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Charlize Theron

Eric Cuntman

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Not only has this populist influenced sheep adopted two black male children, how fucking right on of her, but she is now raising the two boys as girls. They are 7 and 3.

she was photographed taking them both to a kids party, dressed in pink tutus for fucks sake. 

A 7 or a 3 year old does not have a sense of sexuality or gender, yet she claims that they are girls because they've said that they are. The stupidity of this cunt is astounding. When I was 5, I spent a year claiming to be the Bionic Man, my mum, however didn't take it too seriously, didn't strip out my veins and arteries and replace them with wires. Eventually I stopped thinking I was the bionic man and started doing other things like making bows and arrows and annoying the neighbours.

Another stupid bitch who is perverting innocent children so that she can bask in the adulation of the LGBTXYZ community and read thousands of twitter messages telling her how beautiful and AMAAAAAY-ZING! and open minded she is.

I would have fucked her once. She can fuck right off now. I'd rather suck Jennifer Lawrence's cunt dry anyway.

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Not only has this populist influenced sheep adopted two black male children, how fucking right on of her, but she is now raising the two boys as girls. They are 7 and 3.

she was photographed taking them both to a kids party, dressed in pink tutus for fucks sake. 

A 7 or a 3 year old does not have a sense of sexuality or gender, yet she claims that they are girls because they've said that they are. The stupidity of this cunt is astounding. When I was 5, I spent a year claiming to be the Bionic Man, my mum, however didn't take it too seriously, didn't strip out my veins and arteries and replace them with wires. Eventually I stopped thinking I was the bionic man and started doing other things like making bows and arrows and annoying the neighbours.

Another stupid bitch who is perverting innocent children so that she can bask in the adulation of the LGBTXYZ community and read thousands of twitter messages telling her how beautiful and AMAAAAAY-ZING! and open minded she is.

I would have fucked her once. She can fuck right off now. I'd rather suck Jennifer Lawrence's cunt dry anyway.

Who cares.  I would still shag it rotten,  (if she'd let me).  J'adore indeed.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Not only has this populist influenced sheep adopted two black male children, how fucking right on of her, but she is now raising the two boys as girls. They are 7 and 3.

she was photographed taking them both to a kids party, dressed in pink tutus for fucks sake. 

A 7 or a 3 year old does not have a sense of sexuality or gender, yet she claims that they are girls because they've said that they are. The stupidity of this cunt is astounding. When I was 5, I spent a year claiming to be the Bionic Man, my mum, however didn't take it too seriously, didn't strip out my veins and arteries and replace them with wires. Eventually I stopped thinking I was the bionic man and started doing other things like making bows and arrows and annoying the neighbours.

Another stupid bitch who is perverting innocent children so that she can bask in the adulation of the LGBTXYZ community and read thousands of twitter messages telling her how beautiful and AMAAAAAY-ZING! and open minded she is.

I would have fucked her once. She can fuck right off now. I'd rather suck Jennifer Lawrence's cunt dry anyway.

Don't lie Eric. You still pretend you're the bionic man. I bet when no ones looking, you run in slow motion humming the title tune and pretend you're looking through your bionic eye by squinting and making a 'bbbbbbbb' sound. 

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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Don't lie Eric. You still pretend you're the bionic man. I bet when no ones looking, you run in slow motion humming the title tune and pretend you're looking through your bionic eye by squinting and making a 'bbbbbbbb' sound. 

I actually did all that.

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A cunt of the highest order...

..I'd fuck it senseless and then drown it......and then fuck it again before it got too cold.Take the little cunts off her before they turn into more publicity whore fuckwits

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Not only has this populist influenced sheep adopted two black male children, how fucking right on of her, but she is now raising the two boys as girls. They are 7 and 3.

she was photographed taking them both to a kids party, dressed in pink tutus for fucks sake. 

A 7 or a 3 year old does not have a sense of sexuality or gender, yet she claims that they are girls because they've said that they are. The stupidity of this cunt is astounding. When I was 5, I spent a year claiming to be the Bionic Man, my mum, however didn't take it too seriously, didn't strip out my veins and arteries and replace them with wires. Eventually I stopped thinking I was the bionic man and started doing other things like making bows and arrows and annoying the neighbours.

Another stupid bitch who is perverting innocent children so that she can bask in the adulation of the LGBTXYZ community and read thousands of twitter messages telling her how beautiful and AMAAAAAY-ZING! and open minded she is.

I would have fucked her once. She can fuck right off now. I'd rather suck Jennifer Lawrence's cunt dry anyway.

Jaysus Christ Eric she has been a busy little Boer hasn't she. I had no idea she had steeped to such depths of cuntishness. On first reading this nom, I thought that's a quality bit of minge there I definitely would, what's all the fuss about. Apart from when she played Arleen Wuornos, even I'm not that depraved.

Pandering to the LBGTAANK ect is all the rage at the moment it seems. I'm seriously concerned where it's all gonna end but generally yawn at it. However your point regarding cross dressing the kids is on the money. I often wonder what fucking planet these moron's live on. Along with how many years of therapy will these children need.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Why can't she be like other normal south Africans and shoot the little cunts.

I thought genocide through starvation and resource attrition was the winning chapter in their play book?  Seize shipments of food and resources, and let it rot in inspection areas, and tax fuck out of the shit then pocket the money.  

When the little fuckers choke to death on a grain of rice, you're winning the war.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, The Guard said:

Withers can't hold anything down.

I think he's mentioned his ability to hold down semen loads blasted into his gullet.  

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2 minutes ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

I think this LBGT shit is great. Sooner or later all the blokes will have turned into women or bummers, and I'll get to fuck all the wimmin. But not the ones that used to be men, or the butch lezzers, obviously. Or Gyps.


Be careful what you wish for son. Or you might end up balls deep, in a cut and shut. Though I appreciate the sentiment!

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Just now, Cap'n Cunt said:

I think this LBGT shit is great. Sooner or later all the blokes will have turned into women or bummers, and I'll get to fuck all the wimmin. But not the ones that used to be men, or the butch lezzers, obviously. Or Gyps.


That's the trouble. The women have changed now as well. If you are a real bloke, they view you as some kind of dangerous Neanderthal and are 'fwightened'.

Men must either be faggots, or submissive little wimps who are physically inferior to their girlfriends or wives and do as they're told. Look at men in adverts. Holding a baby and hoovering, while their women  snap their fingers and make all the decisions. 

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