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Cardiff Irish Traveller's arrest shameful, says charity


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I don't think this qualifies as a race issue. However there are some serious questions that do not seem to have been raised by news item. Ignore the IOPC as they have proven to be whitewashing quango. Firstly, the police should not have been removed Ms Moloney's phone/camera until she had been formerly arrested. Most seriously, the article said that the police went to Ms Moloney's home for the purpose of arresting her. The article does not say if the police were investigating a summary or an indictable offence. If it was the former then the police cannot travel to a suspect's home with the express purpose of arresting him/her without a signed warrant. As the police have also ignored their own policy and procedures the complaint needs to be investigated preferably by way of a judicial review. Ms Moloney has a good case for pursuing a civil lawsuit.

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32 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I don't think this qualifies as a race issue. However there are some serious questions that do not seem to have been raised by news item. Ignore the IOPC as they have proven to be whitewashing quango. Firstly, the police should not have been removed Ms Moloney's phone/camera until she had been formerly arrested. Most seriously, the article said that the police went to Ms Moloney's home for the purpose of arresting her. The article does not say if the police were investigating a summary or an indictable offence. If it was the former then the police cannot travel to a suspects home with the express purpose of arresting him/her without a signed warrant. As the police have also ignored their own policy and procedures the complaint needs to be investigated preferably by way of a judicial review. Ms Moloney has a good case for pursuing a civil lawsuit.

The police can arrest someone at their home for either a summary or an indictable offence, the only difference being the seriousness of the crime, the max sentence  and the court in which it can be dealt with. A warrant is not needed to arrest a suspect for questioning for either type of offence. The filth have clearly created an unnecessary situation here by going in very heavy handedly, when as stated the situation could have been handled better but would anyone expect anything else from them. One other thing I was puzzled by was, These ‘travellers’ live in a 2 storey house. How long do you have to live in a house before you cease to be a traveller? with all the ethnic minority and cultural rights that nowadays go with this excuse to seemingly do anything and behave anyway that they like.

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1 hour ago, The Bishop said:


 How the fuck do they expect the police to behave in this situation?

Back in my day a traveller was a twat who knocked on your door and tried to sell you a vacuum cleaner or stardrops.


Or keep you talking while their accomplices crept in the back door and ransacked your house.

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Guest judgetwi

Irish is not a race. Doasyoulikey IS a race.....a race of thieving, low life fucking cunts who need to fuck off back where they came from. These middle class pricks wouldn’t be so fucking keen if a bunch of doasyoulikies parked their caravans  at the bottom of their road.

Oh, and i’m fucking fed up with hearing about the “mental health issues” of fucking cunts. Blow some cunts up, stab them in the street and you have “mental health issues” and have been “radicalised by the internet.” Call that bitch Soubry a Nazi (which she fucking is) and you’re a “far right extremist.”

Fuck the BBC and fuck their globalist agenda. Fucking cunts the lot of them.

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I hope you meant ‘nazi cunt’ with regard to the Soubry creature, anyway as far as the diddycoys are concerned it is completely and utterly our own fault that these poor victimised minority have all of a sudden become the victims of great injustice. One thing they are not is stupid and when they spot weakness, as in the cuntish libtard fuckwits who govern this land, you can bet your arse that they will jump all over it. So really we have no one to blame but ourselves. Having said that, They are still a bunch of theiving uneducated primitive inbred retard cunts, and that’s their good points.

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49 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The police can arrest someone at their home for either a summary or an indictable offence, the only difference being the seriousness of the crime, the max sentence  and the court in which it can be dealt with. A warrant is not needed to arrest a suspect for questioning for either type of offence. The filth have clearly created an unnecessary situation here by going in very heavy handedly, when as stated the situation could have been handled better but would anyone expect anything else from them. One other thing I was puzzled by was, These ‘travellers’ live in a 2 storey house. How long do you have to live in a house before you cease to be a traveller? with all the ethnic minority and cultural rights that nowadays go with this excuse to seemingly do anything and behave anyway that they like.

The arrest was illegal as the situation did not meet the requirements of The Police & Criminal Evidence Act S24 SS5. I imagine the custody sergeant realised this and had Ms Moloney released pronto as the police should have sent a letter inviting her to a voluntary interview.

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2 hours ago, The Bishop said:


 How the fuck do they expect the police to behave in this situation?

Back in my day a traveller was a twat who knocked on your door and tried to sell you a vacuum cleaner or stardrops.


The article refers to the woman as Ms rather than Mrs.

This then beggars the question as to why she is pregnant ?

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I wonder if there would be as much of a story if,

A) she didn't class herself as a 'traveller' (is it even a race?)

2) she was a he.

C) it wasn't a mentalist.

D) it wasn't naked underneath it's clothing. (WTF??)

Load of fucking bollox story only made popular by BBC culture.

Edited by Cunty BigBollox
Fucking shit phone substituting words with shit fuck emojis. Do i look like a fucking retard.
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33 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I wonder if there would be as much of a story if,

A) she didn't class herself as a 'traveller' (is it even a race?)

2) she was a he.

C) it wasn't a mentalist.

D) it wasn't naked underneath it's clothing. (WTF??)

Load of fucking bollox story only made popular by BBC culture.

I don't know... a pregnant male traveller being the victim of heavy-handed Police might also have raised a few eyebrows...

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10 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I don't know... a pregnant male traveller being the victim of heavy-handed Police might also have raised a few eyebrows...

I pitched exactly that script to MGM last year. Have I heard back from them? Have I, fuck. 😠😠😠😠

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You're all missing the point,the biggest question arising from this is who in their right mind would fuck that?

I fucking hate pikeys,especially the race card playing cunts that have just moved in to my village and by buying green belt land and putting a bogus planning application in for a stable(A stable is too food for these feckless cunts)and have emotionally harangued the local council into giving in.

Utter fucking cunts.I hope they get cancer

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

And no Punkers, men can't get pregnant by being fucked up the arse so no need to worry 

Really ?

The moral decay in society stems from the erosion of marriage,  the fall of church attendances and the cancerous spread of homosexuality and it’s warped corrupt agendas.

Women who have children out of wedlock are a disgrace and slags.


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6 hours ago, The Bishop said:


 How the fuck do they expect the police to behave in this situation?

Back in my day a traveller was a twat who knocked on your door and tried to sell you a vacuum cleaner or stardrops.


Can I just make it clear, I am not related to any of the gypsy/traveller people in this video. Indeed, I have never been to that part of Wales (thank christ), and please God never will. Saying that, the older woman does bear a resemblance to my uncle Gareth.  

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I don't think this qualifies as a race issue. However there are some serious questions that do not seem to have been raised by news item. Ignore the IOPC as they have proven to be whitewashing quango. Firstly, the police should not have been removed Ms Moloney's phone/camera until she had been formerly arrested. Most seriously, the article said that the police went to Ms Moloney's home for the purpose of arresting her. The article does not say if the police were investigating a summary or an indictable offence. If it was the former then the police cannot travel to a suspect's home with the express purpose of arresting him/her without a signed warrant. As the police have also ignored their own policy and procedures the complaint needs to be investigated preferably by way of a judicial review. Ms Moloney has a good case for pursuing a civil lawsuit.

At least she didn’t end up face down in the river with some cunt pulling her onboard with a magnet. Just depends on the mood of the pigs I suppose. So Ms Baloney should maybe be thankful and just fuck off back to potato land.

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I wonder if there would be as much of a story if,

A) she didn't class herself as a 'traveller' (is it even a race?)

2) she was a he.

C) it wasn't a mentalist.

D) it wasn't naked underneath it's clothing. (WTF??)

Load of fucking bollox story only made popular by BBC culture.

Probably not, but some police officers take advantage of the average citizens ignorance of their rights.

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3 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Probably not, but some police officers take advantage of the average citizens ignorance of their rights.

Are you now describing it as an average citizen? I think we've already established she would be categorised below average in pretty much all departments apart from weight.

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32 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Are you now describing it as an average citizen? I think we've already established she would be categorised below average in pretty much all departments apart from weight.

Not at all, just speaking from experience. Police frequently abuse dispersal orders and seem to misunderstand what constitutes "disturbing the peace".

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