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I'm voting for the Brexit Party to see how their elected MEPs get along with the rest of Europe and to see how vigorously they carry on campaigning as individuals when they will effectively be losing their own jobs when / if Brexit finally happens. 

To be entirely honest I'm pissed off with the whole thing and if somebody formed a Krusty the clown party I'd probably vote for that too.

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3 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

....besides isn't there something not quite as farcical happening in Europe tonight that will have a greater impact on our futures. That's right you bunch of cunts, Eurovision!

And it is also taking place in a country that is actually in Asia rather than Europe.

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6 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Nah. Couldn’t care less now I’m afraid. Be nice if the pound rose a little but if the UK wants to go mad for a while, that’s fine by me. 

Fairly straight forward nine to five hours in Oz I presume?

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I'm a tribal Tory but will be voting for the Brexit party as a protest for the theft my referendum vote. Nothing galvanises an MP's sense of honour more than the threat of losing his well-paid seat.

I think a lot of people will be doing the same - considering  the fact that the two big parties are so similar these days (despite everything the cunts say stating otherwise), the Lib Dems are and always have been nothing but a spare wheel for when a coalition is needed, and a space saving one at that - only for short term use, and UKIP have finally started to believe what everyone else is saying about them and become a bunch of far right loonies inviting all manner of undesirables into the party. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, Sargon of Akkad and Count Dankula (AKA Nazi pug man) are entertaining enough on YouTube - at least Dankula is, Sargon has always been a bit of a smug cunt - but I simply don't see what having a pair of internet "edge lords" in the European Parliament, both with close public ties with Tommy "professional victim" Robinson could do for the cause other than damage it.

Don't get me wrong, Farage also comes across as a bit of a rat, especially with his natural ability to know when to abandon all manner of sinking ships, but he seems to be the only cunt out of the lot of them with a backbone. If you have to sift through a pile of dog shit you might as well start from the top down...

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I think a lot of people will be doing the same - considering  the fact that the two big parties are so similar these days (despite everything the cunts say stating otherwise), the Lib Dems are and always have been nothing but a spare wheel for when a coalition is needed, and a space saving one at that - only for short term use, and UKIP have finally started to believe what everyone else is saying about them and become a bunch of far right loonies inviting all manner of undesirables into the party. 

I mean, don't get me wrong, Sargon of Akkad and Count Dankula (AKA Nazi pug man) are entertaining enough on YouTube - at least Dankula is, Sargon has always been a bit of a smug cunt - but I simply don't see what having a pair of internet "edge lords" in the European Parliament, both with close public ties with Tommy "professional victim" Robinson could do for the cause other than damage it.

Don't get me wrong, Farage also comes across as a bit of a rat, especially with his natural ability to know when to abandon all manner of sinking ships, but he seems to be the only cunt out of the lot of them with a backbone. If you have to sift through a pile of dog shit you might as well start from the top down...

Good old Killer, sexy as ever!

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7 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I never thought of it like that, and it would be quite informative as a party slogan.

That was my proposed slogan for the RAT party, but @ratcum appears to have taken an extended recess from Parliament these days...

Edited by Roadkill
Think all the pro-Jew talk scared him off
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7 minutes ago, Glowworm said:

The biggest loonies of all are the Greens .. the very heart and soul of that party should be about local collectivism, fiercely opposed to globalism yet here they are supporting a major player in globalism (The EU).

The result of group hysteria brought on by the negative effects of a collective vegan diet IMO. The irrelevant cunts should all be shipped off to a small island somewhere to give us an idea of how an economy based solely on the export of daisy chain necklaces, produced by a workforce of malnourished hippies high on legalised ganje and shipped worldwide via peddle boat logistics would work before we take them seriously.

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Something else that remainers seem to be fixated on is the idea that 1.4 milion older people have died since the 2016 and similar number of younger voters have replaced them with the implication that the older voters who died would have voted Brexit whilst the new young voters will be remain supporters. The impression I am getting is that these new young voters are more likely to support Brexit. One impression I have of those now dead older voters .. people in the later 70s and older tended to be remainers .. fear of change was their issue. For the new young voters and many in their later 20s the real issue is the difficulty of finding jobs in a situation where many employers are favouring employing people who have travelled a thousand miles or more to get work from countries where our minimum wage is a fortune compare with the minimum of the country that they have come from.

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2 minutes ago, Glowworm said:

Something else that remainers seem to be fixated on is the idea that 1.4 milion older people have died since the 2016 and similar number of younger voters have replaced them with the implication that the older voters who died would have voted Brexit whilst the new young voters will be remain supporters. The impression I am getting is that these new young voters are more likely to support Brexit. One impression I have of those now dead older voters .. people in the later 70s and older tended to be remainers .. fear of change was their issue. For the new young voters and many in their later 20s the real issue is the difficulty of finding jobs in a situation where many employers are favouring employing people who have travelled a thousand miles or more to get work from countries where our minimum wage is a fortune compare with the minimum of the country that they have come from.

You also have to balance that outlook with the legion of companies throwing up their arms and threatening to take their toys with them in the event of a no deal - people in this situation might like the idea of Brexit, but when you're getting screwed by immigration on one side and told that any change towards the issue will result in the complete disappearance of the company you want to work for on the other, maintaining the status quo will always appear to be the safer option.

Add the fact that any complaints you voice towards the current state of affairs is likely to get you labelled as a racist or xenophobe by a far more vocal minority clearly supported by a biased media pushing their own agenda to the point of influencing your family and naive young friends, keeping your gob shut and your head down probably seems like far less hassle to younger workers that might hold these views personally.

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6 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

That's because any country that hosts this shit fest ends up losing a ton of money. 

Ireland won it 3 times on the bounce. At the 4th one they were fucking bricking as staging three had nearly bankrupted them. So they had some cunt who couldn't sing a note to represent them and prayed that he lost. Unfortunately he did. But think Father Ted episode.

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22 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Nah. Couldn’t care less now I’m afraid. Be nice if the pound rose a little but if the UK wants to go mad for a while, that’s fine by me. 

The plummeting pound is the only thing that's holding up the FTSE, so not all bad. I suspect it's got a lot further to fall yet, too, but I'm diversifying like fuck at present nevertheless. I figure my retirement portfolio can withstand anything short of an actual nuclear war cum zombie apocalypse, although with Trump at the helm that can't be dismissed entirely as a possibility.

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5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

The plummeting pound is the only thing that's holding up the FTSE, so not all bad. I suspect it's got a lot further to fall yet, too, but I'm diversifying like fuck at present nevertheless. I figure my retirement portfolio can withstand anything short of an actual nuclear war cum zombie apocalypse, although with Trump at the helm that can't be dismissed entirely as a possibility.

Do you have a Perth Oz option?

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