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An hour ago, I was outside chez Decimus having a cigarette and taking in lungfuls of the spring air inbetween gulps of arsenic and carbon monoxide.

Within a minute, my reverie was interrupted by some dirty old cunt in one of those orange inner-lined parka's loping along the street screaming "CARRL?! CARRRRRRL?!" 

Turns out "Carl" is a cat. You couldn't make it up, although I just did.

Fuck off.




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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

An hour ago, I was outside chez Decimus having a cigarette and taking in lungfuls of the spring air inbetween gulps of arsenic and carbon monoxide.

Within a minute, my reverie was interrupted by some dirty old cunt in one of those orange inner-lined parka's loping along the street screaming "CARRL?! CARRRRRRL?!" 

Turns out "Carl" is a cat. You couldn't make it up, although I just did.

Fuck off.




This isn’t up to your usual standard Decs. What with the current crop of foetid, shit thick idiots like pen and betterthanyou clogging up the site, we need some input from reliable sources. 

I’m getting a little tired of the banal dronings of a naphthalene soaked toot toot enthusiast, countered by the scimitar like witty response of “no, you are.”

You can do it.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

An hour ago, I was outside chez Decimus having a cigarette and taking in lungfuls of the spring air inbetween gulps of arsenic and carbon monoxide.

Within a minute, my reverie was interrupted by some dirty old cunt in one of those orange inner-lined parka's loping along the street screaming "CARRL?! CARRRRRRL?!" 

Turns out "Carl" is a cat. You couldn't make it up, although I just did.

Fuck off.




Are you quite sure that was your normal brand? Sounds suspiciously stronger than your usual Moroccan Woodbines. 

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Guest DrCunt

Someone cruising around your place of abode looking for pussy? If you don't live in Norwich's red light district I'd be asking what 'er indoors has been up to when you're not there.

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Guest judgetwi
3 hours ago, Decimus said:

An hour ago, I was outside chez Decimus having a cigarette and taking in lungfuls of the spring air inbetween gulps of arsenic and carbon monoxide.

Within a minute, my reverie was interrupted by some dirty old cunt in one of those orange inner-lined parka's loping along the street screaming "CARRL?! CARRRRRRL?!" 

Turns out "Carl" is a cat. You couldn't make it up, although I just did.

Fuck off.





3 hours ago, Decimus said:

An hour ago, I was outside chez Decimus having a cigarette and taking in lungfuls of the spring air inbetween gulps of arsenic and carbon monoxide.

Within a minute, my reverie was interrupted by some dirty old cunt in one of those orange inner-lined parka's loping along the street screaming "CARRL?! CARRRRRRL?!" 

Turns out "Carl" is a cat. You couldn't make it up, although I just did.

Fuck off.




Thanks for that. I’ve always believed that you can never have too much information. Turns out I was wrong.


Fuck it!

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16 hours ago, southerncunt said:

This isn’t up to your usual standard Decs. What with the current crop of foetid, shit thick idiots like pen and betterthanyou clogging up the site, we need some input from reliable sources. 

I’m getting a little tired of the banal dronings of a naphthalene soaked toot toot enthusiast, countered by the scimitar like witty response of “no, you are.”

You can do it.

I apologise, Southern, you are of course correct. In my defence, the nomination was intended to be satirical by mimicking the absolute fucking bilge being pumped out by The Guard on a minute by minute basis. Bizarelly, Frank, in a rare moment of lucid thought, seemed to have recognised what I was upto.

Nominations like "Carl" seem to be the way we are heading. Painfully unfunny, lonely people pointing out the mundane with no humour, and if you're lucky, a link to a news website.

Whilst I can't see what Pen posts whilst logged in, unfortunately I can see it when I'm offline. And so can any prospective newbie. Tell me, any of you, would you have signed up when you did if you first browsed the site and all you saw was page after page of The Guard's awful shit smeared in these hallowed halls? Because I know I wouldn't have done four and a half years ago.

Again, I urge everyone to block it and starve it of oxygen because at this rate it's getting beyond a mere annoyance, it's actively stopping quality new members joining.


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Guest Alfie Noakes
22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I apologise, Southern, you are of course correct. In my defence, the nomination was intended to be satirical by mimicking the absolute fucking bilge being pumped out by The Guard on a minute by minute basis. Bizarelly, Frank, in a rare moment of lucid thought, seemed to have recognised what I was upto.

Nominations like "Carl" seem to be the way we are heading. Painfully unfunny, lonely people pointing out the mundane with no humour, and if you're lucky, a link to a news website.

Whilst I can't see what Pen posts whilst logged in, unfortunately I can see it when I'm offline. And so can any prospective newbie. Tell me, any of you, would you have signed up when you did if you first browsed the site and all you saw was page after page of The Guard's awful shit smeared in these hallowed halls? Because I know I wouldn't have done four and a half years ago.

Again, I urge everyone to block it and starve it of oxygen because at this rate it's getting beyond a mere annoyance, it's actively stopping quality new members joining.


The site has turned to shite.

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46 minutes ago, Decimus said:


Again, I urge everyone to block it and starve it of oxygen because at this rate it's getting beyond a mere annoyance, it's actively stopping quality new members joining.


Carl is your nomination not mine nor does it resemble any nomination that I would post. Could I also request that you do not send me any further PMs.

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48 minutes ago, Ape said:

No, even Carl is streets ahead of the utter fucking shite that pours from you. Fuck off.

I genuinely can't think of a worst member in all the time that I've been here.

Pen makes me yearn for Delboy, Profb and Snatch, which is the most damning indictment of another member I've ever given, and that includes calling Frank the Les Dennis of Cunts Corner.


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4 hours ago, The Guard said:

Carl is your nomination not mine nor does it resemble any nomination that I would post. Could I also request that you do not send me any further PMs.

There's a general agreement here by the longstanding punters that the drivel you spout on an almost 24/7 basis is counter to this sites SOPs. Anyone else would have been binned years ago, yet your shite continues unabated without censure from admin. Try a few days off and come back with a better attitde. Failing that, die in a horrendously painful way.  

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