What a little double standard cunt you really are.

If he thought the deaths of over 3,000 people on 9/11 was funny and something to joke about, the paralyzing of a 6 year old child by being hurled off a 10th floor balcony would certainly be a nice little giggle for him as well.

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9 minutes ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

If he thought the deaths of over 3,000 people on 9/11 was funny and something to joke about, the paralyzing of a 6 year old child by being hurled off a 10th floor balcony would certainly be a nice little giggle for him as well.

Or what this bus commemorates


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