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6 minutes ago, Cock Holster said:

My point being that it appears it’s fine for one side to block Brexit (to instead drive through the harshest of Brexits, one which wasn’t campaigned for so has no mandate). But when the other side attempt to block a no deal Brexit they’re suddenly the “enemy of the people”.

See it’s not quit that black and white is it? There are games now being played for the future direction of this country. With one wanting low taxation, deregulation a reduction of standards and workers rights and the other wanting higher taxes, higher investment and higher standards and workers rights.

Ill say this again, we should leave (is like to remain), but leaving won out this to bed. A box has been opened which can’t now be shut and it’s going to dominate political discourse for decades. The fucking Tory’s want to be careful because once we leave +16 million ppl will be incredible angry, and they won’t forget what they’ve done anytime soon.

Leave means leave.

losers should respect the result, give their consent and fuck off.

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31 minutes ago, King Billy said:

16 million cunts being angry cos they lost the referendum is bad but  17.4 million cunts being angrier cos they WON the referendum and had their decision stolen from them by a few hundred treasonous MPs who decided they knew better , would be a hell of a lot worse to deal with.

17.4million austerity-hardened , working-class scum vs 16million privileged liberal snowflakes.  It’s what the U.K. has been waiting for.

Even if Brexit didn’t exist - we’d soon find another reason.    Let the fag-bashing commence (and maybe a little ethnic-cleansing before the dust settles).

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1 hour ago, Cock Holster said:

My point being that it appears it’s fine for one side to block Brexit (to instead drive through the harshest of Brexits, one which wasn’t campaigned for so has no mandate). But when the other side attempt to block a no deal Brexit they’re suddenly the “enemy of the people”.

See it’s not quit that black and white is it? There are games now being played for the future direction of this country. With one wanting low taxation, deregulation a reduction of standards and workers rights and the other wanting higher taxes, higher investment and higher standards and workers rights.

Ill say this again, we should leave (is like to remain), but leaving won out this to bed. A box has been opened which can’t now be shut and it’s going to dominate political discourse for decades. The fucking Tory’s want to be careful because once we leave +16 million ppl will be incredible angry, and they won’t forget what they’ve done anytime soon.

For a start it was made very clear by both camps of the EU Referendum debate that leaving the EU meant leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market, in fact it was a core tenet of the Remainer's "Project Fear". After the referendum, elements of the losing side would talk about "respecting the voters wishes" then adding, "but they didn't vote for a hard Brexit". It is just another variation of weasel-worded justification for not respecting a clearly given mandate. I would say its very black and white. I would also say that Remainers undermined the UK's negotiating position with the EU and that MP's and civil servants who have been subverting the democratic wishes of the electorate are not fit for office.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

They had better not try to fit anything in my orifice.

Yeah, because it's stretched out so badly anything would just fall right back out.

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19 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

For a start it was made very clear by both camps of the EU Referendum debate that leaving the EU meant leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market, in fact it was a core tenet of the Remainer's "Project Fear". After the referendum, elements of the losing side would talk about "respecting the voters wishes" then adding, "but they didn't vote for a hard Brexit". It is just another variation of weasel-worded justification for not respecting a clearly given mandate. I would say its very black and white. I would also say that Remainers undermined the UK's negotiating position with the EU and that MP's and civil servants who have been subverting the democratic wishes of the electorate are not fit for office.

Totally agree with that.   But can you clarify just when the option of a hard or soft Brexit went on the table , and whom was responsible?

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7 minutes ago, Ape said:

It’s hardly a pattern - a pattern has to have variation in it, otherwise it’s just a constant, singular, featureless load of utter fucking shit. 

A shitstain if I’m not mistaken Ape. I can’t disagree with you on this.

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1 hour ago, Pete said:

Totally agree with that.   But can you clarify just when the option of a hard or soft Brexit went on the table , and whom was responsible?

After the referendum result, Project Fear became Project Smear. Pro-Brexit voters were vilified in such a way that it was used as a justification to dishonour the referendum mandate. We were told that voters didn't understand the implications of a Hard Brexit. I've no idea who said it first.

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

After the referendum result, Project Fear became Project Smear. Pro-Brexit voters were vilified in such a way that it was used as a justification to dishonour the referendum mandate. We were told that voters didn't understand the implications of a Hard Brexit. I've no idea who said it first.

I think Project Smear was well underway pre-referendum , mostly directed at Farage. In my opinion Project Fear came after , whilst no deal was still on the table , and the soft option was rolled-out.  Cameron certainly announced it , before resigning. That was his nasty little leaving present.  As we approach another deadline , Project Smear is back again. And so it goes.  It took an American scientist on newsnight in 2017 to point out that all our problems stem from the announcement of a hard or soft Brexit - when the leave option had been quite clearly a clean  break from the EU , and non-negotiable , with future world-trade deals to be discussed.      


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Guest Salty Piss Flap
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I really don't want this this ridiculous internecine warfare between you and pitchfork brigade to migrate to all the site threads.

Yes, I understand and I've been holding back somewhat.

Today they really piled on and I went a little farther with them than I meant to.

I do like that "pitchfork brigade" moniker, though.

Certainly fits.

At any rate, I'll try to hold back a bit more.

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1 hour ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

Yes, I understand and I've been holding back somewhat.

Today they really piled on and I went a little farther with them than I meant to.

I do like that "pitchfork brigade" moniker, though.

Certainly fits.

At any rate, I'll try to hold back a bit more.

What utter vomit-inducing shit.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
18 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I bought a Bonnie Tyler sat nav. It keeps telling me to turn around, and every now and then it falls apart. 

Here all week 

I see what you did there. 😎

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I bought a Bonnie Tyler sat nav. It keeps telling me to turn around, and every now and then it falls apart. 

Here all week 

Just don’t get Lost in France

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Guest Cock Holster
On 06/10/2019 at 18:13, Earl of Punkape said:

Leave means leave.

losers should respect the result, give their consent and fuck off.

You’re a simple fucker aren’t you.... did you also lambast the ERG for voting down Mays bill? 

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Guest Cock Holster
On 06/10/2019 at 19:26, Mrs Roops said:

For a start it was made very clear by both camps of the EU Referendum debate that leaving the EU meant leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market, in fact it was a core tenet of the Remainer's "Project Fear". After the referendum, elements of the losing side would talk about "respecting the voters wishes" then adding, "but they didn't vote for a hard Brexit". It is just another variation of weasel-worded justification for not respecting a clearly given mandate. I would say its very black and white. I would also say that Remainers undermined the UK's negotiating position with the EU and that MP's and civil servants who have been subverting the democratic wishes of the electorate are not fit for office.

Really? Quit the fucking “weasel words” bullshit because what was said and what you heard don’t stack up.


Lets leave on your terms (I’m sick of fucking brexiters Bs) let the economy tank and let the poorest suffer. That’s the fucking reality; as a manufacturer I know what the implications are for my business and it’s not looking pretty for our workforce.

Perhaps then we might have sensible debate in two years about our position in Europe and whether we really want to be part of the EU. Because let’s be honest nobody can hand on heart claim to understand all of the ramifications of the decision ever made.


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2 hours ago, Cock Holster said:

Really? Quit the fucking “weasel words” bullshit because what was said and what you heard don’t stack up.


Lets leave on your terms (I’m sick of fucking brexiters Bs) let the economy tank and let the poorest suffer. That’s the fucking reality; as a manufacturer I know what the implications are for my business and it’s not looking pretty for our workforce.

Perhaps then we might have sensible debate in two years about our position in Europe and whether we really want to be part of the EU. Because let’s be honest nobody can hand on heart claim to understand all of the ramifications of the decision ever made.


The EU will be a very different beast the moment we leave. We'll be expected to surrender even more control over to them on the off chance they even want us back. Macron's reforms are absolute, undemocratic lunacy that will change the entire concept of membership if even part of them gets through.

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2 hours ago, Cock Holster said:

Really? Quit the fucking “weasel words” bullshit because what was said and what you heard don’t stack up.


Lets leave on your terms (I’m sick of fucking brexiters Bs) let the economy tank and let the poorest suffer. That’s the fucking reality; as a manufacturer I know what the implications are for my business and it’s not looking pretty for our workforce.

Perhaps then we might have sensible debate in two years about our position in Europe and whether we really want to be part of the EU. Because let’s be honest nobody can hand on heart claim to understand all of the ramifications of the decision ever made.

After the EU Referendum result was counted, there was no end of talking-head Remainer politicos giving the usual "the referendum result must be respected" followed by the inevitable "BUT"  and then, "no-one understood the ramifications" or variations of that theme. Naturally, the talking-head Remainer did understand because he/she would trot out an argument as to why there should be a second referendum/ peoples' vote/ confirmatory vote. Why not dispense with general elections as well, as the many issues and ramifications involved are way too complicated? 

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Guest Erroreptile404
3 hours ago, Cock Holster said:

Really? Quit the fucking “weasel words” bullshit because what was said and what you heard don’t stack up.


Lets leave on your terms (I’m sick of fucking brexiters Bs) let the economy tank and let the poorest suffer. That’s the fucking reality; as a manufacturer I know what the implications are for my business and it’s not looking pretty for our workforce.

Perhaps then we might have sensible debate in two years about our position in Europe and whether we really want to be part of the EU. Because let’s be honest nobody can hand on heart claim to understand all of the ramifications of the decision ever made.


Hello @sean5302 back again are we?

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