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Cardiff Irish Traveller's arrest shameful, says charity


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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

And no Punkers, men can't get pregnant by being fucked up the arse so no need to worry 

Mr. Emtembe will be so relieved.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
40 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

What an utter fucking biff that creature is. Shame she didn't "fall down the stairs" when she got to the police station.

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10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Irish is not a race. Doasyoulikey IS a race.....a race of thieving, low life fucking cunts who need to fuck off back where they came from. These middle class pricks wouldn’t be so fucking keen if a bunch of doasyoulikies parked their caravans  at the bottom of their road.

Oh, and i’m fucking fed up with hearing about the “mental health issues” of fucking cunts. Blow some cunts up, stab them in the street and you have “mental health issues” and have been “radicalised by the internet.” Call that bitch Soubry a Nazi (which she fucking is) and you’re a “far right extremist.”

Fuck the BBC and fuck their globalist agenda. Fucking cunts the lot of them.

You know Judy, I’m worried about you. All this anger, all the time. It can’t possibly be good for you to careen about from post to post giving it fuck this, Nazi that, working class hero the other. Where does it come from, this unending aquifer of fury? What grave injustice has life handed you that you turn into such a bitter old fruit? You can’t surely have been born a pink ball of rage, spitting out your mother’s milk and filling your nappy in protest at no longer being safely bathed in warm amniotic fluid. Was it the bigger boys in the showers who really cranked up your self loathing? Maybe that first knee trembler behind the bike shed set you up for a life of repressed sexuality. Who knows.

In any case I’d suggest you invest in a sphygmomanometer - Omron, Boots, £56. Your little arterioles and glomeruli are all I suspect under great pressure as you spout this vapid nonsense, and you run a real risk of spending your later years blind, impotent, gasping your way through heart failure and on dialysis, which would at least give you something to be angry about. 

Turn the computer off. Put the Daily Mail down and go for a walk in the Spring sunshine. And for Christ’s sake get drunk, high, or laid, or all three, and chill the fuck out.

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Guest judgetwi
24 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You know Judy, I’m worried about you. All this anger, all the time. It can’t possibly be good for you to careen about from post to post giving it fuck this, Nazi that, working class hero the other. Where does it come from, this unending aquifer of fury? What grave injustice has life handed you that you turn into such a bitter old fruit? You can’t surely have been born a pink ball of rage, spitting out your mother’s milk and filling your nappy in protest at no longer being safely bathed in warm amniotic fluid. Was it the bigger boys in the showers who really cranked up your self loathing? Maybe that first knee trembler behind the bike shed set you up for a life of repressed sexuality. Who knows.

In any case I’d suggest you invest in a sphygmomanometer - Omron, Boots, £56. Your little arterioles and glomeruli are all I suspect under great pressure as you spout this vapid nonsense, and you run a real risk of spending your later years blind, impotent, gasping your way through heart failure and on dialysis, which would at least give you something to be angry about. 

Turn the computer off. Put the Daily Mail down and go for a walk in the Spring sunshine. And for Christ’s sake get drunk, high, or laid, or all three, and chill the fuck out.

Woodstock’s that way mate ↗️

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Guest Wizardsleeve
58 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Pretty sure I worked in that care home. 

Under Scotty's direct supervision?

36 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Nursed Spot then, did you?

I don't think she's quite that old, Eaven's! 

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Guest 'eavensabove

Having reconsidered me options, I'm going Amish. I can make me own coffin and dig me own grave by hand as well. Furthermore, I aint cut out for connecting with the broader world, and I've already got a black hat. Shaving's also a poxy curse in my book, and so me blades are gonna be ditched. All I need now is to learn Pennsylvanian Dutch and that's me done until I've gotten a buggy. I'll weigh the pro's & con's and if all has failed and Amish is not for me, I'll be going Quaker. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

Having reconsidered me options, I'm going Amish. I can make me own coffin and dig me own grave by hand as well. Furthermore, I aint cut out for connecting with the broader world, and I've already got a black hat. Shaving's also a poxy curse in my book, and so me blades are gonna be ditched. All I need now is to learn Pennsylvanian Dutch and that's me done until I've gotten a buggy. I'll weigh the pro's & con's and if all has failed and Amish is not for me, I'll be going Quaker. 


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22 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:


I watched a couple of episodes of that. Total made up bollocks, those cunts are as much 'professional criminals' as I am a kangaroo. A fat nonce and three skinny, former bumboys, who have now been promoted to supplying the fat chicken-hawk cunt with fresh meat.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I watched a couple of episodes of that. Total made up bollocks, those cunts are as much 'professional criminals' as I am a kangaroo. A fat nonce and three skinny, former bumboys, who have now been promoted to supplying the fat chicken-hawk cunt with fresh meat.

I was trying to find something for Eavens imminent conversion that would allow him to continue to pursue side interests of wanton violence and serial murder of political cunts.  

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I was trying to find something for Eavens imminent conversion that would allow him to continue to pursue side interests of wanton violence and serial murder of political cunts.  

Might I suggest the medical profession? That offers all sorts of avenues for the budding serial killer to explore. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 minutes ago, scotty said:

Might I suggest the medical profession? That offers all sorts of avenues for the budding serial killer to explore. 

Are you saying Amish medical experience is anything less than top shelf?  

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Guest 'eavensabove
10 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I was trying to find something for Eavens imminent conversion that would allow him to continue to pursue side interests of wanton violence and serial murder of political cunts.  

See the source image

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Guest 'eavensabove
7 minutes ago, scotty said:

Might I suggest the medical profession? That offers all sorts of avenues for the budding serial killer to explore. 

Like Drugs, you mean? I may take that up. After all, they've given us Rock & Roll AND sporting achievement at Olympic level.   

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Guest judgetwi
On 21/03/2019 at 12:38, Earl of Punkape said:

The article refers to the woman as Ms rather than Mrs.

This then beggars the question as to why she is pregnant ?

She’s pregnant because some dirty fucking doasyoulikey stuck his cock up her love tunnel and shot his genetically impaired sperm into the slag’s womb.

Didn’t they teach you “sex education “ at your pretend public school you pathetic fucking attention seeking sack of shit?


Sent via Tapatalk from the Saddo Wankerwatch hotdesk.

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