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Guest Cock Holster
7 hours ago, King Billy said:

The only flaw in your argument is that it’s completely fucking wrong. Luxembourg, Ireland, Switzerland and the Netherlands are all major tax havens. All in the EU except Switzerland, which has a very unique status, being outside the EU but with very favourable and secretive relations concerning financial and banking matters with the EU. The Swiss banks still have trillions of dollars in WW2 accounts which they refuse to return to the Steins.

Yeah except facts state otherwise Billy boy 



Cunts like Murdoch, Banks, Barclay brothers, Rees Mogg purposeful avoid paying taxes in the U.K by registering there companies in British tax havens. The EU started looking at tax avoidance in 2016, just before the call for a referendum, we appear to be conveniently crashing out without a deal just before it comes into effect. With the full backing of the tax dodging cunts likes Murdoch.

New legislation would ensure companies like amazon actually who pay around 10% of what they’re estimated to owe actually fucking pay so cunts like us don’t have to.

What do we get from our government? Some fucking bullshit about being at the front of a global effort.... fucking lying cunts. 

Ta ta for now.

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2 hours ago, Cock Holster said:

Yeah except facts state otherwise Billy boy 



Cunts like Murdoch, Banks, Barclay brothers, Rees Mogg purposeful avoid paying taxes in the U.K by registering there companies in British tax havens. The EU started looking at tax avoidance in 2016, just before the call for a referendum, we appear to be conveniently crashing out without a deal just before it comes into effect. With the full backing of the tax dodging cunts likes Murdoch.

New legislation would ensure companies like amazon actually who pay around 10% of what they’re estimated to owe actually fucking pay so cunts like us don’t have to.

What do we get from our government? Some fucking bullshit about being at the front of a global effort.... fucking lying cunts. 

Ta ta for now.

Point of order; you've appended two links to back up your POV but the second link is merely reporting on what was said in the first link, moreover the Grauniad's lefty outrage is outrageous as they were less than tax-responsible when they booked a £300+ million profit into a Cayman Islands tax shelter realised by the sale of the Autotrader magazine back in 2008.

That said,  the Tax Justice Network's research has a reputation for impartiality, accuracy and thoroughness - it's the analysis that sometimes goes awry. With international corporates most of the money sent offshore is restricted to off-balance sheet income, but, and it's a very big but, the capital has to appear in consolidated P&L accounts to support the balance sheet and share price and more importantly fund (either directly or by leverage) the dividend which of course is taxable.

TJN''s answer is of course the socialist's wet-dream, a world-wide unitary tax rate, but as ever, pipe-dreams rarely pass muster with the practicalities. One hundred and ninety-five countries, each with different needs and circumstances, are never going to agree on a one size fits all tax rate. The answer, which to be fair, the UK is working to albeit at a snail's pace, is the issue of beneficial ownership. Large corporates can't hide behind a tropical island palm leaf but individuals can via a complex web of nominated accounts and Limited Liability Partnerships. Cracking the issue of beneficial ownerships will go some way in eradicating tax evasion. Combating tax avoidance OTOH depends on how smart individual tax agencies are and as HMRC and other regulatory financial agencies have found out, the British are world leaders in financial engineering.

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3 hours ago, Cock Holster said:


New legislation would ensure companies like amazon actually who pay around 10% of what they’re estimated to owe actually fucking pay so cunts like us don’t have to.

We could adopt the Irish Tax model where Apple were ordered to pay 13 ‘BILLION’ euro to the Irish government by the EU. Ireland refused to accept the money???? and appealed, in a case where they didn’t want to accept the money.Apple didn’t want to pay but said they would pay and then joined the case on the Irish governments side. You couldn’t fucking make it up. The case was lost and Apple have paid up. They are now appealing so the money is being held pending the result of that. In essence you are right about tax havens and the use of them by large corporations, but quite often they are not the faraway tropical islands people imagine them to be.





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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

We could adopt the Irish Tax model where Apple were ordered to pay 13 ‘BILLION’ euro to the Irish government by the EU. Ireland refused to accept the money???? and appealed, in a case where they didn’t want to accept the money.Apple didn’t want to pay but said they would pay and then joined the case on the Irish governments side. You couldn’t fucking make it up. The case was lost and Apple have paid up. They are now appealing so the money is being held pending the result of that. In essence you are right about tax havens and the use of them by large corporations, but quite often they are not the faraway tropical islands people imagine them to be.





Ah ya see billy baby..thats not money owed to leo n the lads..thats money they rest of Europe wants n they want us to do the dirty work n collect so they can avoid pissin off d'apple ...ooo see snarleen is talkin about a special norn iron onny deal...Ulster says maybe?


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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ah ya see billy baby..thats not money owed to leo n the lads..thats money they rest of Europe wants n they want us to do the dirty work n collect so they can avoid pissin off d'apple ...ooo see snarleen is talkin about a special norn iron onny deal...Ulster says maybe?


It’s money your EU masters say is owed to Ireland not the EU Panz. You really should know that Ireland collects its own corporation and income taxes. The EU simply ruled that they were breaking EU laws by not paying any. The money is tax due to Leo and his ‘boys’ and the EU took bridge to the fact that Apple, employing 6000+ people in Ireland and making billions in profits from Europe, using Cork as its hub, simply weren’t being made to pay tax on these huge sums. This is due to the Irish being so desperate to keep Apple that they allow them to pay fuck all. The 6000 Irish workers have to pay their income tax etc. So it’s not hard to see where Leo’s loyalties lie.

As for Arleen Panz, surely even a simple soul such as yourself can see that the remoaners are now realising that the time is running out and they’ve been stepping up their shenanigans to stop brexit cos they realise that delay after delay won’t be allowed to happen. Boris is, by appearing to do very little, and insisting that we are leaving next month bringing the matter to a head. The hard line Brexiteers can see now that by sticking to their red lines, that the slags in Westminster, aided and abetted by the goblin Bercow are going to take the nuclear option and revoke article 50 soon. So the only way to leave is with a watered down deal, which will at least get us out. Once out then the chances of us ever going back in are remote. General election, Boris majority and we can at least negotiate a trade deal on equal terms, without the commons trying to scupper everything as their true objective (remaining) will be gone. Even Arlene has come to finally realise this and well done to her. I’ve just seen that cunt Femi wallawalla on sky news and he’s finally realising that all the treacherous scheming he and his remainer leftie cunt mates have been up to for 3/12 years is about to come to nothing.

Fuck the lot of them. Fucking big rubber lipped silverback trying to tell human beings what’s best for them.

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Guest Cock Holster
5 hours ago, King Billy said:

We could adopt the Irish Tax model where Apple were ordered to pay 13 ‘BILLION’ euro to the Irish government by the EU. Ireland refused to accept the money???? and appealed, in a case where they didn’t want to accept the money.Apple didn’t want to pay but said they would pay and then joined the case on the Irish governments side. You couldn’t fucking make it up. The case was lost and Apple have paid up. They are now appealing so the money is being held pending the result of that. In essence you are right about tax havens and the use of them by large corporations, but quite often they are not the faraway tropical islands people imagine them to be.





I remember it well Billy Boy because slimy George declares it a success when he struck a deal for £130 million with goggle, how much did the French ask for? A cool billion euros....

Slimy corporate wankers, protected by snotty nosed public school boys in public office. 

Wonder if Eddie employers any MPs to help him squirrel away his profits?

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Guest Cock Holster
6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Point of order; you've appended two links to back up your POV but the second link is merely reporting on what was said in the first link, moreover the Grauniad's lefty outrage is outrageous as they were less than tax-responsible when they booked a £300+ million profit into a Cayman Islands tax shelter realised by the sale of the Autotrader magazine back in 2008.

That said,  the Tax Justice Network's research has a reputation for impartiality, accuracy and thoroughness - it's the analysis that sometimes goes awry. With international corporates most of the money sent offshore is restricted to off-balance sheet income, but, and it's a very big but, the capital has to appear in consolidated P&L accounts to support the balance sheet and share price and more importantly fund (either directly or by leverage) the dividend which of course is taxable.

TJN''s answer is of course the socialist's wet-dream, a world-wide unitary tax rate, but as ever, pipe-dreams rarely pass muster with the practicalities. One hundred and ninety-five countries, each with different needs and circumstances, are never going to agree on a one size fits all tax rate. The answer, which to be fair, the UK is working to albeit at a snail's pace, is the issue of beneficial ownership. Large corporates can't hide behind a tropical island palm leaf but individuals can via a complex web of nominated accounts and Limited Liability Partnerships. Cracking the issue of beneficial ownerships will go some way in eradicating tax evasion. Combating tax avoidance OTOH depends on how smart individual tax agencies are and as HMRC and other regulatory financial agencies have found out, the British are world leaders in financial engineering.

Well spotted (fucking smart arse ;p)...  We really do excel at helping others help themselves. I don’t believe for a minute that the government has any intention of resolving the issue. Not when so many of them either use these loopholes or have family and friends who do.

You might not like the EU, but on this subject they’re literally light years ahead in terms of tackling the problem.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

It’s money your EU masters say is owed to Ireland not the EU Panz. You really should know that Ireland collects its own corporation and income taxes. The EU simply ruled that they were breaking EU laws by not paying any. The money is tax due to Leo and his ‘boys’ and the EU took bridge to the fact that Apple, employing 6000+ people in Ireland and making billions in profits from Europe, using Cork as its hub, simply weren’t being made to pay tax on these huge sums. This is due to the Irish being so desperate to keep Apple that they allow them to pay fuck all. The 6000 Irish workers have to pay their income tax etc. So it’s not hard to see where Leo’s loyalties lie.

As for Arleen Panz, surely even a simple soul such as yourself can see that the remoaners are now realising that the time is running out and they’ve been stepping up their shenanigans to stop brexit cos they realise that delay after delay won’t be allowed to happen. Boris is, by appearing to do very little, and insisting that we are leaving next month bringing the matter to a head. The hard line Brexiteers can see now that by sticking to their red lines, that the slags in Westminster, aided and abetted by the goblin Bercow are going to take the nuclear option and revoke article 50 soon. So the only way to leave is with a watered down deal, which will at least get us out. Once out then the chances of us ever going back in are remote. General election, Boris majority and we can at least negotiate a trade deal on equal terms, without the commons trying to scupper everything as their true objective (remaining) will be gone. Even Arlene has come to finally realise this and well done to her. I’ve just seen that cunt Femi wallawalla on sky news and he’s finally realising that all the treacherous scheming he and his remainer leftie cunt mates have been up to for 3/12 years is about to come to nothing.

Fuck the lot of them. Fucking big rubber lipped silverback trying to tell human beings what’s best for them.

All that moolahh is tax on apple stuff sold inde EU..the minute it lands in Irelands bank the rest would be dippin le paws into it..fuk em..let them get it themselves ..somtimes ya have to get a little bloody..snarleens realised borris is gonna sell em down the road..and shes to face a 56% remain vote in the 6 counties ...realpolitik 



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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

All that moolahh is tax on apple stuff sold inde EU..the minute it lands in Irelands bank the rest would be dippin le paws into it..fuk em..let them get it themselves ..somtimes ya have to get a little bloody..snarleens realised borris is gonna sell em down the road..and shes to face a 56% remain vote in the 6 counties ...realpolitik 



You could build a conveyor belt from Apples fancy HQ in Cork straight down to the harbour. Then fetch one of those u boats from the repair dock and just load the cash straight on and I’m sure you’ll be able to find a trawler Captain who hasn’t worked for decades, since the wonderful EU took all your fishing quotas (just like us) to sail it straight to the Bundesbank, where Frau Merkel can throw some crumbs to the other grateful 26 provinces of the fatherland. Well, the krauts need it to look after the millions of bearded, hairy chested ‘children’ she invited in to Germany without asking any of us ‘partners’, knowing full well they can soon disperse to any EU country. Once she’s asked them nicely to stop raping and blowing everybody up that is.

I really can’t understand why anybody would want to leave the EU, Can you? Panzybaby.

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Truth be told nobody here really cares about the fishin or farming industries..they dont employ a lot are heavily dependent on subsidies and what they employ is usually low skill n has little eengleesh and certainly not worth ruinin an economy for ...id rather have roads than fish and eat properly regulated south american beef n lamb ...just sayin izall


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4 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Truth be told nobody here really cares about the fishin or farming industries..they dont employ a lot are heavily dependent on subsidies and what they employ is usually low skill n has little eengleesh and certainly not worth ruinin an economy for ...id rather have roads than fish and eat properly regulated south american beef n lamb ...just sayin izall


Doesn't look like you are going to be getting much Oirish bafe.


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On 19 September 2019 at 13:19, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ah ya see billy baby..thats not money owed to leo n the lads..thats money they rest of Europe wants n they want us to do the dirty work n collect so they can avoid pissin off d'apple ...ooo see snarleen is talkin about a special norn iron onny deal...Ulster says maybe?


"Dorty" you bog trotting motherfuckwit


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