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Alison Hammond

Dave Umbongo

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3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Alison Hammond is definitely a black ‘roll’ model... 

For some fucking bizarre reason, after that response I have this mental image of Alison squatting over a Royal Doulton chair and squeezing a fuck off huge log out, and me standing there quizzically wondering where the shit ends and she starts.

Any aspiring freuds care to analyse that fucking disaster?

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Why don't you two just get a hotel room. 

@Gronda Gronda tells it how he sees it - he's just too polite to add what a nervous little impulsive spacker you come across as with all of these desperate assumptions you keep throwing around and the generic, store-brand comebacks you have hidden away as your only defence in the inevitable event some cunt tells you to stop being a fucking divvy.

"Get a room" in-fucking-deed. Are you living in some sort of Truman Show prosthetic world where a bunch of scientists can study how you interact during limited windows of contact with real human beings? If not, then what in the fucking world made you think this lazy, generic bollocks would be better than simply shutting the fuck up and taking the hit with silent dignity?

You're a backtracking little coward to the punters who want to kick the shit out of you, and an incredibly lazy and predictable bully to the ones trying to give you honest fucking advice - and then you whinge to admin when every cunt on here just instinctively tells you to fuck off and die.

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3 hours ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Wow.  I'm ashamed to say I didn't know that.  

Like Eric said, she was an evil cunt who loved the smell of burning flesh and petrol in her massive nostrils.

If the pigs in the US gunned down every George Floyd type, whatever the skin colour, I'm pretty sure it would be a better place.

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6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Winnie Mandela. She was well known for ordering punishment killings, carried out by her gangs of ANC thugs. The preferred method was 'necklacing'. The victim would have a car tyre put round his waist. They fill it with petrol and set light to it. What a charming lady.

Her husband was a bomb making terrorist cunt as well. I'm glad they're dead.

It used to be known as a Pirelli Necklace, Eric. It gets on my fucking tits how she's praised a freedom fighter. A domestic terrorist would be a more accurate description.

What's most ironic is when the ANC seized power the blicks ended up worse off. Widespread corruption and ineptitude turned the jewel of Africa into a third world nation. Maybe apartheid is not such a bad thing after all... 

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12 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

It used to be known as a Pirelli Necklace, Eric. It gets on my fucking tits how she's praised a freedom fighter. A domestic terrorist would be a more accurate description.

What's most ironic is when the ANC seized power the blicks ended up worse off. Widespread corruption and ineptitude turned the jewel of Africa into a third world nation. Maybe apartheid is not such a bad thing after all... 

South Africa is fucked. The ANC failed to protect the two pillars of the economy which are mining and agriculture. The white farmers are fucking off to the Congo, Zambia and Australia before their land is seized. The Chinese are slowly building a mining monopoly while lending money to the government that it will only be able to pay back by ceding further key resources to Chinese state owned companies.

South Africa will be a failed state within 15 years and another house that the Union Jack built will descend into medieval savagery and industrial scale looting of natural resources.

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

@Gronda Gronda tells it how he sees it - he's just too polite to add what a nervous little impulsive spacker you come across as with all of these desperate assumptions you keep throwing around and the generic, store-brand comebacks you have hidden away as your only defence in the inevitable event some cunt tells you to stop being a fucking divvy.

"Get a room" in-fucking-deed. Are you living in some sort of Truman Show prosthetic world where a bunch of scientists can study how you interact during limited windows of contact with real human beings? If not, then what in the fucking world made you think this lazy, generic bollocks would be better than simply shutting the fuck up and taking the hit with silent dignity?

You're a backtracking little coward to the punters who want to kick the shit out of you, and an incredibly lazy and predictable bully to the ones trying to give you honest fucking advice - and then you whinge to admin when every cunt on here just instinctively tells you to fuck off and die.

You certainly know how to unpack a punch. Do I detect a whiff of Southerncunt on your stale breath? 

LOL - in a bottle, shuved up your arse. 

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6 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

For some fucking bizarre reason, after that response I have this mental image of Alison squatting over a Royal Doulton chair and squeezing a fuck off huge log out, and me standing there quizzically wondering where the shit ends and she starts.

Any aspiring freuds care to analyse that fucking disaster?

You are regressing to an infantile state of playing with your own faeces and Alison is just a psychological mirror image of your own dirty self. Now fuck off and have shit sausages, mash and shit gravy. The only white thing in there is the mash. 

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3 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

It used to be known as a Pirelli Necklace, Eric. It gets on my fucking tits how she's praised a freedom fighter. A domestic terrorist would be a more accurate description.

What's most ironic is when the ANC seized power the blicks ended up worse off. Widespread corruption and ineptitude turned the jewel of Africa into a third world nation. Maybe apartheid is not such a bad thing after all... 

They obviously agree that apartheid wasn't so bad. The stupid fucking hypocrite cunts spent a century trying to abolish it, and as soon as they succeeded, they immediately reintroduce it with their fucking 'safe spaces'.

Thick fucking cunts. Little wonder that their only contributions to civilisation are AIDS, mindless savagery and slicing off their daughters piss-flaps.

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31 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They obviously agree that apartheid wasn't so bad. The stupid fucking hypocrite cunts spent a century trying to abolish it, and as soon as they succeeded, they immediately reintroduce it with their fucking 'safe spaces'.

Thick fucking cunts. Little wonder that their only contributions to civilisation are AIDS, mindless savagery and slicing off their daughters piss-flaps.

Don’t forget the invention of the mud hut their sole contribution to mankind since the Stone Age 


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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are regressing to an infantile state of playing with your own faeces and Alison is just a psychological mirror image of your own dirty self. Now fuck off and have shit sausages, mash and shit gravy. The only white thing in there is the mash. 

You really are impossibly shit at this aren’t you? In your tiny fucking mind the above response will have the puntership chuckling away and poor old drew regretting ever tangling with a vicious wit like yours. 

If you ever met him in real life he’d simply breath on you causing instant drunkenness and long term cirrhosis of the liver, and hopefully smash one of his empties over your pig shit thick skull 

You stupid fucking wanker

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4 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Don’t forget the invention of the mud hut their sole contribution to mankind since the Stone Age 


Or the time that Oxfam spent a couple of hundred grand installing a water pipeline to an African village. By the time the sun came up, the villagers had dug up the pipework and sold it for scrap. Fucking animals. 

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Or the time that Oxfam spent a couple of hundred grand installing a water pipeline to an African village. By the time the sun came up, the villagers had dug up the pipework and sold it for scrap. Fucking animals. 

I’ve always wondered what the place would be like if all the billions of aid money hadn’t been thrown at the dark continent?

Im sure most of it was just a false flag for plundering the natural resources or Cold War proxy stuff, but I reckon there’d be a few million less of the cunts.

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6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ve always wondered what the place would be like if all the billions of aid money hadn’t been thrown at the dark continent?

Im sure most of it was just a false flag for plundering the natural resources or Cold War proxy stuff, but I reckon there’d be a few million less of the cunts.

A true story illustrating exactly how stupid and beyond help these people really are...

A Red Cross worker visited a village in an area with a serious overpopulation problem. The aim was to educate regarding birth control and supply them with rubber johnnies. The Red Cross bloke gathered all the men together and demonstrated how to put on a condom by using the end of a broom handle. 2 years later there was no change in the birth rate. Upon investigation, it turned out that they had been putting condoms on the ends of broom handles before fucking their women. 

Says it all really.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

A true story illustrating exactly how stupid and beyond help these people really are...

A Red Cross worker visited a village in an area with a serious overpopulation problem. The aim was to educate regarding birth control and supply them with rubber johnnies. The Red Cross bloke gathered all the men together and demonstrated how to put on a condom by using the end of a broom handle. 2 years later there was no change in the birth rate. Upon investigation, it turned out that they had been putting condoms on the ends of broom handles before fucking their women. 

Says it all really.

Old man pecker worked in the oil business in Nigeria back in the day not long after the Biafran war. There was plenty of aid coming in but the lazy cunts couldn’t work out it had to be distributed in land. Most of it rotted on the dockside in the tropical heat while the soldiers sat around smoking and getting pissed. 
I saw similar things in Zambia some years back

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