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Wild Justice

Guest DrCunt

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Guest DrCunt

These tree hugging interfering wankers have started a legal case in the High Court concerning the way that Natural England issues General Licences for the control of certain bird pests. As a consequence of this Natural England are suspending three General Licences meaning that to all intents and purposes as of this Friday it will be illegal to kill shitehawks such Pigeons, Carrion Crows, Canada Geese, Magpies and worst of all some species of flying arsehole, aka gulls.

No surprise that Wild Justice was co-founded by that sanctimonious Asperger's wanker Chris Packham.


What a bunch of killjoy wankers with zero understanding of managing the environment. Want to hear songbirds, go to a manged estate with a good gamekeeper where crows, magpies and squirrels are kept in check. Want a desolate, quiet countryside, just let these vermin run riot. Angling will be next, followed by laughing or enjoying yourself in any way.

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24 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

These tree hugging interfering wankers have started a legal case in the High Court concerning the way that Natural England issues General Licences for the control of certain bird pests. As a consequence of this Natural England are suspending three General Licences meaning that to all intents and purposes as of this Friday it will be illegal to kill shitehawks such Pigeons, Carrion Crows, Canada Geese, Magpies and worst of all some species of flying arsehole, aka gulls.

No surprise that Wild Justice was co-founded by that sanctimonious Asperger's wanker Chris Packham.


What a bunch of killjoy wankers with zero understanding of managing the environment. Want to hear songbirds, go to a manged estate with a good gamekeeper where crows, magpies and squirrels are kept in check. Want a desolate, quiet countryside, just let these vermin run riot. Angling will be next, followed by laughing or enjoying yourself in any way.

Gulls should be shot at every available opportunity. People who object to guns, and vegans should be forced to shoot gulls. Fuck 'Yachties' who think they're nice.

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One of the most serious issues affecting wildlife in the countryside and in nature reserves are thick cunts taking their dogs with them and letting them off the leash and to run uncontrolled which is against the law.. Chris Packham seems to encourage this yet he wrote the following "The message is clear . . . if you are breaking the law, if the law is weak, if the law is flawed – we are coming for you. Peacefully, democratically and legally. Our simple premise is to work with the laws we’ve got to seek real justice for our wildlife, to reform, refine or renew those laws we have to ensure that justice can be properly realised. Our wildlife has been abused, has been suffering, exploited or destroyed by criminals for too long. Well, no longer. Wild Justice will at last be the voice of those victims and it will be heard . . . and justice will be served.‘."

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3 hours ago, The Guard said:

One of the most serious issues affecting wildlife in the countryside and in nature reserves are thick cunts taking their dogs with them and letting them off the leash and to run uncontrolled which is against the law.. Chris Packham seems to encourage this yet he wrote the following "The message is clear . . . if you are breaking the law, if the law is weak, if the law is flawed – we are coming for you. Peacefully, democratically and legally. Our simple premise is to work with the laws we’ve got to seek real justice for our wildlife, to reform, refine or renew those laws we have to ensure that justice can be properly realised. Our wildlife has been abused, has been suffering, exploited or destroyed by criminals for too long. Well, no longer. Wild Justice will at last be the voice of those victims and it will be heard . . . and justice will be served.‘."

Chris Packham can fuck right off. And he can take that bald cunt Terry Nutjob with him. 

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14 hours ago, DrCunt said:

These tree hugging interfering wankers have started a legal case in the High Court concerning the way that Natural England issues General Licences for the control of certain bird pests. As a consequence of this Natural England are suspending three General Licences meaning that to all intents and purposes as of this Friday it will be illegal to kill shitehawks such Pigeons, Carrion Crows, Canada Geese, Magpies and worst of all some species of flying arsehole, aka gulls.

No surprise that Wild Justice was co-founded by that sanctimonious Asperger's wanker Chris Packham.


What a bunch of killjoy wankers with zero understanding of managing the environment. Want to hear songbirds, go to a manged estate with a good gamekeeper where crows, magpies and squirrels are kept in check. Want a desolate, quiet countryside, just let these vermin run riot. Angling will be next, followed by laughing or enjoying yourself in any way.

It has been illegal to kill the birds since 1981. Wild Justice's issue is that under Natural England's terms of reference in giving  statutory authority to grant shooting licences they were obliged to investigate that all other solutions in controlling certain species had been explored. It was found that Natural England were relying on applicants to mark their own homework. One of the problems of eco-biz is that the number eco-consultancies have proliferated. Most eco-consultancies don't actually undertake valuable research for the betterment of the planet. They exist to provide greenwash to industry and commerce such is the demand for business to issue mission statements on sustainability and impact statements on the environment. The paid-for eco guardians have, in some cases done more ham than good to the environment in providing greenwash. The most recent example of this in the UK is the emergence of power generators fuelled by biomass pellets, ostensibly a "green" fuel. In fact it spews out more greenhouse gases than coal.

Wild Justice are simply ensuring that rules that have been place for nearly forty years are being followed in accordance with legislation.

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6 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


Wild Justice are simply ensuring that rules that have been place for nearly forty years are being followed in accordance with legislation.

As to the thread starter perhaps better adherence to rule 7 need to be encouraged.

One of my concerns is that some of the people involved are not focusing on proper compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act which covers activity on open access land, and SSSIs A significant problem is being caused by people walking their dogs on such land and failing to keep them under control .. this has had a major impact on ground nesting birds such as skylarks, meadow pippits and lapwings. Indeed Chris Packham sponsors dogs days that encourage people to take their dogs out into the countryside  and let them run free. Strict rules regarding nesting birds between 1st March and 31st July .. (inclusive), yet receive little or no mention by these luvies. A further issue is on farmland and there is now a serious national problem with sheep and other farm animals being "worried" and killed by out of control dogs. In many cases this is happening when people take their take their dogs unleashed across field were livestock is grazing and then make a quick exit when their dogs goes out of control and chase the livestock.

Time was when we had genuine broadcasters who understood natural history and the whys and wherefores. These days all we get are self centred  luvies who actually care not a fig for the environment unless there is money to be made for them.

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Many of these luvies have of course endorsed and encouraged the use of wood burning stoves that in fact usually burn the kind of wood that creates more pollution than "black coal" .. indeed in some towns and cities the smoke from these stoves is causing significant health problems. As to the bio fuel the carrying and prior processing itself causes significant problems and it is silly for a country such as the UK to use when we sit on deep mined coal that causes less pollution if used sensibly in power stations built as a back up to wind and other fossil free generation. Eco Biz is of course an excellent Tory policy along with all the other scams.

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Just now, Earl of Punkape said:

At my public school we used to have frog kicking competitions where the frogs we converted over made up goal posts. Great fun.

Most of the hundreds of frogs died instantly.


And then the primary school girls turned up and kicked your fucking heads in. 

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31 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

At my public school we used to have frog kicking competitions where the frogs were “converted” over made up goal posts. Great fun.

Most of the hundreds of frogs died instantly.


When I used to work at the abortion clinic at my local hospital, me and a couple of the other lads used to fish out some of the foetuses from the clinical waste bin and play basketball with them.

We then laughed about how their souls would be consigned to Hell as they were never baptised.


Fuck off.

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Guest DrCunt
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

It has been illegal to kill the birds since 1981. Wild Justice's issue is that under Natural England's terms of reference in giving  statutory authority to grant shooting licences they were obliged to investigate that all other solutions in controlling certain species had been explored. It was found that Natural England were relying on applicants to mark their own homework. One of the problems of eco-biz is that the number eco-consultancies have proliferated. Most eco-consultancies don't actually undertake valuable research for the betterment of the planet. They exist to provide greenwash to industry and commerce such is the demand for business to issue mission statements on sustainability and impact statements on the environment. The paid-for eco guardians have, in some cases done more ham than good to the environment in providing greenwash. The most recent example of this in the UK is the emergence of power generators fuelled by biomass pellets, ostensibly a "green" fuel. In fact it spews out more greenhouse gases than coal.

 Wild Justice are simply ensuring that rules that have been place for nearly forty years are being followed in accordance with legislation. 

You are both right and wrong in part. It is not and has never been illegal to kill all birds. Exceptions are listed in Schedule 2 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, which allows many waterfowl to be killed in season. Additionally game birds are not considered wild birds and are therefore legally allowed to be taken under the Game Act.

I was not disputing that the challenge has, from a purely legal standpoint, some merit. It’s not their case per se that is the issue, it’s the underlying motivation that’s the problem. They are simply trying to upset the status quo in an effort to protect every last one of their feathered friends using any means possible. In essence they are arguing that they are trying to protect the “natural environment”, but completely fail to recognise that there is no such thing as a natural environment in the UK any more. They are attempting to preserve an unnatural natural environment in aspic with no realisation of how their actions could actually further damage that environment.  Agriculture and conservation necessitates that the environment is managed and one of the few effective ways of controlling pest species such as those dealt with under General Licences is to treat them with extreme prejudice and murder the little cunts. For instance, gas guns, scarecrows and other non-lethal methods don’t do much to deter winter flocks of wood pigeon, sometimes numbering in many hundreds, from decimating large swathes of crops.

The shooting community, and gamekeepers in particular take an enormous amount of flak for their misdemeanours which are often exaggerated and always publicised far beyond the gravity of the offence. However, it is rarely if ever recognised that shooting organisations and landowners, through management for so called blood sports do far, far more to conserve wildlife in this country than all the eco-lobbyists, government agencies and interest groups such as the RSPB combined. Indeed, the RSPB have no qualms in killing many, many thousands of mammalian predators every year to protect ground nesting birds, using some kind of reverse Orwellian four legs bad, two legs with feathers good warped logic.

None of the birds that, at this moment, can be taken under these three general licences are in any way conservation threatened and corvids in particular, if left unchecked, would place additional pressures on populations of some species that are endangered.

Another issue here is Natural England’s mismanagement of this. To give only a few days’ notice of the revocation these general licences potentially puts many otherwise law abiding people at risk of breaking the law. Many country folk of the type likely to be affected by this are not renowned for keeping up with social media so there is a very real chance that come Friday they could unknowingly be committing offences. Wild Justice are just another PETA in disguise, using ill-informed moral outrage to impede and interfere in the legal activities of others. 

Cover Chris Packham in fox piss and release the hounds, that’s what I say.

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Just now, DrCunt said:

 However, it is rarely if ever recognised that shooting organisations and landowners, through management for so called blood sports do far, far more to conserve wildlife in this country than all the eco-lobbyists, government agencies and interest groups such as the RSPB combined. Indeed, the RSPB have no qualms in killing many, many thousands of mammalian predators every year to protect ground nesting birds, using some kind of reverse Orwellian four legs bad, two legs with feathers good warped logic.

None of the birds that, at this moment, can be taken under these three general licences are in any way conservation threatened and corvids in particular, if left unchecked, would place additional pressures on populations of some species that are endangered.

Another issue here is Natural England’s mismanagement of this. To give only a few days’ notice of the revocation these general licences potentially puts many otherwise law abiding people at risk of breaking the law. Many country folk of the type likely to be affected by this are not renowned for keeping up with social media so there is a very real chance that come Friday they could unknowingly be committing offences. Wild Justice are just another PETA in disguise, using ill-informed moral outrage to impede and interfere in the legal activities of others. 

Cover Chris Packham in fox piss and release the hounds, that’s what I say.

The conservation of upland grouse moors is a cause of much of the lowland flooding. Corvids are simply doing their job sorting out the weaklings. The RSPB are these days more of a commercial organisation .. it might interest you to know that the RSPB were the largest single sponsor of the REMAIN Campaign.

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5 hours ago, DrCunt said:

You are both right and wrong in part. It is not and has never been illegal to kill all birds. Exceptions are listed in Schedule 2 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, which allows many waterfowl to be killed in season. Additionally game birds are not considered wild birds and are therefore legally allowed to be taken under the Game Act.

I never said that it was illegal to kill all birds. I was very careful to say the birds as itemised in your OP.

As for gamekeepers, whilst some are interested in conservation one should bear in mind they are paid primarily to protect and nurture game birds who exist for no other reason than to be shot for pleasure. Some gamekeepers have been prosecuted for bothering endangered raptor nests. I have nothing against game hunting so long as the hunters are prepared to eat what they kill. There is no moral justification for organising shoots for profit or shooting wildlife for pleasure.

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Guest DrCunt
4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I never said that it was illegal to kill all birds. I was very careful to say the birds as itemised in your OP.

As for gamekeepers, whilst some are interested in conservation one should bear in mind they are paid primarily to protect and nurture game birds who exist for no other reason to be shot for pleasure. Some gamekeepers have been prosecuted for bothering endangered raptor nests. I have nothing against game hunting so long as the hunters are prepared to eat what they kill. There is no moral justification for organising shoots for profit or shooting wildlife for pleasure.

In your mind. Many would and do disagree vehemently, myself among them.

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