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The Met Gala


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Guest Wizardsleeve
4 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

You shouldn't make light of ill health Bawsey.  Look at what has happened to Frank.

Another cunt nobody cares about.  If both of you die, have your foetid corpses thrown into the same shallow fucking grave.  

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23 hours ago, Decimus said:

Is the Pen ID still persisting with its campaign of relentless fucking drivel? I've been blissfully unaware since I blocked it. Give yourself an early Christmas present by doing the same, I promise you that you won't regret it.

@The Guard, if you're reading this, I promise you it won't be long until I've persuaded most people on here to block you. You've then got two options as far as I can tell. You can either open your front door for the first time in seven years and go outside, hopefully getting instantly hit by a bus. Or you can persist in churning out unprecedented levels of shit on here that no one will ever read.

I concur. No more reading of it's hopelessly shite drivel. I urge every man jack of you to block it. In fact, I'll be sending a raft of personalised and heartfelt PMs to all punters on this very subject. Expect good news

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On 08/05/2019 at 22:33, Decimus said:


@The Guard, if you're reading this, I promise you it won't be long until I've persuaded most people on here to block you. You've then got two options as far as I can tell. You can eitheropen your front door for the first time in seven years and go outside, hopefully getting instantly hit by a bus. Or you can persist in churning out unprecedented levels of shit on here that no one will ever read.

I saw the specialist yesterday Decco .. he say's that I am going blind .. I had hoped for a little compassion and sympathy from you before I wack you over the head with my white stick.

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Guest DrCunt
23 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I concur. No more reading of it's hopelessly shite drivel. I urge every man jack of you to block it. In fact, I'll be sending a raft of personalised and heartfelt PMs to all punters on this very subject. Expect good news

I'm usually a tight fisted wanker when it come to handing out the likes; however, anyone that states they're blocking the dullard, and actuality does it, is getting a like henceforth. I want the interminably boring, cock wielding simpleton dead.

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On 09/05/2019 at 21:44, Stubby Pecker said:

I concur. No more reading of it's hopelessly shite drivel. I urge every man jack of you to block it. In fact, I'll be sending a raft of personalised and heartfelt PMs to all punters on this very subject. Expect good news

Rule 7

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Guest DrCunt
1 hour ago, The Guard said:

Rule 7

Easy to highlight rule infractions when they don't apply to you, eh?

When you were working on the trains, I doubt that there was a day that went by that someone wasn't sorely tempted to push you out of the door whilst at max speed. Just fucking die for God's sake!


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On 07/05/2019 at 09:20, Witheredscrote said:

Half the world undernourished, and these self indulgent cunts fucking breathe oxygen. If ever there were a time and place for some rag headed, backpacking cunt to run into a room shouting ' Allahu Akbar' this was it.  I want them dead (with thanks to Rev)

I’ve just switched over to Graham Norton (fuck knows why) and I was not paying much attention, thinking the ads were on. Subconsciously I’m thinking PG Tips advert. But then I switched my attention to the screen upon hearing the mincing leprechauns shouty, waily voice and lined up on the sofa were 4 suntanned individuals talking about the met gala, which one of them had apparently attended. Just as I was about to change channels in disgust at how prime time tv had disappeared off my radar into a world I don’t inhabit, Norton proceeds to introduce what must be a very cheap booking for Friday night on BBC1 ‘Shakespeares Sister’. Shakespeares fucking granny you mean? Singing “Stay with me” For fucks sake. Anyway if  anyone wants a Samsung 50” I’ll happily deliver it free because I can’t take any more, I’m gonna sit in the car and listen to Danny Baker from now on. “Oh Shit” Can I have my tele back please?

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Jug of boiling water, kilo of sugar.

garnish with sharpened toothbrush handle.

Toss quickly and ‘Hey Presto’ Skewered Cunt with a sweet sticky glaze. (Stand well back when attempting this procedure)

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22 hours ago, King Billy said:


Good god man, her beef curtains must resemble a badly packed kebab with extra hot chilli sauce what with the mile of multi coloured cock that been there. 

Drink half a bottle of good single malt immediately and have some cunt slap you across the chops 

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Good god man, her beef curtains must resemble a badly packed kebab with extra hot chilli sauce what with the mile of multi coloured cock that been there. 

Drink half a bottle of good single malt immediately and have some cunt slap you across the chops 

Having given your advice serious consideration, I must say that I cannot reasonably disagree with any of your points. So upon my return from the offie I shall be implementing all of your recommendations in sharp order, and hopefully the single malt will clear the brain rot which led to such an impulsive and ridiculous post. If not ‘Her indoors’ has agreed to inflict serious pain on my appendages. (She agreed a little too quickly, thinking about it) Gratefully yours Stubs      KB

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