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Neil Basu...Assistant Commissioner Met Police.... Head of Counter Terrorism

Guest judgetwi

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Guest judgetwi

I first came across Neil when he defended Sir Craig Mackey, the cowardly cunt who ordered his driver to hit the accelerator when PC Palmer was being butchered by some Jihadi cunt in front of his very eyes. “ He did the right thing” said Neil. Of course Sir Craig has since retired on 65 grand a year while Mrs Palmer gets a widows pension of 12 grand. Of course he did the right thing.......in your cunt world you cunt!

Then Neil mouths off to the press that Brexit might fuck us up because the French cunts might not tell us about all the Jihadis crossing the Channel. He follows that up with concerns about the “far right.” Yes Neil, the 52% of the poulation who thought their vote might mean something. It’s called democracy cunt.

Now I thought unelected  public servants weren’t allowed to make political statements but since Mark Carney has been getting away with it for years I can understand why Neil thinks licking the EU arse will get him up the greasy pole.

Now, let me take you back to the summer of 2012. A big media story was the disappearance of a 12 year old girl, Tia Sharp. After about 10 days they found Tia’s body in her grandmothers attic, murdered by grannies boyfriend, a sick pervert. The police had searced that house three times and found nothing. Then a visiting neighbour reported a strange smell. On their FOURTH search they found Tia’s body and a stash of drugs and child pornography. Who was in charge of that enquiry? Oh yes, Commander (at the time) Neil Basu.

So, a cunt who couldn’t find a decomposing corpse in a two up two down council house is now the Head of Counter Terrorism. Fucking brilliant! It warms the cockles of your heart dunnit?

I don’t know if you can go down to Paddy Power and get a bet on Neil to be the next Met Commissioner, after the Strapon retires, but my money would be on this arselicking, box ticking, useless fucking cunt. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.

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Commander to Chief inspector: You know the drill. Last known movements, family and friends, starting with family, i want house searches. From top to bottom, this kid is at most risk from people she knows, and that’s families first. I don’t want to be telling sone fucking press conference that we have been sitting around drinking tea while a kids body is rotting in her Granny’s attic.

C.I. To Commander: Got that Guv.

Well, that’s modern placing for you innit? The public shouldn’t just expect better, they should demand better. No one seems accountable or responsible for anything. It makes a fucking mockery of the buzzwords “quality”, “key performance indicators” and “excellence”.Sir Craig Mackey? Every time I think of him, I think of him in the back of a car, being driven past an act of savagery with his head well down. I’m sure he would have been the first to encourage you or I to weigh in though.... in the interests of the community and public order.

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It takes me back to the last years of British Rail when passengers became customers and we had the Organising For Quality campaign O4Q usually pronounced as Oh Fuck You. Some dopey cunt forgot that a passenger was not the same thing as a customer. The latter being someone you flogged something to and then did a runner whereas a passengers was a poor cunt who's life was in your hands until they had finished their journey.

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2 hours ago, The Bishop said:

It takes me back to the last years of British Rail when passengers became customers and we had the Organising For Quality campaign O4Q usually pronounced as Oh Fuck You. Some dopey cunt forgot that a passenger was not the same thing as a customer. The later being someone you flogged something to and then did a runner whereas a passengers was a poor cunt who's life was in your hands until they had finished their journey.

Same thing with hospitals. The patient became the client. I've always said if you're in hospital and some stethoscope wielding cunt calls you client, get up get dressed and fuck off. If you're able of course. 

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55 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Same thing with hospitals. The patient became the client. I've always said if you're in hospital and some stethoscope wielding cunt calls you client, get up get dressed and fuck off. If you're able of course. 

I try that all the time here in the asylum, but the cunts just tell me to fuck off and taser me...

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58 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Same thing with hospitals. The patient became the client. I've always said if you're in hospital and some stethoscope wielding cunt calls you client, get up get dressed and fuck off. If you're able of course. 

Have you ever worked on any of the maternity wards?

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've got a nomination brewing about NHS staff at my local hospital, the James Fucking Paget. I believe that @The Beast has had the misfortune of treading its filth strewn corridors.

When it comes to the NHS I simply can't be surprised any more. I have the Royal Victoria Infirmary, the Freeman Hospital and Rake Lane Hospital nearby, and every time there's a specific emergency that requires more than a simple fucking bandage I have to drive nine fucking miles to the Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital - which is strategically placed in the middle of nowhere in an empty field. Last time I was there with an ill family member it took them eight fucking hours to take blood and do an ECG, people were sleeping on benches in the waiting room and a pregnant lady who'd taken an overdose (I know this because she kept shouting about it to the completely uncaring receptionist, who seemed to spend her entire shift on Facebook) was pacing around and freaking out during the duration of our stay. When they finally deign to grant you a bed you're led through a labyrinth of twisty corridors that serve no other purpose than stroking the ego of whatever fucking cunt architect designed the place and led to one of many triangular - fucking TRIANGULAR - rooms that are placed around a circular staff desk - like the petals on a flower drawn by a child. The place is built like a fucking fun house, in the middle of nowhere and woefully under staffed to the point where I can't help but wonder why they didn't simply improve the facilities of the three other hospitals they already had before they decided to build the shit hole.

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7 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

When it comes to the NHS I simply can't be surprised any more. I have the Royal Victoria Infirmary, the Freeman Hospital and Rake Lane Hospital nearby, and every time there's a specific emergency that requires more than a simple fucking bandage I have to drive nine fucking miles to the Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital - which is strategically placed in the middle of nowhere in an empty field. Last time I was there with an ill family member it took them eight fucking hours to take blood and do an ECG, people were sleeping on benches in the waiting room and a pregnant lady who'd taken an overdose (I know this because she kept shouting about it to the completely uncaring receptionist, who seemed to spend her entire shift on Facebook) was pacing around and freaking out during the duration of our stay. When they finally deign to grant you a bed you're led through a labyrinth of twisty corridors that serve no other purpose than stroking the ego of whatever fucking cunt architect designed the place and led to one of many triangular - fucking TRIANGULAR - rooms that are placed around a circular staff desk - like the petals on a flower drawn by a child. The place is built like a fucking fun house, in the middle of nowhere and woefully under staffed to the point where I can't help but wonder why they didn't simply improve the facilities of the three other hospitals they already had before they decided to build the shit hole.

That sounds brilliant! You could go in the little office with the triangular rooms round it, lock all the doors and pretend you're under attack in the pentagon! I also like to switch off the bathroom light, get in the bath, and then turn the shower on, so I can pretend I'm in a submarine that's been torpedoed. 

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23 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Home birth for me. Yes, even back then people didn't want to pick up every variant of MRSA known to man.

I'd rather have my child in a hospital staffed by Dr. Crippen, Harold Shipman and Beverley Allitt than run the risk of contracting Weil's disease in your ancestral family hovel.

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Guest 'eavensabove
15 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I first came across Neil when he defended Sir Craig Mackey, the cowardly cunt who ordered his driver to hit the accelerator when PC Palmer was being butchered by some Jihadi cunt in front of his very eyes. “ He did the right thing” said Neil. Of course Sir Craig has since retired on 65 grand a year while Mrs Palmer gets a widows pension of 12 grand. Of course he did the right thing.......in your cunt world you cunt!

Then Neil mouths off to the press that Brexit might fuck us up because the French cunts might not tell us about all the Jihadis crossing the Channel. He follows that up with concerns about the “far right.” Yes Neil, the 52% of the poulation who thought their vote might mean something. It’s called democracy cunt.

Now I thought unelected  public servants weren’t allowed to make political statements but since Mark Carney has been getting away with it for years I can understand why Neil thinks licking the EU arse will get him up the greasy pole.

Now, let me take you back to the summer of 2012. A big media story was the disappearance of a 12 year old girl, Tia Sharp. After about 10 days they found Tia’s body in her grandmothers attic, murdered by grannies boyfriend, a sick pervert. The police had searced that house three times and found nothing. Then a visiting neighbour reported a strange smell. On their FOURTH search they found Tia’s body and a stash of drugs and child pornography. Who was in charge of that enquiry? Oh yes, Commander (at the time) Neil Basu.

So, a cunt who couldn’t find a decomposing corpse in a two up two down council house is now the Head of Counter Terrorism. Fucking brilliant! It warms the cockles of your heart dunnit?

I don’t know if you can go down to Paddy Power and get a bet on Neil to be the next Met Commissioner, after the Strapon retires, but my money would be on this arselicking, box ticking, useless fucking cunt. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.

You'll get a bad name for yourself. That's how Punkers started and look at her now. 

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'd rather have my child in a hospital staffed by Dr. Crippen, Harold Shipman and Beverley Allitt than run the risk of contracting Weil's disease in your ancestral family hovel.

Serial killers are a bit of a rarity in your neck of the woods. You've only really got Norfolk born Steven Wright, who committed his crimes in Suffolk, and failed to match mr Kipling by only putting 5 tarts in a box.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Serial killers are a bit of a rarity in your neck of the woods. You've only really got Norfolk born Steven Wright, who committed his crimes in Suffolk, and failed to match mr Kipling by only putting 5 tarts in a box.

We've got a saying in Norfolk, if you're going to take a shit, do it in Suffolk.

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29 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That sounds brilliant! You could go in the little office with the triangular rooms round it, lock all the doors and pretend you're under attack in the pentagon! I also like to switch off the bathroom light, get in the bath, and then turn the shower on, so I can pretend I'm in a submarine that's been torpedoed. 

Das Boot! 

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