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The End Of May


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So today (so the media tell us) is the day that Theresa May will announce the date of her departure. A time to celebrate? I am not so sure. Which cunt will replace her and what kind of fuck up will they make of a process that should have taken place two months ago? By now at worst we would be negotiating new trade deals, but instead .. what a fuck up! .. The end of May looks to be the 7th of June.

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1 hour ago, Glowworm said:

So today (so the media tell us) is the day that Theresa May will announce the date of her departure. A time to celebrate? I am not so sure. Which cunt will replace her and what kind of fuck up will they make of a process that should have taken place two months ago? By now at worst we would be negotiating new trade deals, but instead .. what a fuck up!

The end of May is on the 31st.

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Guest judgetwi

Thank fuck that lying, useless sack of shit has finally gone. Go direct to the House of Lords, collect your big brown envelope from Tusk, do not pass go, just fuck off and don’t come back bitch.

Even in her last tear jerking speech she couldn’t stop herself lying through her teeth. What a cunt.

Bring on the next EU stooge. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.

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34 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Thank fuck that lying, useless sack of shit has finally gone. Go direct to the House of Lords, collect your big brown envelope from Tusk, do not pass go, just fuck off and don’t come back bitch.

Even in her last tear jerking speech she couldn’t stop herself lying through her teeth. What a cunt.

Bring on the next EU stooge. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.

Time for Jacob Rees-Mogg to save the country.


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22 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Thank fuck that lying, useless sack of shit has finally gone. Go direct to the House of Lords, collect your big brown envelope from Tusk, do not pass go, just fuck off and don’t come back bitch.

Even in her last tear jerking speech she couldn’t stop herself lying through her teeth. What a cunt.

Bring on the next EU stooge. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.

Couldn’t agree more. Every word the cunt has said since being given the job, which was way beyond her capabilities, has been utter fucking bullshit. Trying to pander to ‘remainers’ and   ‘brexiteers’ while all the time allowing the treacherous Ollie Robbins to agree terms with Barnier which no one in Britain would ever agree to. This cunt was a complete fucking failure as Home Secretary and simply carried on her incompetence and duplicity once installed in No.10. It really is an embarrassment that this cunt was the best we could put forward at a time when this country really needed someone who could at least try to fight for Britains interests with the EU bully boys. The worst about it is that all the bluster “No deal is better than a bad deal” etc etc etc was nothing but a completely dishonest smoke screen to try and hide the fact that she was being  shat on by Barnier Tusk, Juncker and Verhoffstat right from day one. Even the pathetic gurning snivelling whimper at the end of her resignation speech looked fake.  So “Good riddance Mrs May. You fucking useless cunt. You won’t be missed”

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Guest judgetwi
23 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Time for a Catholic Prime Minister...



Like Blair you mean?

Yeah, that went well didn’t it?

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It seems it was the "men in grey suits" that finally did Mrs May in, no doubt after receiving early exit poll results.

TBF, Mrs May was a hard grafter and understood the political game, but like Ted Heath lacked the public persona to carry the people with her. Listening to spads who convinced her to repeatedly trot out "strong and stable leadership" didn't help either. In truth Mrs May was in an invidious position, the country was divided and the UK's negotiating position with the EU was weakened by politicians who refused to accept the referendum result which in turn emboldened the EU negotiators and their political masters. The country needed a forceful conviction politician like Mrs Thatcher as a consensus PM would never be able to deliver the goods.

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33 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

It seems it was the "men in grey suits" that finally did Mrs May in, no doubt after receiving early exit poll results.

TBF, Mrs May was a hard grafter and understood the political game, but like Ted Heath lacked the public persona to carry the people with her. Listening to spads who convinced her to repeatedly trot out "strong and stable leadership" didn't help either. In truth Mrs May was in an invidious position, the country was divided and the UK's negotiating position with the EU was weakened by politicians who refused to accept the referendum result which in turn emboldened the EU negotiators and their political masters. The country needed a forceful conviction politician like Mrs Thatcher as a consensus PM would never be able to deliver the goods.

Damning with faint praise.

There are 'hard grafters' who play for Northampton Town. They will never play for Manchester City. 'Hard Graft' (after posession of basic motor functions) should be the entry level test for being Prime Minister, not the highlight of her CV.

This useless Home Counties marionette preened her way through three years of chaos, merely because 'she always wanted to be Prime Minister' and wasn't going to go without a fight, even when it was clear she had no ideas or vision on what she wanted to achieve or political nous as to how she could achieve anything bar intoning phatic phrases whilst walking round like an outtake from Zoolander.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

double paper bag soapy tit-wank?

You have made me throw up in my mouth with the very mental image of such a hideous occurrence.

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2 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Like Blair you mean?

Yeah, that went well didn’t it?

Saint Tony converted to the papist version of mental illness during his term as PM. It should, in my opinion be a bar to holding any high ranking public office to believe in fairies, ghosts, miracles or any other of the science fiction stories which all religions are fundamentally based upon. Unfortunately for the British people Mr B Liar having realised that he could basically do and say anything, no matter how untrue and no one seemed to be able to stop him, after the Iraq war (Dodgy dossier) etc. scandal that the goblin faced eunuch cunt actually felt some guilt and realised that if he was a member of the ‘Fiddlers congregation of Rome’ he could quite simply have all his sins absolved in one fell swoop and move on to solve the centuries old problems in the Middle East, leaving the halfwitted, one eyed cunt Gordon Brown to take the blame for the mess here. And then slip into retirement after accumulating a huge personal fortune for himself and his  hideous faced, shitty arsed missus on the after ‘dinner’ speaking circuit. His recent media tour of all the usual ‘remainer’ biased tv and radio shows has in my opinion been a boost for the brexit cause, as he is still without doubt one of the most toxic political figures this country has ever had the misfortune to have had. So in a nutshell, No this country does not need a Roman Catholic Prime Minister.

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4 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Like Blair you mean?

Yeah, that went well didn’t it?

You are an uninformed dope and a donkey.

Tony Blair converted to Roman Catholicism after he had left office.

Try reading a decent newspaper such the Daily Telegraph instead of immersing yourself in the TransPink Chronicle.


Fuck off.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Time for a Catholic Prime Minister...

Time for Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Boris Johnson is a serial adulterer.


STFU you sniveling pile of shit.  You're as much a catholic as Pen is interesting.

Fuck off....and die...there's a good chap.  

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