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Marcus Ball


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Looking at this photo This chap is the new Witchfinder General

The well-dressed young man looks directly into the camera and begins to talk.

“Hello Boris Johnson,” he says, with the beginnings of a smirk.

“My name is Marcus J. Ball. I am a private prosecutor, and I have a problem with lying politicians.”


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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Glowworm said:

Looking at this photo This chap is the new Witchfinder General

The well-dressed young man looks directly into the camera and begins to talk.

“Hello Boris Johnson,” he says, with the beginnings of a smirk.

“My name is Marcus J. Ball. I am a private prosecutor, and I have a problem with lying politicians.”


My name is Marcus J Poshboy. I am an over privileged  arrogant little prick. I have a problem with the unwashed working class who think they can vote any way they like. I’m putting a stop to that cuntery.

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15 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

My name is Marcus J Poshboy. I am an over privileged  arrogant little prick. I have a problem with the unwashed working class who think they can vote any way they like. I’m putting a stop to that cuntery.

The £350 million a week claim was inept at best but what these Marcus dumbfucks and their ilk are failing (or refusing) to comprehend is that it probably had zero effect on the vote as people had already decided which way they would vote based on their own experiences.

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30 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

He’s originally from Norfolk, and doesn’t appear to have done a day’s paid work in his life since squeaking through a history degree many years ago. Oily little wanker. 

I could not get any further back than he was from Norfolk. Is there any other meat on the bones?

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

He’s originally from Norfolk, and doesn’t appear to have done a day’s paid work in his life since squeaking through a history degree many years ago. Oily little wanker. 

Norfolk? Well that explains a lot. Inbred little cunt.

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Marcus Ball is a typical example of the the real  reason that Brexit is so divisive, the cunts who are driving that divisiveness are the remoaners themselves. Instead of accepting that vote and saying we do not agree with it but istead saying  "lets make the best of things", they have done everything possible to polarise things and tear the country apart. Boris had little if any influence on the result.

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On 30/05/2019 at 14:06, judgetwi said:

What a wanker!

Hasn’t got the balls to chuck a milkshake like all the other cry baby remoaners.

Thing is neither have you Jewdy. It has nothing based in morality or retribution, you just can't waste a good McDonald's milkshake!

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Guest judgetwi
6 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Thing is neither have you Jewdy. It has nothing based in morality or retribution, you just can't waste a good McDonald's milkshake!

Listen cuntface, I don’t drink milk because i’m a fucking vegan right? You can laugh if you like you fucking animal murderer but that’s the way it is.

You are more than welcome to shit on my vegetable garden but if I don’t like the look of you I may have to shove a rolled up copy of the Guardian up your love tunnel.

That’s fair warning in my world.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
27 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Listen cuntface, I don’t drink milk because i’m a fucking vegan right? You can laugh if you like you fucking animal murderer but that’s the way it is.

You are more than welcome to shit on my vegetable garden but if I don’t like the look of you I may have to shove a rolled up copy of the Guardian up your love tunnel.

That’s fair warning in my world.

Do tell how Stavros was always able to wring the grease out of your veggie kebab for so long.  

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Guest judgetwi
5 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Do tell how Stavros was always able to wring the grease out of your veggie kebab for so long.  

Ok shithead I lied about being a vegan ok? The fact that you were prepared to believe that a cunt like me could be some limp wristed, happy clappy, take it up the bum, save the world remoaner wanker doesn’t say much for your intelligence.

Oh , would you like to join my new action group? It’s called Extinction Fuckinghurryup.

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53 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Ok shithead I lied about being a vegan ok? The fact that you were prepared to believe that a cunt like me could be some limp wristed, happy clappy, take it up the bum, save the world remoaner wanker doesn’t say much for your intelligence.

Oh , would you like to join my new action group? It’s called Extinction Fuckinghurryup.

If you were a vegan Jewdy, my dog's name is Barry Lump

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13 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Listen cuntface, I don’t drink milk because i’m a fucking vegan right? You can laugh if you like you fucking animal murderer but that’s the way it is.

You are more than welcome to shit on my vegetable garden but if I don’t like the look of you I may have to shove a rolled up copy of the Guardian up your love tunnel.

That’s fair warning in my world.

Vegan? More like a Vulcan with them ears. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
12 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Ok shithead I lied about being a vegan ok? The fact that you were prepared to believe that a cunt like me could be some limp wristed, happy clappy, take it up the bum, save the world remoaner wanker doesn’t say much for your intelligence.

Oh , would you like to join my new action group? It’s called Extinction Fuckinghurryup.

Au contraire....if I had been prepared to believe for a moment you were a tree shagger, I would have been more attentive to your feelings and encouraged you to recycle your shits to improve soil quality, and tell you it's fine to just be you.  I knew of your blood lust for a fine kebab and Stavros' mastery of said delicacy for you.  I'm not quite at Baws' level of retaining details, but still, credit due and all.  

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19 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Listen cuntface, I don’t drink milk because i’m a fucking vegan right? You can laugh if you like you fucking animal murderer but that’s the way it is.

You are more than welcome to shit on my vegetable garden but if I don’t like the look of you I may have to shove a rolled up copy of the Guardian up your love tunnel.

That’s fair warning in my world.

Bullshit you drink half a pint of full fat (not always milk I'd wager too) as soon as you open your pig shaped eyes, with a handful of librium to stop the delirium tremors until you can manage that first bottle of white ace cider.

Living on the top floor of a Wandsworth council tower block I doubt you have access to a vegetable patch? Maybe some window boxes just maybe. I also seriously doubt you would waste your summer duvet (old copies of the Guardian) on a trespassers rectum. Unless silver and semen was crossing your palm.

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On 31/05/2019 at 20:05, judgetwi said:

My name is Marcus J Poshboy. I am an over privileged  arrogant little prick. I have a problem with the unwashed working class who think they can vote any way they like. I’m putting a stop to that cuntery.


Ironic that the fabled big red bus promise is actually going to lead to the end of the NHS, isn’t it? I’m sure the Untermensch will be so glad to be free of the shackles of Mr Juncker when grandma’s septic leg is stinking out the street.

Small price to pay, infant mortality. No doubt Widders and Nige would agree. British graves for British children. 

Better start saving for that below knee prosthetic now, you fat fucking oaf. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


Ironic that the fabled big red bus promise is actually going to lead to the end of the NHS, isn’t it? I’m sure the Untermensch will be so glad to be free of the shackles of Mr Juncker when grandma’s septic leg is stinking out the street.

Small price to pay, infant mortality. No doubt Widders and Nige would agree. British graves for British children. 

Better start saving for that below knee prosthetic now, you fat fucking oaf. 

Doubt it.

Whilst doffing my cap to your experience from the supply side, I think the British love the NHS more than Tottenham love putting in shit performances in games that really count.

A few more dog-whistle entreaties about the NHS being privatised, the line about it always being free at the point of delivery and sepia-tinted photo's of Nye Bevan and we can get back to the real issue: which party can claim to be throwing most money into the bottomless pit whilst confering sainthood on all who sail in her

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


Ironic that the fabled big red bus promise is actually going to lead to the end of the NHS, isn’t it? I’m sure the Untermensch will be so glad to be free of the shackles of Mr Juncker when grandma’s septic leg is stinking out the street.

Small price to pay, infant mortality. No doubt Widders and Nige would agree. British graves for British children. 

Better start saving for that below knee prosthetic now, you fat fucking oaf. 

We had an NHS 25 years before we joined the then EEC, it would appear that the NHS is gradually being sold off regardless of whether or not we remain in the EU. It is simply down to affordability, the harsh truth is that treatments and survivabilty have increased drastically but with issue that many of the people who survive longer need very expensive life long treatments, and in many cases facing lives that are not worth living. The other problem is that if a treatment fails the NHS is often sued with the  NHS often ending up paying £millions in damages. The harsh truth that we cannot afford the NHS as it is now. Should the NHS be funding the costs of drug abuse? Sporting injuries? Reckless activities such as tombstoning, fighting, getting piss up, Reckless driving the list goes on and not forgetting old scroats and others who call the doctor every time they sneeze.

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2 hours ago, Glowworm said:

We had an NHS 25 years before we joined the then EEC, it would appear that the NHS is gradually being sold off regardless of whether or not we remain in the EU. It is simply down to affordability, the harsh truth is that treatments and survivabilty have increased drastically but with issue that many of the people who survive longer need very expensive life long treatments, and in many cases facing lives that are not worth living. The other problem is that if a treatment fails the NHS is often sued with the  NHS often ending up paying £millions in damages. The harsh truth that we cannot afford the NHS as it is now. Should the NHS be funding the costs of drug abuse? Sporting injuries? Reckless activities such as tombstoning, fighting, getting piss up, Reckless driving the list goes on and not forgetting old scroats and others who call the doctor every time they sneeze.

Yes, hence my sign off in my last posting - politicians know they're onto a winner by mouthing platitudes about how wonderful the NHS is and making ridiculous promises about its funding without ever examining if it's fit for purpose in the 21st Century.

I am neither pround nor disparaging about the NHS. Like any large institution it will have its shining lights and dedicated, skilled and decent staff - and it will have its lazy, corrupt and venal. It will have its many victories, mostly heartwarming requiring great skill and dedication from its employees. It will also have (at its extremes) Harold Shipman, Gosport Hospital, Shrewsbury and Telford Trust as well as the day to day culture of cordial insouciance and inefficiency exhibited certanly by my GP surgery.

Point is...what was the point...{alzheimers}...ah yes! Point is that until we all agree what the remit of the NHS is then it'll just go bimbling on, held together by (and hostge to) politicians promises and the dedication of a significant majority of its staff.

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