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The Rewiring of Western Society.

Jake The Muss

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4 hours ago, Fender777 said:

What's this bollocks about RK ?

Ereptyle has proven on two separate occasions that the shit he comes up with under pressure is ten times more entertaining than the shit he'd be posting if left to his own devices. That's as good as I can explain it before me morning cuppa...

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27 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Ereptyle has proven on two separate occasions that the shit he comes up with under pressure is ten times more entertaining than the shit he'd be posting if left to his own devices. That's as good as I can explain it before me morning cuppa...

Can you verify this with numbers please?

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46 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

I don't know who you are, you weird shit stabbing Andy Warhol alike but you can fuck off too

Even as a newbie, Poesklap has correctly identified you for the creepy little weasel that you are.

Look back at the past few pages of this thread, the general consensus amongst the membership is that you're fucking awful.

I hope that you choke on your own wotsit-stained maggot tonight, whilst desperately trying to fellate yourself.

You sinister little virgin.

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Guest Poesklap

The thought of getting my mission-critical CC profile hacked by someone who thinks Ghost in the Shell and the Blade Trilogy are the last and latest word in edgy pop culture is indeed troubling. I’ve unplugged my Amiga and put my 6210 in a tupper at the back of the freezer.

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Just now, Poesklap said:

The thought of getting my mission-critical CC profile hacked by someone who thinks Ghost in the Shell and the Blade Trilogy are the last and latest word in edgy pop culture is indeed troubling. I’ve unplugged my Amiga and put my 6210 in a tupper at the back of the freezer.

You should be safe enough with a BBC B as they have 32k of RAM.

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Guest Erroreptile404
12 minutes ago, Poesklap said:

The thought of getting my mission-critical CC profile hacked by someone who thinks Ghost in the Shell and the Blade Trilogy are the last and latest word in edgy pop culture is indeed troubling. I’ve unplugged my Amiga and put my 6210 in a tupper at the back of the freezer.

It's adorable that the site nobody/noob is trying to garner brownie points from the forum's faggot club members.

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Guest Erroreptile404
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Even as a newbie, Poesklap has correctly identified you for the creepy little weasel that you are.

Look back at the past few pages of this thread, the general consensus amongst the membership is that you're fucking awful.

I hope that you choke on your own wotsit-stained maggot tonight, whilst desperately trying to fellate yourself.

You sinister little virgin.

The general consensus consisting of 4 self important queer nobodies which yourself is included. OoOh scary stuff!

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Guest Erroreptile404
40 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Careful now. No doubt he has contacts in the anime industry as well. They won't take kindly to slander...

If i wanted tips on how best to remove skidmarks from a toilet bowl ill ask for your input othewise fuck off cunt.

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Guest Poesklap
8 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

It's adorable that the site nobody/noob is trying to garner brownie points from the forum's faggot club members.

Your knee jerk sputtering of witless homophobic put downs are not quite as adorable.

And your constant territorial army anorak trainspotter references to the British  Army, Navy, and tanks, and other hardware (no doubt mooned over in the encrusted, stuck together pages of a dog-eared Falklands War-era Jane’s Defense Mag) - in an increasingly assymetrical warfare-dominated world - are about as edifying as reading dyslexic death threats written on a wall. In shit. 

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Guest Erroreptile404
On 23/03/2019 at 19:07, Poesklap said:

Your knee jerk sputtering of witless homophobic put downs are not quite as adorable.

And your constant territorial army anorak trainspotter references to the British  Army, Navy, and tanks, and other hardware (no doubt mooned over in the encrusted, stuck together pages of a dog-eared Falklands War-era Jane’s Defense Mag) - in an increasingly assymetrical warfare-dominated world - are about as edifying as reading dyslexic death threats written on a wall. In shit. 

Didn't you say you're from south africa? I hope you force fed head first into a great white's gob. Don't worry i'm sure the site's top poofters will be along shortly to give you a little brownie point for being a good little lackey.

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Guest Bill Stickers
8 minutes ago, Poesklap said:

Your knee jerk sputtering of witless homophobic put downs are not quite as adorable.

And your constant territorial army anorak trainspotter references to the British  Army, Navy, and tanks, and other hardware (no doubt mooned over in the encrusted, stuck together pages of a dog-eared Falklands War-era Jane’s Defense Mag) - in an increasingly assymetrical warfare-dominated world - are about as edifying as reading dyslexic death threats written on a wall. In shit. 

I owe you a like. 

Most people in Ereptile’s state last night would have sobered up this morning, felt embarrassed, and wound their neck in.

But it seems the stupid, sexually suspicious little nerd is back for round 3. 

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Guest Poesklap
8 minutes ago, Erroreptile404 said:

I hope you get raped and beheaded with a machete

They’re called ‘Pangas’ here. ‘Machetes’ are the accessories of effete, overweight Central American drug lords. 

Go read a book. Anime and Sgt. Fury comics don’t count. 

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