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11 minutes ago, Ape said:

Faulty Clap Trap seems to have become even more utterly shit than I ever believed possible. Only a yank could achieve such a feat.


4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

He’s the worst I’ve seen. I suppose it  must be some sort of achievement to be the worst ever at something. rigor mortis can’t be far away surely.

The cunt is an entitled little princess. He made that clear when he talked about him and his cunt mate making the owners of another site create an entirely separate section for them to fuck around on, instead of filling other nominations with their drivel.

Now he's stamping his feet because he's found the one remaining part of the internet that isn't forcing people to tolerate him or his dreadful content. It just doesn't compute with the fucker.

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26 minutes ago, King Billy said:

He’s the worst I’ve seen. I suppose it  must be some sort of achievement to be the worst ever at something. rigor mortis can’t be far away surely.

You've only been on here a few months. There have been far worse.  On the subject of Salty, I have a strong tendency to support Dec's chosen & persecuted underdogs.  I want it on record that I don't have much time for Septics generally, but have collected a few, as the Vietcong did. Now fuck off.

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9 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

You've only been on here a few months. There have been far worse.  On the subject of Salty, I have a strong tendency to support Dec's chosen & persecuted underdogs.  I want it on record that I don't have much time for Septics generally, but have collected a few, as the Vietcong did. Now fuck off.

I have tried to start a conversation with the yank on a few occasions but his default position is to slag off anyone and everyone and that sort of makes him a target. He’s not really annoyed me but I’m curious to see how long he can keep up his “I don’t give a fuck” act. You should invite him over to Le Gaffe and challenge him to a duel with mini uzis at 10 paces.

Now Fuck Off the geese need putting to bed.

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Guest DrCunt
57 minutes ago, Ape said:

Faulty Clap Trap seems to have become even more utterly shit than I ever believed possible. Only a yank could achieve such a feat.

It's astonishing. I thought Chocolate Salty Balls was awful before his ban, but he's seemingly getting worse by the minute. He's almost making Cuntwad look clever and sophisticated now.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Have you been to America Ape ?

Model Helicopter 🚁 convention ?


I will not waste a like by giving your post an Iron...I will only say this....STFU you absolutely dreadful little flid!  

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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:


The cunt is an entitled little princess. He made that clear when he talked about him and his cunt mate making the owners of another site create an entirely separate section for them to fuck around on, instead of filling other nominations with their drivel.

Well remembered Roadkill , although I was saving that one for later.


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Guest Salty Piss Flap
8 hours ago, Decimus said:

Have you read any of this back? Jesus Christ, Salty, is there genuinely even 1% of you that thinks that your dross is even a quarter good enough to pass muster on here?

I know English and American schoolboys are entirely different creatures. Your lot find shooting to death an entire special needs support unit hilarious, whereas ours enjoy basic homosexual digs and lazily googled memes. In that respect, your sense of humour is more at home in Britain than America, but only amongst 12 year olds.

This is The Corner, not a 90s Live and Kicking nostalgia forum. You're not welcome here, and you're not capable of holding your own here.

So one more time, fuck off, nobody wants you around.

My God, you are the most easily rattled twat I've ever encountered. All I have to do is post a couple of sentences or a couple of pictures, then just sit back and watch you fly into a sputtering rage then come apart at the seams like a cheap suit. And all the while I'm laughing at you. 

Just like the joke you are.

You think you're so humorous, but in the weeks that I've been a member here, I've not seen you make one slightly witty or funny comment. All I ever see out of you is anger, resentment and bitterness, borne of self doubt and envy. I know it just kills you that a foreigner like myself could just waltz in here and outclass you and your little clique as I have.

You're just pathetic and I pity you.

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It’s 5am here Sally , and I was quietly reflecting and waiting , knowing full well that you would step-in again when you thought the coast was clear - and here you are.  So without any prejudice or malice - sit down , pour yourself a brandy - and allow me to make an observation , before you get too caught-up in your current fetish.

Decimus is simply the current tip of the iceberg of core-users , and regular positive-contributors to this site , that have patiently watched and suffered your distracting and utterly selfish childish-spewage for not only 25 pages of the Security Guards thread , in a matter of days - but now face another week of the same output on this new thread.  Not to mention your attempted sniping on every other current thread - which was unsuccessfully diminished by a public-warning from an equally patient Roops.  Lord knows what the other two months were like , and I’m not going to go back and look.  But suffice it to say that , realistically - you have no longer a place on this website.  At least not one where anything positive could evolve , certainly from your current position - or probably at any time during your brief tenure. That you have misunderstood the premise of this community is quite evident , and I feel that , having now taken the entire membership with you on your journey through Classic American immaturity - most of us lack the desire to continue down this road.

I have no doubt that under current terms , at some point this week , the community will come together - and request admin for your account removal , and locks to be put in place to prevent further incursion under alternate credentials. However , this is not my place to pressure or coerce , but simply an observation of something I now see as unavoidable.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
48 minutes ago, Pete said:

It’s 5am here , and I was quietly reflecting and waiting , knowing full well that you would log-in again when you thought the coast was clear - and here you are.  So without any prejudice or malice - let me make an observation , before you get too caught-up in your current fetish.

Decimus is simply the current tip of the iceberg of core-users , and regular positive-contributors to this site , that have patiently watched and suffered your distracting and utterly selfish childish-spewage for not only 25 pages of the Security Guards thread , in a matter of days - but now face another week of the same output on this new thread.  Not to mention your attempted sniping on every other current thread - which was nipped in the bud by an equally patient Roops.  Lord knows what the other two months were like , and I’m not going to go back and look.  But suffice it to say that , realistically - you have no longer a place on this website.  At least not one where anything positive could evolve , certainly from your current position - or probably at any time during your brief tenure. That you have misunderstood the premise of this community is quite evident , and I feel that , having now taken the entire membership with you on your journey through Classic American immaturity - most of us lack the desire to continue down this road.

I have no doubt that under current terms , at some point this week , the community will come together - and pressure for your account removal , and locks to be put in place to prevent further incursion under alternate credentials. However , this is not my place to pressure or coerce , but simply an observation of something I now see as unavoidable.

So in other words, you sat up all night with no sleep just waiting for me to post something before I went to bed, is that it?

That's hilarious!!!

What a loser you are!!!!

BTW, it was around 12:30 am here when I made that last post. I watched some more TV for awhile then checked back here a couple of minutes ago.

If you think I was just waiting for the "coast to be clear", you're even more daft than I took you for. I suppose the 5 hour time difference is somehow my fault, eh?

I engineered that just to be able to post here while it's in the wee hours over there and when most normal people, a group which you are obviously not a member of, are asleep.

You need to throw away the crack pipe and get yourself some help, son.

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2 hours ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

My God, you are the most easily rattled twat I've ever encountered. All I have to do is post a couple of sentences or a couple of pictures, then just sit back and watch you fly into a sputtering rage then come apart at the seams like a cheap suit. And all the while I'm laughing at you. 

Just like the joke you are.

You think you're so humorous, but in the weeks that I've been a member here, I've not seen you make one slightly witty or funny comment. All I ever see out of you is anger, resentment and bitterness, borne of self doubt and envy. I know it just kills you that a foreigner like myself could just waltz in here and outclass you and your little clique as I have.

You're just pathetic and I pity you.

As already alluded to by Pete, for you to accuse anyone of being rattled whilst rampaging around the site like a demented Chihuahua, picking fights you can't win, is a bit rich. You've got all the emotional control of teenage girl, but half the hilarity.

As for not finding me humorous or witty, I'm not overly concerned when you've displayed a sense of humour that revolves around fart jokes, knock-knock gags, and dated 70s innuendo. I'm not surprised I don't do it for you, as I haven't resorted to any of that shit since I was nine.

Now be a good boy and don't bother logging in again, there's not one single member left who can tolerate you.


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43 minutes ago, Decimus said:

As already alluded to by Pete, for you to accuse anyone of being rattled whilst rampaging around the site like a demented Chihuahua, picking fights you can't win, is a bit rich. You've got all the emotional control of teenage girl, but half the hilarity.

As for not finding me humorous or witty, I'm not overly concerned when you've displayed a sense of humour that revolves around fart jokes, knock-knock gags, and dated 70s innuendo. I'm not surprised I don't do it for you, as I haven't resorted to any of that shit since I was nine.

Now be a good boy and don't bother logging in again, there's not one single member left who can tolerate you.


You're rattled aren't you.

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11 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Have you been to America Ape ?

Model Helicopter 🚁 convention ?


Been to America, I doubt he's bean outside his shed for 10 years. He has fulfillment building models, whilst looking at the opening scenes of helicopters in *MASH*, on a loop.

 Wanking furiously, the acetone smelling twat.   lol lol

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8 hours ago, Pete said:

...which was unsuccessfully diminished by a public-warning from an equally patient Roops.  Lord knows what the other two months were like , and I’m not going to go back and look.  But suffice it to say that , realistically - you have no longer a place on this website...

Yes, I am losing patience - with all parties. I will also make an observation that its almost unheard of for a newbie with less than a month's site experience to tell another that he no longer has a place on this website. I would suggest that older hands stay out of this as this is essentially a dick-waving contest between the new intake. If they want to squabble over who has supremacy in the cabbage patch then they should do it on the Open Corner and not infect all the main board threads. Finally, I will say that the American reminds me of Lt Steve Hauk  and his take on humour in "Good Morning Vietnam" and yet he seems to be holding his own against the pack, one or two of whom wouldn't normally venture out alone...

If I'm dragged into this again, then I fear rivers of blood will flow...

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3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Been to America, I doubt he's bean outside his shed for 10 years. He has fulfillment building models, whilst looking at the opening scenes of helicopters in *MASH*, on a loop.

 Wanking furiously, the acetone smelling twat.   lol lol


2 hours ago, Glowworm said:

Ape loves playing with his little choppers.

Utter fucking shit.

Can you see the difference Pen, you dreadful old slag?

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Yeah , a cabbage patch planted by Stevie fucking Wonder.

Who also seems to be in a management position in the quality-control department.

But hey , what do I know? I’ve only been eating cabbages for a couple of weeks.

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