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The Church Of The Latter Day Cunts Corner Cunts


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5 hours ago, Betterthanyou said:

Oddly enough I read time and time again that child pornography and paedophilia is rife in the catholic church's history right up to present day, that sort of disgusting behaviour seems almost like a rite of passage if you are a catholic.


There are three types of religious cunts...

poor cunts, desperate to believe there is something better than their shit lives.

middle class cunts called 'Hamish' or 'Cressida', who are as thick as fucking pigshit.

and rich powerful cunts, who don't actually believe in god, and simply use religion as a smokescreen for their greed and depraved perversions.

it's a great system for the rich cunts. The other two groups defend them because they think that they believe in the same imaginary friend. While the rich cunts take their money and nonce their kids up.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:


There are three types of religious cunts...

poor cunts, desperate to believe there is something better than their shit lives.

middle class cunts called 'Hamish' or 'Cressida', who are as thick as fucking pigshit.

and rich powerful cunts, who don't actually believe in god, and simply use religion as a smokescreen for their greed and depraved perversions.

it's a great system for the rich cunts. The other two groups defend them because they think that they believe in the same imaginary friend. While the rich cunts take their money and nonce their kids up.


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I'd like to point out that this church has no business exhorting its followers to consume bleach. If a chemically assisted departure from this mortal coil is required, there are others better placed to provide it. 


Naturally, I stand ready to help, and at very reasonable rates. 👍👍

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14 hours ago, Alfie Noakes said:

The inference is in your mind only, that is anime not child porn, your soul (if there was such a thing) must be badly damaged.

No it’s child fucking porn and you’re defending it which makes you on par with Jack Dromey and other “PIE” devotees.

You’re horrible, warped and probably deformed.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
9 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

No it’s child fucking porn and you’re defending it which makes you on par with Jack Dromey and other “PIE” devotees.

You’re horrible, warped and probably deformed.

Where was the porn? I see you are calling me a nonce, this time you are well and truly reported, your mind is sick and twisted and it's you that needs help.

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14 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Where was the porn? I see you are calling me a nonce, this time you are well and truly reported, your mind is sick and twisted and it's you that needs help.

TBH the "artwork" is iffy at best as it depicts something that resembles a female child.

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11 hours ago, DrCunt said:

There's no such thing as child pornography you thick as shit retard. It's child abuse. I suggest you Google it. Then we can be rid of you, spastic.

There certainly is such a thing as child pornography and it applies to such images and is recognised as in uk law.

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26 minutes ago, The Guard said:

No it is a very iffy image of something intended to resemble a child and making a paedo reference.

It's not making any paedo reference, it's a stock anime image of a clothed child to which some illiterate has added "stop eating semen and explain youself" into the speech bubble. If what you see there is akin to child pornography then it's you that needs to have a good look at yourself. 

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3 minutes ago, scotty said:

It's not making any paedo reference, it's a stock anime image of a clothed child to which some illiterate has added "stop eating semen and explain youself" into the speech bubble. If what you see there is akin to child pornography then it's you that needs to have a good look at yourself. 

Its not how I see it, it is more how the law would see it. As a GP (i assume) you might be aware of the things that GPs get accused of whilst making a perfectly proper physical examination.

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12 hours ago, DrCunt said:

There's no such thing as child pornography you thick as shit retard.

Try telling that to Pete Townsend and Chris Langham, just two of the 7250 suspects investigated by Operation Ore. That operation was not without its controversies (although 1451 convictions and 33 suicides seem like good results to me) so it is somewhat puzzling that nothing comparable in scale has been attempted since it completed in 2003.

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2 minutes ago, The Guard said:

Its not how I see it, it is more how the law would see it. As a GP (i assume) you might be aware of the things that GPs get accused of whilst making a perfectly proper physical examination.

If it's an illegal image you'd best get your admin hat on and remove it then, hadn't you. 

And patients can't complain after a lethal dose of morphine. (That's just an observation btw, the shipman practice is closed to new customers.) 

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7 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

 it is somewhat puzzling that nothing comparable in scale has been attempted since it completed in 2003.

The actual reason that the witch hunts of the 1600s were finally abandoned was on the grounds of cost. The work of Master Hopkins and his associates virtually bankrupted some East Anglian towns. I think that you has some similar problems around time time in Scotland as well. In general the cost of forcing and policing church attendance was also a severe drain on the local towns finances.

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12 minutes ago, scotty said:

If it's an illegal image you'd best get your admin hat on and remove it then, hadn't you. 

And patients can't complain after a lethal dose of morphine. (That's just an observation btw, the shipman practice is closed to new customers.) 

I am am told that there are still a few surviving former patients of Dr Shipman who believe that he was a good doctor and never harmed anyone. Bodkin Adams who it is fairly certain sent at least 100 patients to an early grave still retained a loyal client base after he was acquitted but also struck off for who he issued "prescriptions" for over the counter medicines.

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3 minutes ago, The Guard said:

The actual reason that the witch hunts of the 1600s were finally abandoned was on the grounds of cost. The work of Master Hopkins and his associates virtually bankrupted some East Anglian towns. I think that you has some similar problems around time time in Scotland as well. In general the cost of forcing and policing church attendance was also a severe drain on the local towns finances.

A good point. Budgets these days seem to be reserved for funding the National LGBT Police Network, and for pimping their rides.


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25 minutes ago, scotty said:

It's not making any paedo reference, it's a stock anime image of a clothed child to which some illiterate has added "stop eating semen and explain youself" into the speech bubble. If what you see there is akin to child pornography then it's you that needs to have a good look at yourself. 

Only fucking idiots would take issue with the image. Now, let’s have a look at those who have taken issue with it to see if my statement holds water...

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

A good point. Budgets these days seem to be reserved for funding the National LGBT Police Network, and for pimping their rides.


Budgets are strange things two years after privatisation we received a budget of £15k to refurbish an off and messroom of the accommodation that we were due to move out of three months later. As the building was to be demolished we asked that this budget be moved to the accommodation that we were to bring it up to date. The request was refused and we moved into the "new" rather tatty office and messroom whilst the old accommodation was being refurbished. Three weeks after the work was finished on the old accommodation the building it in was demolished. A month after that we were allocated a £15 budget to upgrade and refurbish our new office and messroom..

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2 hours ago, scotty said:

I'd like to point out that this church has no business exhorting its followers to consume bleach. If a chemically assisted departure from this mortal coil is required, there are others better placed to provide it. 


Naturally, I stand ready to help, and at very reasonable rates. 👍👍

Surely you'd do some cunts for free? Guard and Ape must be contenders.

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1 hour ago, scotty said:

It's not making any paedo reference, it's a stock anime image of a clothed child to which some illiterate has added "stop eating semen and explain youself" into the speech bubble. If what you see there is akin to child pornography then it's you that needs to have a good look at yourself. 

Is it a child? These Manga cartoon people all look the same to me. Just saying.

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