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Diane Abbott is sorry .. for being caught.


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28 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You do realise these cans cost £2 each as Abbott was given £2 change from her £5 note which is quite expensive for 200ml because if she had bought 3 more she would have a whole litre. 

Here endeth today's maths lesson.

Is The Guard ghostwriting your material now? What a load of utter fucking drivel. Stupid, drunken wanker.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You do realise these cans cost £2 each as Abbott was given £2 change from her £5 note which is quite expensive for 200ml because if she had bought 3 more she would have a whole litre. 

Here endeth today's maths lesson.

250ml in these cans .. Ape will know as he gulps 10 of them down every day.

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28 minutes ago, The Guard said:

You are not the brightest tool in the box are you?

Jesus Christ - do you ever stop posting your inane fucking drivel on here? Relentless, meaningless, tiresome fucking drivel. Your life must be devoid of any interest and happiness as all you do is churn out the same utter shite day after day. Just fuck off.

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6 minutes ago, Ape said:

Jesus Christ - do you ever stop posting your inane fucking drivel on here? Relentless, meaningless, tiresome fucking drivel. Your life must be devoid of any interest and happiness as all you do is churn out the same utter shite day after day. Just fuck off.

You are not the sharpest star in the sky are you. Fuck off.

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11 minutes ago, Ape said:

Jesus Christ - do you ever stop posting your inane fucking drivel on here? Relentless, meaningless, tiresome fucking drivel. Your life must be devoid of any interest and happiness as all you do is churn out the same utter shite day after day. Just fuck off.

You have not been blessed with more than you share of happiness have you Ape?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 26/04/2019 at 01:09, Eric Cuntman said:

Neither would the Labour Party if they didn't have to. But they're stuck with her, because any attempt to get rid of her due to gross incompetence, would result in twenty thousand blacks, screaming racism and discrimination, half of London would burn in the ensuing stabfest/riot, and the brethren would seek justice by commandeering as many tellies, laptops and phones as they could loot in the name of justice and equality.

Fuck em, let em scream and create mayhem, it will pass as all things do...we need to take back what a generation of mongs have stolen from us.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...
16 hours ago, Lord Cunt said:

Obviously all you cunts should be bottom wipers for TFL. As you were & do try harder - I need a laugh!!

Might I suggest that you take a walk in the wrong direction along the circle line and if you don't get hit by a train that you bend down and lick the live rail.

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