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Marcus Ball


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Guest judgetwi

I think he might be referring to the son of the late Alan Ball, the short arse, ginger minger, screeching footballer of 1966 fame.

Quite what Marcus has done to upset this inarticulate, Lady-Penelope-a-like I have no idea.

Did Lucille Ball, the long dead American comedienne, have any offspring? Coincidentally, exactly the sort of pointless information that Lady P would have at her arthritic fingertips.

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8 hours ago, JPCunt said:

Marcus ball top cunting!

It was fortunate for the narcissistic Marcus Ball that the magistrate was out of her depth and waived the case on to the crown court 'cos this clearly is an abuse of process. Even his solicitor looked a bit sheepish as he stumbled over the interview after the hearing. Conveniently, Mr Ball is entering into a state of Purdah and will no longer be saying anything more until the case is over. This of course avoids the awkward question as why he isn't going after the former Prime Minister, the ex Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Governor of the Bank of England and former President of the USA who all spoke in their official capacities whilst presenting Operation Fear. Mr Ball has insisted that he is a neutral observer to the Brexit process.

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

It was fortunate for the narcissistic Marcus Ball that the magistrate was out of her depth and waived the case on to the crown court 'cos this clearly is an abuse of process. Even his solicitor looked a bit sheepish as he stumbled over the interview after the hearing. Conveniently, Mr Ball is entering into a state of Purdah and will no longer be saying anything more until the case is over. This of course avoids the awkward question as why he isn't going after the former Prime Minister, the ex Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Governor of the Bank of England and former President of the USA who all spoke in their official capacities whilst presenting Operation Fear. Mr Ball has insisted that he is a neutral observer to the Brexit process.

What puzzles me with these cunts is why they can't recognise the fact that most people probably made their minds up all on their own.

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Assuming our inarticulate / shy / arsehole fucking cunt new member DOES in fact mean the litigious one pursuing Boris Johnson then Roops is right - this whole thing is ill-conceived regarding his case in isolation (I'm pretty sure Ball is on very stony ground) and in the long-term implications for British Politics.

Remain campaigners might be getting a big red stalk-on about this case but let's say yer man Ball is succesful and BoJo (for who I have very little time, just to be clear) is found guilty.

The crowdfunded £1/4m is going to look like chickfeed compared with the corporate might that will be wielded against a Politician expressing a contentious opinion - on climate change, immigration, racial issues, corporate governance (Sir Philip Green anyone?) etc - not backed by rock-solid evidence. 

If we fight politics in court, we hand huge powers to the uber-wealthy and the multinationals.

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26 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

If we fight politics in court, we hand huge powers to the uber-wealthy and the multinationals.

Not politics but does anyone remember this case, where a doctor cast doubt about the claims of certain chiropractors and in response  their association attempted to stifle such criticism through the courts ?


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2 hours ago, Glowworm said:

Not politics but does anyone remember this case, where a doctor cast doubt about the claims of certain chiropractors and in response  their association attempted to stifle such criticism through the courts ?


Well done! Just what’s needed Pen. A side story of the most boring shite available online. I believe a  chiropractor would be doing a public service by snapping your spine in at least 27 places rendering you unable to slowly destroy my mind with your desultory ‘Chinese water torture’ posts. Therefore I am commencing a private prosecution to force you down  that avenue of treatment. I will be launching my crowdfunding site later, with an option included for donors who simply want you dead.

See you in court.



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Guest judgetwi
5 hours ago, Glowworm said:

This is the cunt .. 29 years old .. fucking millenial!


What a wanker!

Hasn’t got the balls to chuck a milkshake like all the other cry baby remoaners.

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James ‘Ginger, micro penised, know all, fuckwit, arsewipe’ O’Brien interviewed this Marcus Hall Cunt the other day on LBC. The fucking garbage this cunt was spouting was fucking astounding and of course O’Brien was all the while licking his arse hole and getting very aroused at the thought of Boris possibly facing charges, even though afterwards when a caller asked him if he thought almost all politicians exaggerated facts or even made up things so therefore it would mean the end of any pretence of free speech in this country, the Ginger remoaning wanker said he didn’t care as long as Boris got his comeuppance. So there you have it, according to cunts like these, no rules apply as long as the end result is stopping brexit and inflating their own massive egos along the way. 

Reprehensible fucking cunts

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18 hours ago, JPCunt said:

Marcus ball top cunting!

Welcome JPCunt.

A decent first nomination but you really must expand upon your content and relate to us a bit about yourself such as ethnicity, sexual orientations, political affiliations, social class, educational attainment and career background.

Any personal details such as hobbies, where you shop and if you go on “all-inclusive” holidays would also be of interest to board contributors.

Finally....Fuck off.

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12 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Welcome JPCunt.

A decent first nomination but you really must expand upon your content and relate to us a bit about yourself such as ethnicity, sexual orientations, political affiliations, social class, educational attainment and career background.

Any personal details such as hobbies, where you shop and if you go on “all-inclusive” holidays would also be of interest to board contributors.

Finally....Fuck off.

Watch out for Punkape

This is what passes for 'foreplay' in his mind. He's trying to seduce you

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Guest judgetwi
4 hours ago, King Billy said:

James ‘Ginger, micro penised, know all, fuckwit, arsewipe’ O’Brien interviewed this Marcus Hall Cunt the other day on LBC. The fucking garbage this cunt was spouting was fucking astounding and of course O’Brien was all the while licking his arse hole and getting very aroused at the thought of Boris possibly facing charges, even though afterwards when a caller asked him if he thought almost all politicians exaggerated facts or even made up things so therefore it would mean the end of any pretence of free speech in this country, the Ginger remoaning wanker said he didn’t care as long as Boris got his comeuppance. So there you have it, according to cunts like these, no rules apply as long as the end result is stopping brexit and inflating their own massive egos along the way. 

Reprehensible fucking cunts

O’Brien is a paranoid schizophrenic........ who only has two things on his champagne class warrior mind.......Brexit and Trump. The fake socialist has been obsessed with both for 3 fucking years. I sometimes think his stupid head will explode when he gets the odd cunt who dares to argue with him.

As for this Ball arsehole he reminds of a certain rich foreign lady who has made a sleb career out of being a  remoaner. As they sing on the terraces at Dulwich Hamlet......

🎶 There’s only one Gina Miller.....one Gina Miller

One Gina Miiiiler

There’s only one Gina Miiiiil...er 🎶

Crowdfunding my arse.

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Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)
13 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I think he might be referring to the son of the late Alan Ball, the short arse, ginger minger, screeching footballer of 1966 fame.

Quite what Marcus has done to upset this inarticulate, Lady-Penelope-a-like I have no idea.

Did Lucille Ball, the long dead American comedienne, have any offspring? Coincidentally, exactly the sort of pointless information that Lady P would have at her arthritic fingertips.

Yes, and they're called Arnaz.

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Guest judgetwi
58 minutes ago, Earl Albert of Ross said:

Yes, and they're called Arnaz.

Of course....... Desi Arnaz! It’s a good job we’ve got you to supply us with the information that no cunt in the world gives a flying fuck about.

Now, My Lady, I happened to come across some statistics about recent deaths on the railways. They go like this:

Deaths at level crossings.....6 (apparently well down on the average)

Deaths trespassing on the railway.......28 (hopefully mostly pikeys trying to nick cable)

Deaths by suicide or suspected suicide......237.

May I suggest that it’s a crying shame that it wasn’t 238. Enough said. 😀


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12 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Of course....... Desi Arnaz! It’s a good job we’ve got you to supply us with the information that no cunt in the world gives a flying fuck about.

Well known as two thirds of the production company behind Star Trek, Desilu. 

Knowledge is power. 

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Well known as two thirds of the production company behind Star Trek, Desilu. 

Knowledge is power. 

You need some pussy, professor.

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Its fortunate that young Marcus isn't a "public official" otherwise he could have easily found himself at the wrong end of a private prosecution for "misconduct" initiated by the saps who subscribed to his crowd-funding shenanigans. They thought they were funding the legal costs of a "Get Boris" criminal court case. It now appears they were also supporting Marcus Ball in maintaining a lifestyle that he was accustomed to.

Here's a PDF file of some of the financial reports of "Brexit Justice",

https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/3446e816-6bb7-4203-aaf2-673a192daea4/Brexit Justice Financial Spending Reports 1-4 summary (2).pdf

It appears that crowd funders have underwritten the costs of his flat share to the tune of £1020/mth. The flat was chosen because it included security staff and fitness gym. Marcus explains that the costs were justified because, "Good health, fitness and confidence helps me to perform better at work" - sentiments that I entirely agree with but I can't help thinking that Marcus would be best served if the fund was placed under the control of trustees who would rein in his millennial attitudes of self-entitlement.

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25 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Its fortunate that young Marcus isn't a "public official" otherwise he could have easily found himself at the wrong end of a private prosecution for "misconduct" initiated by the saps who subscribed to his crowd-funding shenanigans. They thought they were funding the legal costs of a "Get Boris" criminal court case. It now appears they were also supporting Marcus Ball in maintaining a lifestyle that he was accustomed to.

Here's a PDF file of some of the financial reports of "Brexit Justice",

https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/3446e816-6bb7-4203-aaf2-673a192daea4/Brexit Justice Financial Spending Reports 1-4 summary (2).pdf

It appears that crowd funders have underwritten the costs of his flat share to the tune of £1020/mth. The flat was chosen because it included security staff and fitness gym. Marcus explains that the costs were justified because, "Good health, fitness and confidence helps me to perform better at work" - sentiments that I entirely agree with but I can't help thinking that Marcus would be best served if the fund was placed under the control of trustees who would rein in his millennial attitudes of self-entitlement.

I found the following rather touching and nice .. "Home 'office' expenses for my room 255.31Costs included a mirror, chair and rug to make my work environment a lot nicer."

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