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Gizmo The chihuahua


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2 minutes ago, Glowworm said:

Poor Gizmo is said to have been taken from his owner's back garden by a herring gull .. something seems fishy here and its not my snatch.




What's with the black nose? Not the dog, the twat whose holding him 

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6 hours ago, Glowworm said:

The volunteers who were looking for Gizmo have been stood down because cunts on social media were taking the piss out of them



Volunteers quit hunt for seagull snatch chihuahua after harassment


Just looking at the comments from the Yokels on 'Devonlive', and they make the people of Essex look like Cambridge graduates. What a fucking depressing place to live. "Oooaarrr, wheres moi traaaaaactor then, our mum"? Ambrosia rice pudding eating cunts the lot of 'em. 

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On 03/08/2019 at 18:45, camberwell gypsy said:

Just looking at the comments from the Yokels on 'Devonlive', and they make the people of Essex look like Cambridge graduates. What a fucking depressing place to live. "Oooaarrr, wheres moi traaaaaactor then, our mum"? Ambrosia rice pudding eating cunts the lot of 'em. 

Are you a grockel Cambs?

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On 03/08/2019 at 18:45, camberwell gypsy said:

Just looking at the comments from the Yokels on 'Devonlive', and they make the people of Essex look like Cambridge graduates. What a fucking depressing place to live. "Oooaarrr, wheres moi traaaaaactor then, our mum"? Ambrosia rice pudding eating cunts the lot of 'em. 

Farmer Palmer and his son Jethro. 👍👍

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, ratcum said:

cease and desist 

I totally agree but I have to point out that you started it. I’m so glad that dam business in Derbyshire has been cleared up aren’t you Herr Oberst? It reminded me of the Ruhr Valley, May 1943.

I bet you hate that film don’t you? Especially after they deleted the N word. I heard rumours , a couple of years ago, that some cunts were planning to remake it. No doubt, the closing scenes would show a load of dirty Nazis struggling and drowning in the flood. I could see myself sitting there , shovelling popcorn down my fat face and laughing like a cunt.

Then I would leave the cinema, find that some booshka booshka cunt had nicked my mobility scooter and think to myself “ maybe Herr Oberst was right all along.”

It’s a fucking dilemma don’t you agree?

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