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The 2019 European Parliament Elections in the UK


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It is very likely that these elections will take place in the UK. Possibly a walkover by Brexiteer parties. The MEP will duly go to sit in the European parliament with the other countries MEP ignoring them because the UK will be gone by 31st October. As the 31st October approaches a slow realisation will come that the UK is leaving the EU at no time soon along with the realisation that the remoaners will still be stringing things out and a UK general election is looming not too far in the future, and they are going to have to check back on everything that the UK MEPs have said. Jean Claude Juncter will be found in a drunken stupor.(although it will take medica several hours to realise that it is "drunken"). Meanwhile a slobbering fool will be found gibbering in a corner in a Dublin tenemment flat, and Emannuel Macron and Angela Merkel will be found stone dead in a final embrace.

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12 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

My parents, both in their 70's are salivating at the chance to vote for Nigel Farage whichever party he's representing. Must be an age thing.

Fuck it. Give him the PM job. He might be a self serving cunt, but so is every other politician. We get a cunt, no matter who we elect.

At least Farage has entertainment value though, a real life Alan B'Stard. If anything it would throw a spanner in the works of the systematic Islamisation of the UK that no other cunt has the balls to admit to or object to.

He probably is too right wing to be a balanced long term head of state, but things have gotten so ridiculously far left that it needs forcibly dragging back to the middle before we start again sensibly. Not that that will happen in a society that's been chemically feminised and lobotomised for 60 years by an establishment that intended to create a passive, manipulable population. 

The current generation are thick, effeminate sheep. There must be a reason.

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fuck it. Give him the PM job. He might be a self serving cunt, but so is every other politician. We get a cunt, no matter who we elect.

At least Farage has entertainment value though, a real life Alan B'Stard. If anything it would throw a spanner in the works of the systematic Islamisation of the UK that no other cunt has the balls to admit to or object to.

He probably is too right wing to be a balanced long term head of state, but things have gotten so ridiculously far left that it needs forcibly dragging back to the middle before we start again sensibly. Not that that will happen in a society that's been chemically feminised and lobotomised for 60 years by an establishment that intended to create a passive, manipulable population. 

The current generation are thick, effeminate sheep. There must be a reason.

Farage can be our Donald.

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fuck it. Give him the PM job. He might be a self serving cunt, but so is every other politician. We get a cunt, no matter who we elect.

At least Farage has entertainment value though, a real life Alan B'Stard. If anything it would throw a spanner in the works of the systematic Islamisation of the UK that no other cunt has the balls to admit to or object to.

He probably is too right wing to be a balanced long term head of state, but things have gotten so ridiculously far left that it needs forcibly dragging back to the middle before we start again sensibly. Not that that will happen in a society that's been chemically feminised and lobotomised for 60 years by an establishment that intended to create a passive, manipulable population. 

The current generation are thick, effeminate sheep. There must be a reason.

You get the like for your spot on analysis of the current social fabric of the UK as pointed out in the last two paragraphs.

However, I'd literally vote for anyone over Farage. He's a despicable cunt. Not because I disagree with what he says, even though I wholeheartedly do. But because he tries to cultivate the Everyman image when he's every bit as much a part of the establishment as all the other fucking wankers.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You get the like for your spot on analysis of the current social fabric of the UK as pointed out in the last two paragraphs.

However, I'd literally vote for anyone over Farage. He's a despicable cunt. Not because I disagree with what he says, even though I wholeheartedly do. But because he tries to cultivate the Everyman image when he's every bit as much a part of the establishment as all the other fucking wankers.

Absolutely. Just as much of a corrupt cunt as the rest, but a lot brighter. We're going to get an immoral nest feathering criminal anyway. That's what politicians are. At least let's have one who isn't a fucking spacktard.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

You get the like for your spot on analysis of the current social fabric of the UK as pointed out in the last two paragraphs.

However, I'd literally vote for anyone over Farage. He's a despicable cunt. Not because I disagree with what he says, even though I wholeheartedly do. But because he tries to cultivate the Everyman image when he's every bit as much a part of the establishment as all the other fucking wankers.

You joining the remain folk Decs?

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Guest judgetwi

Got my polling card today. Can’t wait to see these traitor cunts taken apart, especially Chucky’s mob. Change U.K. they are calling themselves. They must be taking the piss surely?

All they are going to do is take votes from the other EU arselicking Establishment parties. They haven’t thought this through have they?

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32 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Got my polling card today. Can’t wait to see these traitor cunts taken apart, especially Chucky’s mob. Change U.K. they are calling themselves. They must be taking the piss surely?

All they are going to do is take votes from the other EU arselicking Establishment parties. They haven’t thought this through have they?

Have you decided which delightful set of whackos is going to get your wobbly X crayoned into their box yet you wittering old fuck?

Will you go for the classic option and vote Kipper, ignoring the distinctly straight-armed leanings of Batten and Robinson? Or perhaps it’s the double-breasted Gruppenfuhrer Nige, fresh from his dismal hike in the rain, who has got you positively tumescent with the talk of sticking it to Tusk and Barnier.

Naturally, following Gammon logic that the people get to vote once and once only, this crop of wannabe MEPs might be elected for life. Though if you are Anne Widdecombe that might not be too long, looking at her.

They haven’t thought this through, have they? This phrase should be on the new passport cover.

Enjoy the party. I’m sure it’ll make the “and finally” bit of the TV news out here, before the host dissolves into headshaking giggles as usual. 

Rule Britannia. 

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Guest judgetwi

What’s it got to do with you? You’re in some 3rd world country ordering poor people about. Just like you thought you could do in this country.

Not that anyone is swallowing your bullshit story. If I want to hear EU propaganda I can turn on the B.B. fucking C anytime I like .

Nobody needs some dumb cunt like you to regurgitate it on here.

Ok cunt?

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7 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

What’s it got to do with you? You’re in some 3rd world country ordering poor people about. Just like you thought you could do in this country.

Not that anyone is swallowing your bullshit story. If I want to hear EU propaganda I can turn on the B.B. fucking C anytime I like .

Nobody needs some dumb cunt like you to regurgitate it on here.

Ok cunt?

So very angry. Seems my prognosis of a massive stroke in the voting booth is edging towards odds-on. Perhaps you’ll be unable to type. Every cloud. 

Nothing third world about my new digs, by the way. I get BBC World News out here, which is always good for a laugh. 

Keep taking the pills you fucking simpleton. 

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Guest judgetwi
2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So very angry. Seems my preferred option of a massive stroke in the voting booth is edging towards odds-on. Good. 

Nothing third world about my new digs, by the way. I get BBC World News out here, which is always good for a laugh. 

Keep taking the pills you fucking simpleton. 

It’s called Cunts Corner. Name the cunts of the world it says. It’s intended for angry cunts like me who have had democracy and my country stolen from me by the plutocrats.

Lonely little cunts like you, pretending to be rich, hoping for approval from other lonely cunts are the ones who don’t belong.

You’re pathetic mate. Fuck off to mumsnet or some other wankers website.


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18 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

It’s called Cunts Corner. Name the cunts of the world it says. It’s intended for angry cunts like me who have had democracy and my country stolen from me by the plutocrats.

Lonely little cunts like you, pretending to be rich, hoping for approval from other lonely cunts are the ones who don’t belong.

You’re pathetic mate. Fuck off to mumsnet or some other wankers website.


Anger is only useful when it is a variant from the normal. You just seem to spend your life shouting, so eventually people stop listening. It’s boring and lazy. Everything is anyone’s fault but yours.

Perhaps I struggle to understand because as a member of the liberal elite, I have less to be angry about. Immigrants don’t threaten me. In fact some of my favourite colleagues were immigrants, and I’m one myself these days. 

I can only imagine you’re a fat-necked idiot who spends his holidays bellowing at Spanish waiters for another Yorkshire pudding, the inevitable polyester football shirt failing to conceal the wobbling pink gut of middle aged entitlement. Well, it’s all coming to an end, by your own hand. Your grandchildren will be so grateful for your resistance to their culture. 

I come to the corner for a whimsical laugh, which is increasingly rare. The days of Keef and his katana seem a distant memory now as politics has poisoned everything. The corner is now often like the Daily Mail comments section with swearing. True there are some funny people still here. Maybe you were one of them once.

But something has been lost. 

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Guest judgetwi
9 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


Perhaps I struggle to understand because as a member of the liberal elite, I have less to be angry about. Immigrants don’t threaten me. In fact some of my favourite colleagues were immigrants, and I’m one myself these days. 


But something has been lost. 

Summed it up perfectly.

My congratulations.

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2 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Summed it up perfectly.

My congratulations.

And mine.

I now read that the 1922 and that chinless wonder Brady have pissed their collective knickers again and decided Treeza can stay on a while longer after all.

Still no more than you’d expect from the Zionist reptilian illuminati liberal elite I suspect, so I doubt you’ll even raise an eyebrow under that tinfoil hat of yours. 

Must be so difficult seeing the world run by such malevolent forces, while all the while your own political genius is overlooked.

Have you considered running for office? It’s one way to deal with such a crushing sense of impotence. Perhaps Nige could make you minister of book burning, or re-education or something? You could start with all those immigrant doctors, fifth columnists to a man I say. 

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Guest judgetwi
50 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

And mine.

I now read that the 1922 and that chinless wonder Brady have pissed their collective knickers again and decided Treeza can stay on a while longer after all.

Still no more than you’d expect from the Zionist reptilian illuminati liberal elite I suspect, so I doubt you’ll even raise an eyebrow under that tinfoil hat of yours. 

Must be so difficult seeing the world run by such malevolent forces, while all the while your own political genius is overlooked.

Have you considered running for office? It’s one way to deal with such a crushing sense of impotence. Perhaps Nige could make you minister of book burning, or re-education or something? You could start with all those immigrant doctors, fifth columnists to a man I say. 

I just paid £154.50 for the ruling class propaganda feed and, two weeks later, they’re still threatening to send the baliffs around.

Is that why they’ve sent you to make sure I get the designated brain washing quotient?

Well, good luck with that one mate.


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