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Trump's State Visit to the UK


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Guest judgetwi

I always thought Donald was a cunt......until I realised how much he wound up the libtards. Fuck me, they were trying to get rid of him before he even took office!

Get in there Tangoman! I want to see all those hippy dippy, remoaner, vegan, middle class , save the planet, fucking wankers crying their eyes out on the streets of Londonstabistan.

At least it gives our esteemed Mayor, Suckdick Khunt, something to do.

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36 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I always thought Donald was a cunt......until I realised how much he wound up the libtards. Fuck me, they were trying to get rid of him before he even took office!

Get in there Tangoman! I want to see all those hippy dippy, remoaner, vegan, middle class , save the planet, fucking wankers crying their eyes out on the streets of Londonstabistan.

At least it gives our esteemed Mayor, Suckdick Khunt, something to do.

Change the record you boring cunt. Your comment looks as though it's been cut & pasted by some Farage-felcher from over two years ago.

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Guest judgetwi
21 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Change the record you boring cunt. Your comment looks as though it's been cut & pasted by some Farage-felcher from over two years ago.

No, you change the fucking record. Get your “progressive “ arse down to Londonstabistan and mix with the drugged up , pissed up eco warriors who are saving the planet but throw their fucking litter all over the fucking shop.

I live in the real world not the Guardianista world.

Ok cunt?

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1 minute ago, Major Cunt said:

I have no doubt you are! Sorry I meant to say your a cunt, that's better.

Much better. Apart from “your”. Oh dear. Missing all those English classes doesn’t look such a smart idea now. Never mind. You got some of the easier words right. Something to build on.

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

No, you change the fucking record. Get your “progressive “ arse down to Londonstabistan and mix with the drugged up , pissed up eco warriors who are saving the planet but throw their fucking litter all over the fucking shop.

I live in the real world not the Guardianista world.

Ok cunt?

Pipe down you angry little keyboard hero. I can just imagine you now, frantically pumping away on your phone's keypad with your stumpy little sausage fingers, copy of The Sun rolled up in the door of your taxi, such is the ease with which my comment riled you. Opinionated, undiplomatic, tactless idiot you are.

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Trump has proved himself as the greatest president of recent times and will be voted in for a second term.

 Tax cuts: Congress has passed a tax overhaul, but just the anticipation of tax reform, which will cut the corporate rate to 21%, has excited business owners and fueled stock market records.

Economic growth: The gross domestic product has grown by more than 3% for two quarters in a row. 

Consumer confidence: In October, consumer confidence rose to the highest level in 17 years, according to the New York-based Conference Board.

Deregulation: Trump has cut 67 Obama-era regulations and added only three new rules. The rollback on regulations has spurred business confidence, economic activity and stock market growth. Trump said the actions have saved $8.1 billion in lifetime net regulatory costs.

Stock market: The Dow has set record highs 70 times this year, rising 5,000 points in a year for the first time in history.

More: After Weinstein, consider the Pence rule to protect your heart and marriage

Unemployment:  The number of people collecting unemployment benefits has continued to fall to a near 44-year low. 

Trade: Trump worked out a trade deal with China, Vietnam and South Korea.

Immigration: In August, illegal border crossing apprehensions were down 41% on the Southern border compared with August 2016. 

U.S. energy: The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are under construction. Jobs to be created: 42,000.

Climate change: Trump announced in June that he plans to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement, citing that it would undermine our economy.

Schools: Trump is giving the green light to school choice programs across the country. 



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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Trump has proved himself as the greatest president of recent times and will be voted in for a second term.

 Tax cuts: Congress has passed a tax overhaul, but just the anticipation of tax reform, which will cut the corporate rate to 21%, has excited business owners and fueled stock market records.

Economic growth: The gross domestic product has grown by more than 3% for two quarters in a row. 

Consumer confidence: In October, consumer confidence rose to the highest level in 17 years, according to the New York-based Conference Board.

Deregulation: Trump has cut 67 Obama-era regulations and added only three new rules. The rollback on regulations has spurred business confidence, economic activity and stock market growth. Trump said the actions have saved $8.1 billion in lifetime net regulatory costs.

Stock market: The Dow has set record highs 70 times this year, rising 5,000 points in a year for the first time in history.

More: After Weinstein, consider the Pence rule to protect your heart and marriage

Unemployment:  The number of people collecting unemployment benefits has continued to fall to a near 44-year low. 

Trade: Trump worked out a trade deal with China, Vietnam and South Korea.

Immigration: In August, illegal border crossing apprehensions were down 41% on the Southern border compared with August 2016. 

U.S. energy: The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are under construction. Jobs to be created: 42,000.

Climate change: Trump announced in June that he plans to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement, citing that it would undermine our economy.

Schools: Trump is giving the green light to school choice programs across the country. 



Yes but he doesn't believe in man made global warming, his dad was a racist fucking pig would wouldn't rent his property to blacks, enjoys being pissed on by Russian whores and is a narcissistic ting cocked cunt who bought his wife. A bit like you old bean 

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Trump has proved himself as the greatest president of recent times and will be voted in for a second term.

 Tax cuts: Congress has passed a tax overhaul, but just the anticipation of tax reform, which will cut the corporate rate to 21%, has excited business owners and fueled stock market records.

Economic growth: The gross domestic product has grown by more than 3% for two quarters in a row. 

Consumer confidence: In October, consumer confidence rose to the highest level in 17 years, according to the New York-based Conference Board.

Deregulation: Trump has cut 67 Obama-era regulations and added only three new rules. The rollback on regulations has spurred business confidence, economic activity and stock market growth. Trump said the actions have saved $8.1 billion in lifetime net regulatory costs.

Stock market: The Dow has set record highs 70 times this year, rising 5,000 points in a year for the first time in history.

More: After Weinstein, consider the Pence rule to protect your heart and marriage

Unemployment:  The number of people collecting unemployment benefits has continued to fall to a near 44-year low. 

Trade: Trump worked out a trade deal with China, Vietnam and South Korea.

Immigration: In August, illegal border crossing apprehensions were down 41% on the Southern border compared with August 2016. 

U.S. energy: The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are under construction. Jobs to be created: 42,000.

Climate change: Trump announced in June that he plans to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement, citing that it would undermine our economy.

Schools: Trump is giving the green light to school choice programs across the country. 


This is part of cut & paste job authored by a right wing cartoonist published as an op-ed in the centrist USA Today.  Even when the article was written in December 2017 it was misleading at best and untruthful at worst. Aside that the positive economic indicators  can be credited to the Obama era, the picture now tells a completely different story. Incidentally the Dakota pipeline commenced construction more than a year before Trump won office, the Keystone XL project is on hold.

In truth Trump has proven to be a poor mediocre president when comparing key economic indicators. What has made him on course to be one of the worst presidents ever is his so-called ability to strike a deal failing on the international stage and his very public tantrums on social media. He also appears to have a highly selective memory and is incapable of mastering detail.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

What I find most striking about the utter imbecile, is his ability to indoctrinate the most willfully ignorant cunts to believe every word he says without so much as an effort to fact check him.  He represents the worst bigoted minority in that country, and his sole agenda is to destroy any legacy or useful legislation generated by the "black guy."  I hope he does go into London, and hope he does indeed get fucking stabbed!  The one who does will be doing the human gene pool a monumental favour.  If they can get to that gormless vice-president as well, the world will be better for it.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
Just now, Hokey Gingers said:

Donald Trump`s net worth as of 25/4/19 according to Forbes Magazine $3.1 B.The man is obviously a moron and hasn`t a clue what he`s doing Roops.....


Four more years...Four more years !!

His basic level language skills would indicate that were it not for embezzlement, defrauding his own charity, funneling campaign cash into his own accounts, and bankrupting every business venture he's ever had and pocketing the cash, and buggering anybody who has ever done any kind of work for him....it gets easy to hoard that kind of money.  He wasn't born poor, his despicable sperm donor father left his well off from the moment his mum shat him out.  

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12 minutes ago, Hokey Gingers said:

Donald Trump`s net worth as of 25/4/19 according to Forbes Magazine $3.1 B.The man is obviously a moron and hasn`t a clue what he`s doing Roops.....


Four more years...Four more years !!

He obviously has business acumen but this simply has not worked well on the diplomatic and international stage. Latterly, Trump has made money from marketing the Trump brand and a TV reality show. He started lucky with a massive inheritance from Trump Snr and then there is a small matter of six Chapter 11 bankruptcies. The last part is complex but essentially he kept the assets and had the debts written off.

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Much better. Apart from “your”. Oh dear. Missing all those English classes doesn’t look such a smart idea now. Never mind. You got some of the easier words right. Something to build on.

Sadly for you though wit and intellect are two qualities that you can't improve in an English class. If the best you can do is pick out my occasional typos and grammar lapses then fuck of. I generally like to hunt big game but sadly for you owning a reinforced mobility scooter, isn't a prerequisite of big game. 

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