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23 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Point is...what was the point...{alzheimers}...ah yes! Point is that until we all agree what the remit of the NHS is then it'll just go bimbling on, held together by (and hostge to) politicians promises and the dedication of a significant majority of its staff.

I have an old friend     (quite a lot younger than me), at 58 he has got an early onset form of Alzheimers, he has not known who he is for at least three years, he is nothing more than an empty husk. The pressure of looking after him killed his wife two years ago. He is in a long term care home. His daughter stopped visiting him last year, as she said he has been dead to her since her mother. died. To most of the people where he is Dr Shipman would have offered the kindest and most humane possible treatment.

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2 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Doubt it.

Whilst doffing my cap to your experience from the supply side, I think the British love the NHS more than Tottenham love putting in shit performances in games that really count.

A few more dog-whistle entreaties about the NHS being privatised, the line about it always being free at the point of delivery and sepia-tinted photo's of Nye Bevan and we can get back to the real issue: which party can claim to be throwing most money into the bottomless pit whilst confering sainthood on all who sail in her

I have some sympathy with the gist of this, Jiggers. The NHS as a concept is a busted flush, overly romanticised, and regrettably some form of fee based system is by now inevitable. Honest politicians would have gulped hard and said this years ago. 

I just think it odd that the same people who promised to defend the much beloved blue and white behemoth are leading it into a HMO nightmare. The poor and downtrodden masses Judy always cites can soon add “sick and forgotten” to their growing list of grievances. 

There will be blood. 

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23 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I have some sympathy with the gist of this, Jiggers. The NHS as a concept is a busted flush, overly romanticised,

The NHS is not a busted flush .. it has simply expanded into areas that are not really within its remit. What should be taken out of its remit are things that are the result of choice and recklessness these are what should be covered by personal and third party insurance with the NHS empowered to recover the costs. Also perhaps we need to look at the elderly continuing to be required pay NHS contributions.

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16 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I have some sympathy with the gist of this, Jiggers. The NHS as a concept is a busted flush, overly romanticised, and regrettably some form of fee based system is by now inevitable. Honest politicians would have gulped hard and said this years ago. 

I just think it odd that the same people who promised to defend the much beloved blue and white behemoth are leading it into a HMO nightmare. The poor and downtrodden masses Judy always cites can soon add “sick and forgotten” to their growing list of grievances. 

There will be blood. 

I'm under the presumption of you being a practicing GP/specialist? Am I wrong on this belief? So I take your statements with a little more pinch of a salt, than most cunts on here. To me the demise of the NHS seems sadly inevitable, there is major mismanagement of funds, which I happen to know this first hand. My brother is an IT contractor who was hired to update a legacy system, the NHS manager's making the decisions around tender and pricing, have no fucking idea how this stuff actually works. Or in reality should cost! So unscrupulous consultants rinse the public purse by up to three times it's actual price. One example of why sadly without a serious restructure this birth right is gonna fail. I'm a big fan of the work they do after being seriously injured, health tourism and general abuse is also sadly rife. Any private medical system and the abolition of the NHS may finally be enough to cause a revolution in this country!

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20 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Also for the grammar Nazis who like to pull me up on punctuation and grammatical errors! I spend most of my time writing in code where the above is not a pre-requisite. So fuck off!


Can anyone decipher this please ?


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1 hour ago, Glowworm said:

I have an old friend     (quite a lot younger than me), at 58 he has got an early onset form of Alzheimers, he has not known who he is for at least three years, he is nothing more than an empty husk. The pressure of looking after him killed his wife two years ago. He is in a long term care home. His daughter stopped visiting him last year, as she said he has been dead to her since her mother. died. To most of the people where he is Dr Shipman would have offered the kindest and most humane possible treatment.

Have you considered it possible that when he appears not to know who you are, he just finds that easier than telling you to Fuck Off?

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5 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Also for the grammar Nazis who like to pull me up on punctuation and grammatical errors! I spend most of my time writing in code where the above is not a pre-requisite. So fuck off!

I’m a fucking code GOD, sunshine, and let me tell you, precision matters.

Did you work on the 737 MAX’s anti-stall systems, by any chance?

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44 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Have you considered it possible that when he appears not to know who you are, he just finds that easier than telling you to Fuck Off?

No .. he doesn't even have the level of awareness that he would need to tell you to fuck off.

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4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I’m a fucking code GOD, sunshine, and let me tell you, precision matters.

Did you work on the 737 MAX’s anti-stall systems, by any chance?

Of course it does Baws when we're talking about writing software. Thankfully though as you're no doubt aware we now have intellisense in code editors, cutting down on the odd language error. My point was the use of English on the corner, comments containing words such as "of" or "off" or "there" or "their". Random mistakes or in some cases ignorance, my gripe was with those pulling punters on said errors, while they should get their own scripts on order!

Baws you though have mastered this technique, while keeping your own house in order. 

Did you work on the 737 MAX’s anti-stall systems, by any chance?

No however I reckon it was probably written by Pen in Turbo Pascal at a guess!

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5 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

No however I reckon it was probably written by Pen in Turbo Pascal at a guess!

I’m even more old school than that; Assembler and FORTRAN on the Voyager flight control software. We still had it easier than the original crew on the Jupiter fly past, who had to hand craft most of the orbital calculations because the computers of the day didn’t have sufficient decimal precision. 

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25 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I’m even more old school than that; Assembler and FORTRAN on the Voyager flight control software. We still had it easier than the original crew on the Jupiter fly past, who had to hand craft most of the orbital calculations because the computers of the day didn’t have sufficient decimal precision. 

Baws I have a feeling the comments I leave describing my code functions, would drive you insane!😁😁😁😁

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Big telescopes?

There’s a big one on Brighton seafront. It only costs a quid to get seagull shit all over your face and zoom in on the nudies frolicking. You can’t get that for a quid, or a Euro anywhere else in Europe. Another good reason to get the fuck out of the EU. Brexit is making more and more sense every day.

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

There’s a big one on Brighton seafront. It only costs a quid to get seagull shit all over your face and zoom in on the nudies frolicking. You can’t get that for a quid, or a Euro anywhere else in Europe. Another good reason to get the fuck out of the EU. Brexit is making more and more sense every day.

Know much about Brighton then, Billy? 🤔😁😁

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Boris has just had this cunts pathetic attempt to have him on trial overturned at the high court.Hopefully  now the retarded, attention  seeking  cuntbrained carrot cruncher  will duck off back to Norwich and keep his queer little face out of things which are fuck all to do with him.YOU FUCKING  HORRIBLE LITTLE KNOW ALL CUNT!!!!!

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
24 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I'd pay good money to watch a big man of colour fuck him up the arse whilst he's bent over his office desk squealing for his mummy.


Boris or Marcus?

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8 minutes ago, Earl Albert of Ross said:

Boris or Marcus?

Due to the fact of them both having been privately educated, in essence you would be paying for their hooker, it's probably a part of tonight's engagements for both of em, it's Friday after all!

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