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Stabbing A Burglar Ruled Lawfull


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1 minute ago, Wizardsleeve said:

He isn't threatening to you, you could kick his fucking tooth out!  Haji, his paki manservant and in the country illegally, i terrified of the gangling fucking prick, because he is marked for death as a poof back in his homeland.  

Frank or Haji?

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Major Cunt said:

Thanks for clearing that up Wizz though Frank has the look of an Albanian goat herder.

The goat herder uses more discretion when fucking live animals!  

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Guest judgetwi

I’m sorry but I just can’t accept that you can kill a British citizen just because he is wearing a balaclava, wielding a screwdriver and breaks into your house,

What the fuck is happening to civil rights in this country? It’s coming to something when an innocent pikey can’t go about his normal business.

I’d love to discuss this further but I have to catch up on “Game of Thrones”. It’s fucking brill innit?


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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

I’m sorry but I just can’t accept that you can kill a British citizen just because he is wearing a balaclava, wielding a screwdriver and breaks into your house,

What the fuck is happening to civil rights in this country? It’s coming to something when an innocent pikey can’t go about his normal business.


You should have been the judge in the Tony Martin case. 

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8 hours ago, Ape said:

You total fucking wanker. Seriously, this is an absolutely cringeworthy post.

Ape. Your current MO seems to be to provide critique to every other posters comments without producing any original rapport yourself. Up your game Sonny or fuck off.

Edited by Cunty BigBollox
Beanz Meanz Apes a fucking idiot
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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Ape. Your current MO seems to be to provide critique to every other posters comments without producing any original rapport yourself. Up your game Sonny or fuck off.

Not every other posters comments, just a select bunch of total idiots. If you think the drivel you post passes for “original rapport” then you’re even more of a fucking idiot than I ever believed possible. Fuck off.   

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14 hours ago, Neil said:

Too fucking right,If anyone is in your house to rob you it is OK to stab the cunt to death.The question arises 'Why does it need a court to rule it as lawfull?'.An Englishmans home is his castle and if some feckless fucking toerag is out to pillage it then a steely blade through the solar plexus is recommended.

It was a fucking accident .. the thick cunt ran into a kitchen knife.

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4 hours ago, scotty said:

"It was a warning shot through the head. Your Honour." 😁

Tony Martin should have received a knighthood for tireless community work or pest control. He set a precedent for shooting a thieving Pikey cunt being almost acceptable in a court of law. He probably would have got away with it, had he not decided to shoot one in the back. Pikeys are a cancer on society if they like to travel so much, then why the fuck do councils constantly have to get court orders to move them on. 

To quote Gorgeous George in Snatch "you bastard, I fucking hate Pikies"

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18 hours ago, Decimus said:

He's like his name sake and fellow homosexual, Frankie Howerd.

FH spent his last years performing in student union clubs, thinking that he was on the verge of a huge comeback due to his self-perceived popularity with the youth of the day.

Like our own Frank, he was totally unaware that the genuine laughs had stopped years before and that he'd become a sad parody of his former self. At best a faded figure of eccentricity and no more than a novelty act.

Frank, to complete the faggot references, as Larry Grayson used to say, "shut that door" and don't let it hit your bony fucking arse on the way out.


Disagree. I'd much rather said door be repeatedly slammed against his stupid fucking head as his scrawny AIDS riddled body lies convulsing on the ground. 

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7 hours ago, Ape said:

Not every other posters comments, just a select bunch of total idiots. If you think the drivel you post passes for “original rapport” then you’re even more of a fucking idiot than I ever believed possible. Fuck off.   

Conversing with a man who's daily highlight is staggering down to bargain booze, before its opened, for more cider and kestrel super is about as original as it gets with old drew

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Conversing with a man who's daily highlight is staggering down to bargain booze, before its opened, for more cider and kestrel super is about as original as it gets with old drew

Indeed. The drunken cunt will never appreciate the the irony of his post. He’s probably sat in a ‘Spoons somewhere gloating over the remaining 87% charge he has left on his Nokia, despite having last charged in on Monday night. “I’ll show you thieving cunts how to properly power-manage a phone”, he mutters to himself, before downing pint 6 of the afternoon session. Fucking wanker.

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