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The Labour Party Conference


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The Politburo are gathered together in Bandit Town in an effort to lose another few million votes.

Whilst managing to shy away from promoting the mandatory implementation of Gulags and making Stalin's birthday a national holiday, they haven't disappointed the majority of the fucking idiots who are mentally unstable enough to still vote for them.

Paramount is some slap dash buy to let scheme for private tenants, which would force landlords to sell their properties to their tenants for "a reasonable" i.e. below market value price. I can imagine The Dear Leader now, aggressively banging the rostrum with his limp wristed fist, nasally bellowing "ALLLLLLL PROPERTY IS THEFT" whilst Len McCluskey quietly tongues his arsehole from behind. 

Speaking as a landlord, I'd rather burn every property I own to the ground before I let some feckless cunt who couldn't afford a deposit on a mortgage buy a house off of me on the cheap. 

Stupid fucking housing policies aside, a few other gems discussed were the nationalisation of private schools and providing free NHS prescriptions for English patients. 

I'm looking forward to this shower of cunts finally having the balls to endorse a general election. A Tory landslide should knock some fucking sense into them.


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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, Decimus said:

The Politburo are gathered together in Bandit Town in an effort to lose another few million votes.

Whilst managing to shy away from promoting the mandatory implementation of Gulags and making Stalin's birthday a national holiday, they haven't disappointed the majority of the fucking idiots who are mentally unstable enough to still vote for them.

Paramount is some slap dash buy to let scheme for private tenants, which would force landlords to sell their properties to their tenants for "a reasonable" i.e. below market value price. I can imagine The Dear Leader now, aggressively banging the rostrum with his limp wristed fist, nasally bellowing "ALLLLLLL PROPERTY IS THEFT" whilst Len McCluskey quietly tongues his arsehole from behind. 

Speaking as a landlord, I'd rather burn every property I own to the ground before I let some feckless cunt who couldn't afford a deposit on a mortgage buy a house off of me on the cheap. 

Stupid fucking housing policies aside, a few other gems discussed were the nationalisation of private schools and providing free NHS prescriptions for English patients. 

I'm looking forward to this shower of cunts finally having the balls to endorse a general election. A Tory landslide should knock some fucking sense into them.


Rent to some Johnny Foreigner cunt, up the insurance, and set them a light one at a time, and collect. Blame it on immigrants not understanding how to turn gas on and off.  

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Good luck to Corbyn's "no anti-semitism here" narrative if it includes Jewish schools!

The Armed Forces present Corbyn’s and the left’s biggest threat. If the left go too far “off piste” the Military will take over.

Corbyn,Abbott,McDonald and co will be used for target practice at Bisley.

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13 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

The Armed Forces present Corbyn’s and the left’s biggest threat. If the left go too far “off piste” the Military will take over.

Corbyn,Abbott,McDonald and co will be used for target practice at Bisley.

Imagine the state of Eton if it was nationalised and under the firm hand of Abbott as the head of the Department for Education!

No more guinea fowl and grouse on the lunchtime menu. It'll be yams, rice and peas and Reggae Reggae sauce, all served up by some fiend with tattoos.

Can you picture the playing fields of Eton being replaced by basketball courts, rubber tyre swings and zip wires for all the ethnic kids? 



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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Imagine the state of Eton if it was nationalised and under the firm hand of Abbott as the head of the Department for Education!

No more guinea fowl and grouse on the lunchtime menu. It'll be yams, rice and peas and Reggae Reggae sauce, all served up by some fiend with tattoos.

Can you picture the playing fields of Eton being replaced by basketball courts, rubber tyre swings and zip wires for all the ethnic kids? 



The Military will be in charge way before that.

Our wars were won on those and similar playing fields.....

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Imagine the state of Eton if it was nationalised and under the firm hand of Abbott as the head of the Department for Education!

No more guinea fowl and grouse on the lunchtime menu. It'll be yams, rice and peas and Reggae Reggae sauce, all served up by some fiend with tattoos.

Can you picture the playing fields of Eton being replaced by basketball courts, rubber tyre swings and zip wires for all the ethnic kids? 



It would look a mess.

Boom! Boom!

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I think there is a lot more comedy left in the show yet. Lady fucking Nugee, the white Diane Fucking Abbott, dressed in a faux Euro tent, saying she will vote to remain when everyone wishes she would just simply fuck off. A Brexit policy that requires a dossier more voluminous than Mrs May's fucking deal, makes no sense to any cunt not yet in a fit of pique at the idiocy of these cunts. The seizing of private school assets is simply unenforceable, not that the average Prep school has facilities worth much. To put the cherry on top today, the vagrant McCluskey on LBC says today was a wonderful day at conference.

We are living in a kakocracy, this will be confirmed tomorrow when the judgement from the Supreme Court will leave Mr Alexander Johnson no choice but to resign and no cunt will be bothered because there isn't a credible party to replace the current steaming pile of shit in office. 

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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

I think there is a lot more comedy left in the show yet. Lady fucking Nugee, the white Diane Fucking Abbott, dressed in a faux Euro tent, saying she will vote to remain when, everyone wishes she would just simply fuck off. A Brexit policy that requires a dossier more voluminous than Mrs May's fucking deal, makes no sense to any cunt not yet in a fit of pique at the idiocy of these cunts. The seizing of private school assets is simply unenforceable, not that the average Prep school has facilities worth much. To put the cherry on top today, the vagrant McClusky on LBC says today was a wonderful day at conference.

We are living in a kakocracy, this will be confirmed tomorrow when the judgement from the Supreme Court will leave Mr Alexander Johnson no choice but to resign and no cunt will be bothered because there isn't a credible party to replace the current steaming pile of shit in office. 

I've mentioned this before, Beast, but I really do think the Corner should become a political party. We'd get more done than the usual cunts over there and at the very least views will be up when it comes to meetings of Parliament.

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3 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I think there is a lot more comedy left in the show yet. Lady fucking Nugee, the white Diane Fucking Abbott, dressed in a faux Euro tent, saying she will vote to remain when everyone wishes she would just simply fuck off. A Brexit policy that requires a dossier more voluminous than Mrs May's fucking deal, makes no sense to any cunt not yet in a fit of pique at the idiocy of these cunts. The seizing of private school assets is simply unenforceable, not that the average Prep school has facilities worth much. To put the cherry on top today, the vagrant McClusky on LBC says today was a wonderful day at conference.

We are living in a kakocracy, this will be confirmed tomorrow when the judgement from the Supreme Court will leave Mr Alexander Johnson no choice but to resign and no cunt will be bothered because there isn't a credible party to replace the current steaming pile of shit in office. 

It truly is a shit shower like we have never witnessed before.

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21 hours ago, Decimus said:

The Politburo are gathered together in Bandit Town in an effort to lose another few million votes.

Whilst managing to shy away from promoting the mandatory implementation of Gulags and making Stalin's birthday a national holiday, they haven't disappointed the majority of the fucking idiots who are mentally unstable enough to still vote for them.

Paramount is some slap dash buy to let scheme for private tenants, which would force landlords to sell their properties to their tenants for "a reasonable" i.e. below market value price. I can imagine The Dear Leader now, aggressively banging the rostrum with his limp wristed fist, nasally bellowing "ALLLLLLL PROPERTY IS THEFT" whilst Len McCluskey quietly tongues his arsehole from behind. 

Speaking as a landlord, I'd rather burn every property I own to the ground before I let some feckless cunt who couldn't afford a deposit on a mortgage buy a house off of me on the cheap. 

Stupid fucking housing policies aside, a few other gems discussed were the nationalisation of private schools and providing free NHS prescriptions for English patients. 

I'm looking forward to this shower of cunts finally having the balls to endorse a general election. A Tory landslide should knock some fucking sense into them.


I wouldn’t worry about it Decs. Even if those tripes had won the next election - highly unlikely after the mega fuckup yesterday, England has strong property laws and majority are home owners (just over half of residential free and the rest with a mortgage), while the commercial/landlord domestic have mostly debt based portfolios. Which means the banks and investors have legal claim on the product until the debt is settled. So how would the commies undermine that? Turn us to Soyuz 2, repo the buildings, leases and cancel the debt? And make all the banks public? We still have the bloated RBS cunts on the books and they are still drowning. Would Corbyn like to expand the liability?

Thatcher sold off a vast part of housing stock to the tenants. It’s easy to see the ones when driving past. The owners have no means to keep them in good shape, any “improvements” are utter dog shit. The ones flipped to landlords are equally disgusting and underinvested. The whole point of having estates in public ownership is to provide quality, cheap accommodation to people on low incomes. Councils can buy goods and services in bulk so negotiate the best price. Indeed,  the idea is often lost on the useless, unemployed, alcoholic, junkie, thieving cunts, who live in many of them. But though I never lived in one, I had friends in several. Well over forty years ago, there were normal family in them and I don’t ever remember feeling unsafe going there. I would not venture now.

As for private schools, sounds like it’s borrowed from a chink democratic leaflet. Even brownies won’t have it. Sleep well.


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14 hours ago, The Beast said:

I think there is a lot more comedy left in the show yet. Lady fucking Nugee, the white Diane Fucking Abbott, dressed in a faux Euro tent, saying she will vote to remain when everyone wishes she would just simply fuck off. A Brexit policy that requires a dossier more voluminous than Mrs May's fucking deal, makes no sense to any cunt not yet in a fit of pique at the idiocy of these cunts. The seizing of private school assets is simply unenforceable, not that the average Prep school has facilities worth much. To put the cherry on top today, the vagrant McCluskey on LBC says today was a wonderful day at conference.

We are living in a kakocracy, this will be confirmed tomorrow when the judgement from the Supreme Court will leave Mr Alexander Johnson no choice but to resign and no cunt will be bothered because there isn't a credible party to replace the current steaming pile of shit in office. 


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On 23/09/2019 at 18:05, kylie said:

I wonder if that would include 'faith schools', or would schools run by Islamists be exempt?

Can you imagine Eton and Gordonstoun and Cheltenham Ladies College with their new intake of council estate chavs and undisciplined, x box addicted, unwashed, infested with head lice and scabies knuckling down to ensure that they don’t let Catweazle down and show him up to be the fucking imbecile that he obviously is?

Pure fantasy politics from the leader of HM opposition. The opposition who, faced with a Tory government of nearly ten years, lurching from one crisis to the next , is terrified of the one thing that oppositions exist for, to oust the government in a general election. Corbyn is without doubt the worst opposition leader in history. But he is also the best thing to happen to the Tories in recent history aswell.

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On 23 September 2019 at 21:05, Roadkill said:

I've mentioned this before, Beast, but I really do think the Corner should become a political party. We'd get more done than the usual cunts over there and at the very least views will be up when it comes to meetings of Parliament.

Good shout RK; roops would obviously be PM, ratty minister for energy (with a particular eye on all that North Sea gas...), and panzy could be our brexit negotiator the spud chomping bog trotter. With franks nautical experience he's a shoe in for a job in The Navy, and he's a raving homosexual to boot 

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Frank's arsehole is in such a fucking state that it'd give even Hieronymus Bosch nightmares.

Being a metrosexual, skinny jean and espadrille wearing ponce, he'd be better defecting to the Liberal Democrats

If CC did go into politics and god forbid gain power, freaks like him would be jailed or shot

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