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Nightmare flight to Rome


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I get to the gate this morning and noticed as ridiculous amount of suspect cunts around me.Turns out that in Rome this weekend is the LGBT fucking Eurogames 2019 and I'm in the same fucking enclosed space with about 100 of the depraved cunts.Ive never seen so many skinny waist,limp,lispy fucking gaylords in my life.I fucking want compensation for having to breathe the air that these fucking poofs give off.If I end up with aids from the air conditioning I'm not going to be happy. Next time put all the cunts on one plane and make sure it has enough fuel for about 95% of the journey and the cunts fall 20 miles short.Rainbow wearing cuntards

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1 minute ago, Neil said:

I get to the gate this morning and noticed as ridiculous amount of suspect cunts around me.Turns out that in Rome this weekend is the LGBT fucking Eurogames 2019 and I'm in the same fucking enclosed space with about 100 of the depraved cunts.Ive never seen so many skinny waist,limp,lispy fucking gaylords in my life.I fucking want compensation for having to breathe the air that these fucking poofs give off.If I end up with aids from the air conditioning I'm not going to be happy. Next time put all the cunts on one plane and make sure it has enough fuel for about 95% of the journey and the cunts fall 20 miles short.Rainbow wearing cuntards

Why the fuck do you keep going back to Italy? It's appalling, and I've seen enough of it to know.

They say that Rome wasn't built in a day, but you wouldn't know from looking at it. It's an ill-planned, ramshackle, stinking fucking hole.


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3 minutes ago, Neil said:

I get to the gate this morning and noticed as ridiculous amount of suspect cunts around me.Turns out that in Rome this weekend is the LGBT fucking Eurogames 2019 and I'm in the same fucking enclosed space with about 100 of the depraved cunts.Ive never seen so many skinny waist,limp,lispy fucking gaylords in my life.I fucking want compensation for having to breathe the air that these fucking poofs give off.If I end up with aids from the air conditioning I'm not going to be happy. Next time put all the cunts on one plane and make sure it has enough fuel for about 95% of the journey and the cunts fall 20 miles short.Rainbow wearing cuntards

Ooooh get her!😘😘😘

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1 minute ago, Neil said:

I get to the gate this morning and noticed as ridiculous amount of suspect cunts around me.Turns out that in Rome this weekend is the LGBT fucking Eurogames 2019 and I'm in the same fucking enclosed space with about 100 of the depraved cunts.Ive never seen so many skinny waist,limp,lispy fucking gaylords in my life.I fucking want compensation for having to breathe the air that these fucking poofs give off.If I end up with aids from the air conditioning I'm not going to be happy. Next time put all the cunts on one plane and make sure it has enough fuel for about 95% of the journey and the cunts fall 20 miles short.Rainbow wearing cuntards

LGBT games? What the fuck is that shit then. Apart from you admitting that you've probably got AIDS now, the best hope for this nomination, is a list of suggested events. 

Running like a girl with flappy hands.

hop mince and jump

'Iron' man triathlon.

Curling (off a spunky one)

4 X 100 metre daisy-chain


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40 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Why the fuck do you keep going back to Italy? It's appalling, and I've seen enough of it to know.

They say that Rome wasn't built in a day, but you wouldn't know from looking at it. It's an ill-planned, ramshackle, stinking fucking hole.


Because it's better than England,sitting here at quarter to 9 in 30 degree heat and Britain can suck my dick.

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17 minutes ago, Neil said:

Because it's better than England,sitting here at quarter to 9 in 30 degree heat and Britain can suck my dick.

I don't know about that, if you were back home you know you'd be sweating like a fucking pig as well.

You'd have the van parked up in an A47 layby, windows blacked out and covered with 25 inches of sound-proof insulation fibres. It'd be hotter than Simon Weston's nightmares.

And that's without taking into account the fact that you'd have the heater on full blast to speed up the decomposition process.

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

I get to the gate this morning and noticed as ridiculous amount of suspect cunts around me.Turns out that in Rome this weekend is the LGBT fucking Eurogames 2019 and I'm in the same fucking enclosed space with about 100 of the depraved cunts.Ive never seen so many skinny waist,limp,lispy fucking gaylords in my life.I fucking want compensation for having to breathe the air that these fucking poofs give off.If I end up with aids from the air conditioning I'm not going to be happy. Next time put all the cunts on one plane and make sure it has enough fuel for about 95% of the journey and the cunts fall 20 miles short.Rainbow wearing cuntards

Is Vaseline the main sponsor?


Sod off.

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

I get to the gate this morning and noticed as ridiculous amount of suspect cunts around me.Turns out that in Rome this weekend is the LGBT fucking Eurogames 2019 and I'm in the same fucking enclosed space with about 100 of the depraved cunts.Ive never seen so many skinny waist,limp,lispy fucking gaylords in my life.I fucking want compensation for having to breathe the air that these fucking poofs give off.If I end up with aids from the air conditioning I'm not going to be happy. Next time put all the cunts on one plane and make sure it has enough fuel for about 95% of the journey and the cunts fall 20 miles short.Rainbow wearing cuntards

Bottoms up!

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9 hours ago, Neil said:

I get to the gate this morning and noticed as ridiculous amount of suspect cunts around me.Turns out that in Rome this weekend is the LGBT fucking Eurogames 2019 and I'm in the same fucking enclosed space with about 100 of the depraved cunts.Ive never seen so many skinny waist,limp,lispy fucking gaylords in my life.I fucking want compensation for having to breathe the air that these fucking poofs give off.If I end up with aids from the air conditioning I'm not going to be happy. Next time put all the cunts on one plane and make sure it has enough fuel for about 95% of the journey and the cunts fall 20 miles short.Rainbow wearing cuntards

Cut to the fucking chase Neil, did you, or did you not join the mile high club?

ps. I don't know whether it still counts if it's gay sex.

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16 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

LGBT games? What the fuck is that shit then. Apart from you admitting that you've probably got AIDS now, the best hope for this nomination, is a list of suggested events. 

Running like a girl with flappy hands.

hop mince and jump

'Iron' man triathlon.

Curling (off a spunky one)

4 X 100 metre daisy-chain




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And I don’t believe the queer in question works anywhere. He is more likely to be a middle aged single man who tells his octogenarian mother he’s off to work every day to his high flying executive job at the council and sits in the library all day reading books about accountancy, the history of local government departments, especially the ‘paper clip wars’ and the cut and  thrust of running your own department (6 people, 4 with their own desks) The other 2 are Jobseeker’s Allowance trainees. He then goes home and acts out his imaginary career on his petrified mother.

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1 minute ago, Glowworm said:

You mean like the "its only a joke" PMs that Marjorie keeps sending me?

Poor Marje it seems, has been hypnotised by Decs into thinking he’s somehow been accepted here. But when Decs gets bored with Marje licking his fat hairy arse and shits on his face he will realise what everyone else can already see. Namely that he’s a fucking idiot

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

And I don’t believe the queer in question works anywhere. He is more likely to be a middle aged single man who tells his octogenarian mother he’s off to work every day to his high flying executive job at the council and sits in the library all day reading books about accountancy, the history of local government departments, especially the ‘paper clip wars’ and the cut and  thrust of running your own department (6 people, 4 with their own desks) The other 2 are Jobseeker’s Allowance trainees. He then goes home and acts out his imaginary career on his petrified mother.

Back in the late 70s my boss got a letter from someone at the British Railways Board offices at Marylebone Road about a letter of complaint that had come from some woman who had caused a rumpuss on a train and said that her son was a senior manager at British Rail, No one had been able to tie the name of her son to any management position, after a lot of investigation it eventually turned out that her son (who always went to and from work dressed in a suit) was actually a what you would call a wheel-tapper. He had been on the railway for over 20 years and in all that time she had thought that he had progressed from a low grade clerk to upper management.

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