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People’s vote march: London


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So , here we are. Women , kids, pushchairs and vegan social workers. I sincerely hope this doesn’t turn nasty but the portents aren’t good. Pragmatically It’s a bit late for a people’s vote (part2) now. Anyway what do you put on the ballot paper.? Seriously? Not to mention the fact that this whole fucked up imbroglio was triggered by a democratic vote in the first place. The last thing we need is rioting, but, the juggernaut is out of control.

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3 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

So , here we are. Women , kids, pushchairs and vegan social workers. I sincerely hope this doesn’t turn nasty but the portents aren’t good. Pragmatically It’s a bit late for a people’s vote (part2) now. Anyway what do you put on the ballot paper.? Seriously? Not to mention the fact that this whole fucked up imbroglio was triggered by a democratic vote in the first place. The last thing we need is rioting, but, the juggernaut is out of control.

If its all inevitable at this point, why not just sit back and enjoy the show?


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Guest Gary Neal

Parliament has no faith in the backbone that forged this Country, tempered in the sweat and blood of the working class. Watch Britain rise like a Phoenix after No Deal.

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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

So , here we are. Women , kids, pushchairs and vegan social workers. I sincerely hope this doesn’t turn nasty but the portents aren’t good. Pragmatically It’s a bit late for a people’s vote (part2) now. Anyway what do you put on the ballot paper.? Seriously? Not to mention the fact that this whole fucked up imbroglio was triggered by a democratic vote in the first place. The last thing we need is rioting, but, the juggernaut is out of control.

What? Who the fuck is going to be rioting? A bunch of posh, middle class, besandled, vegan snowflakes? Why would they be rioting anyway, they’re winning ain’t they? They’ve got the media, Parliament, the corporates, the bankers, the coppers, the Establishment and the fucking BB cunting C on their side.

Just a bunch of muggy brainwashed cunts having a day out and celebrating their smugness and revelling in the knowledge that they were right all along.

Don’t worry about it mate.

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We've got the March of the Middle Class (and their Au Pairs and Cleaners - and 'pur-leeeeeze don't forget your North Face gilet dahling' It's a bit parky out there') and we've got the March (I say March, it's more of a' hobble and wheeze' given the morphology and fitness of its constituents) of the Brexiteers wherever they've got to now.

Dunno about the politics but I suppose all this marching about is doing a little something to slow down the growth of type 2 diabetes

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45 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

What? Who the fuck is going to be rioting? A bunch of posh, middle class, besandled, vegan snowflakes? Why would they be rioting anyway, they’re winning ain’t they? They’ve got the media, Parliament, the corporates, the bankers, the coppers, the Establishment and the fucking BB cunting C on their side.

Just a bunch of muggy brainwashed cunts having a day out and celebrating their smugness and revelling in the knowledge that they were right all along.

Don’t worry about it mate.

Dunno Judge, I should imagine being hit on the head with a rolled up copy of the graudian does smart a bit 

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Guest Erroreptile404

We can only hope a Tiananmen square type scenario happens, it'd be nice to see Gape, william dick lickers and decimucus get flattened by a challenger II while they're waving their little EU flags and crying into their pink iphones.

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4 hours ago, The Bishop said:

Luxembourg, a small country with high income per person. They paid £0.4 billion to the EU last year and received £1.8 billion from the EU. No wonder they don't want us to leave.

Their radio station employed uncle Jimmy (they knew), and the reception was awful, so Luxembourg can fuck right off. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
13 hours ago, The Beast said:

I don't give a fuck what they say about people's vote. On the day of the vote I will take to the polling station my lama, donkey and Vietnamese pot bellied pig, just as I did when we had the referendum in June 2016.

Are you absolutely certain the polls are the best place to put on such an intimate performance?  

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Guest judgetwi

So the posh rebels are back home by now. It was just like Woodstock, Kent State, Selma bridge.

🎶We shall over cuuum er um. We shall overcuum 🎶

No it wasn’t. You walked a couple of miles in your Gucci trainers in support of Goldman Sachs, Rothschilds, JP Morgan, Deutsche fucking Bank and the bought and paid for filth who occupy the Palace of Westminster. 

You ain’t no heroes, you ain’t no civil rights fucking protesters. You are a bunch of fucking fascist cunts.

Don’t worry Giles, i’ve posted all our selfies on Facebook and I asked the little Indian chappie in the village shop to reserve us a copy of The Times just in case we’re in one of their photos. I’ll send Rupert or Jancis down to pick it up in the morning.

Can you get another bottle of that delightful Portuguese wine out of the cellar darling?

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18 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

So the posh rebels are back home by now. It was just like Woodstock, Kent State, Selma bridge.

🎶We shall over cuuum er um. We shall overcuum 🎶

No it wasn’t. You walked a couple of miles in your Gucci trainers in support of Goldman Sachs, Rothschilds, JP Morgan, Deutsche fucking Bank and the bought and paid for filth who occupy the Palace of Westminster. 

You ain’t no heroes, you ain’t no civil rights fucking protesters. You are a bunch of fucking fascist cunts.

Don’t worry Giles, i’ve posted all our selfies on Facebook and I asked the little Indian chappie in the village shop to reserve us a copy of The Times just in case we’re in one of their photos. I’ll send Rupert or Jancis down to pick it up in the morning.

Can you get another bottle of that delightful Portuguese wine out of the cellar darling?

So, so bitter Judy. I do hope you’ve remembered your Ramipril after your long day trudging through Nottinghamshire in your anorak with seventy other idiots. 

Theresa is mortally wounded, so it’s time for the next cab off the rank in the never ending carnival of mediocrity. 

Michael fucking Gove, creature of Rupert Murdoch and other downtrodden working class heroes, might yet get a run at the top job say the Sunday press. 

At least he will surround himself with experts, the stupid speccy cunt. Enjoy the wasteland boys and girls. 


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53 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

So the posh rebels are back home by now. It was just like Woodstock, Kent State, Selma bridge.

🎶We shall over cuuum er um. We shall overcuum 🎶

No it wasn’t. You walked a couple of miles in your Gucci trainers in support of Goldman Sachs, Rothschilds, JP Morgan, Deutsche fucking Bank and the bought and paid for filth who occupy the Palace of Westminster. 

You ain’t no heroes, you ain’t no civil rights fucking protesters. You are a bunch of fucking fascist cunts.

Don’t worry Giles, i’ve posted all our selfies on Facebook and I asked the little Indian chappie in the village shop to reserve us a copy of The Times just in case we’re in one of their photos. I’ll send Rupert or Jancis down to pick it up in the morning.

Can you get another bottle of that delightful Portuguese wine out of the cellar darling?

I love you judge.

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Guest judgetwi

Not that bitter Remoanerboy. My offer to drive you to the airport on Friday is still open. Even though we’re staying in your beloved EU I appreciate you need to fuck off to some other country to exploit poor people without cunts like me getting in the way.

To be honest i’m hoping you are going to California like your money grabbing hero TheCleggcunt. There are a lot of nutty cunts in California and they are armed to the fucking teeth.

Wouldn’t it be a shame if an arrogant, up his own arse, cunt like you were to upset one of them and get a gun emptied into his stupid face?

Nah..... my money is on some third world shit hole where the poor people will lick your arse and you can order them about. That’s more your style.

Anyway, time and place on Friday? Just let me know.

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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Not that bitter Remoanerboy. My offer to drive you to the airport on Friday is still open. Even though we’re staying in your beloved EU I appreciate you need to fuck off to some other country to exploit poor people without cunts like me getting in the way.

To be honest i’m hoping you are going to California like your money grabbing hero TheCleggcunt. There are a lot of nutty cunts in California and they are armed to the fucking teeth.

Wouldn’t it be a shame if an arrogant, up his own arse, cunt like you were to upset one of them and get a gun emptied into his stupid face?

Nah..... my money is on some third world shit hole where the poor people will lick your arse and you can order them about. That’s more your style.

Anyway, time and place on Friday? Just let me know.

No thanks Judge, though it’s sweet of you to offer for the umpteenth time. T5 LHR will no longer look like Saigon 1975 on Friday, which is a shame, I was hoping for some farewell drama like Argo. I was even going to buy a Daily Mail, to try and avoid suspicion.

You are, as is now expected, hugely wide of the mark with your assertions, but your ire is wasted on me. 

It’s enough for me to know that just as you are likely physically impotent thanks to your inevitable antihypertensives, you are now politically and culturally impotent too thanks to the complete bollocks of it your lot have made. The idea that your missed opportunity might make you cry salt tears of powerless rage one day as a noisy Polish family moves in next door and they start selling Hijabs in Asda, is all I need to know.

The damage is in many ways done. The U.K. is a laughing stock, Billions have been moved overseas, and to survive at all, Britannia will be prostituting herself to the Yanks, Russians and Qataris ever more enthusiastically. Remain, Leave, Win, Lose, it’s all been giant distraction for the masses while the real plundering went on uninterrupted. 

You’re an irrelevance. Expect to be carted off in handcuffs to the Rusbridger Centre for re-education in Islington any day now.

I’ll be sure to raise a glass to you on Saturday. Just keep paying the pension, there’s a good chap. Cheers.

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So, so bitter Judy. I do hope you’ve remembered your Ramipril after your long day trudging through Nottinghamshire in your anorak with seventy other idiots. 

Theresa is mortally wounded, so it’s time for the next cab off the rank in the never ending carnival of mediocrity. 

Michael fucking Gove, creature of Rupert Murdoch and other downtrodden working class heroes, might yet get a run at the top job say the Sunday press. 

At least he will surround himself with experts, the stupid speccy cunt. Enjoy the wasteland boys and girls. 


You may scoff at "The Experts" but all of them, from banking and market-maker economists, The CBI, The Chamber of Commerce, The Governor of the Bank of England, The then PM and Chancellor to former American presidents were all proven very wrong when the UK economic fabric didn't disintegrate when the referendum result did not go the way they wished for. I thought it was rather telling the way the supposedly  impartial interviewer feigned a dismissive and sneering attitude in asking "who are the experts?"  Clearly a fully paid member of the metropolitan chattering classes...

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

You may scoff at "The Experts" but all of them, from banking and market-maker economists, The CBI, The Chamber of Commerce, The Governor of the Bank of England, The then PM and Chancellor to former American presidents were all proven very wrong when the UK economic fabric didn't disintegrate when the referendum result did not go the way they wished for. I thought it was rather telling the way the supposedly  impartial interviewer feigned a dismissive and sneering attitude in asking "who are the experts?"  Clearly a fully paid member of the metropolitan chattering classes...

Somthing that seems to have been forgotten is that the predictions pointed towards there being a narrow win for remain .. I am wondering how the remainers would have reacted  in such a case to a people votes demand and a march for brexit .. my bet is that they would have been screaming that it was undemocratic.

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

So the posh rebels are back home by now. It was just like Woodstock, Kent State, Selma bridge.

🎶We shall over cuuum er um. We shall overcuum 🎶

No it wasn’t. You walked a couple of miles in your Gucci trainers in support of Goldman Sachs, Rothschilds, JP Morgan, Deutsche fucking Bank and the bought and paid for filth who occupy the Palace of Westminster. 

You ain’t no heroes, you ain’t no civil rights fucking protesters. You are a bunch of fucking fascist cunts.

Don’t worry Giles, i’ve posted all our selfies on Facebook and I asked the little Indian chappie in the village shop to reserve us a copy of The Times just in case we’re in one of their photos. I’ll send Rupert or Jancis down to pick it up in the morning.

Can you get another bottle of that delightful Portuguese wine out of the cellar darling?

"Sweet moderation, heart of this nation, desert us not, we are between the wars."


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