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Tactful ethnic employee survey

Guest Khiwa

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19 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

My 65" OLED is so thin that there's almost  literally nothing on Earth you could possibly balance on it. Even if you did, it would slice through it like a perfectly-honed Muramasa blade.

Mrs Baws says it's vulgar and common to have such a large TV, but I say "Fuck you, Mrs Baws, fuck you!"

Did you get fries wiv it .. we used to get fries regular with the first colour tellys.

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4 hours ago, Glowworm said:

TBH fuck all new in this . Back in 1970 when I worked for Granada .. (the telly rental part) we had an "integration day" when we had to talk through how to deal with coloured customers. This had come about because certain branches were refusing to rent tv sets to darker people. It was all explained to us how we must integrate. The following year one of the engineers was sacked for making the "here's banana" comment to a customer. We had another similar session in mid 1972 just before I defected to Radio Rentals .. in that session we had a film that strated with the new seekers "I'd like to teach the world to sing". At Radio Rental we did not have these sessions but we had constant reminders that everyone was a good customer regardless of their colour as long as they paid the rent for the tellys on time. We did though have to repossess a telly from Mr Ramalamadingdong after he was only paid the first months rent for his telly. He did complain about us being racist. When I joined British Rail later that year and was in Loco Programmes there was much jocularity about a plate layer who had been caught doing something to another plate layer by Sydney Bridge Junction .. Laying a length up Sydney .. etc.

Hand Granada?

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