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The current Jap film/game industry's hard-on for the UK

Guest Erroreptile404

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Guest DrCunt
10 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

We'll let Roops decide what you meant.  I hope she fucks you off.  

He's got form. He resorted to thinly accusations of kiddy fiddling last night too. I couldn't be arsed to report him, I'm rather enjoying the spectacularly thick spastic melting down. Won't be long before he goes nuclear.

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Guest Erroreptile404
2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Nice to know a few traditions lasted. Did you have 'Peanutting'? Where you yank the long bit of a first years tie, so the knot goes like a peanut and they have to cut it off.

I actually do remember that yeah! I also remember (the pokemong guy) one day got literally thrown in the school disabled toilet by the "hard" kids when everyone was waiting for the teacher to turn up outside the class, and then they broke the handle or something and he couldn't get out for ages. Fucking hilarious.

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2 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

He's got form. He resorted to thinly accusations of kiddy fiddling last night too. I couldn't be arsed to report him, I'm rather enjoying the spectacularly thick spastic melting down. Won't be long before he goes nuclear.

Another girlie congregating for a bitching session in the playground. Have a white wine for the ladies on me. 

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10 minutes ago, Crab said:

That's a lot of supposition on your part. Mind you 10/10 for running like a little girl to the scene of the alleged crime. Treat yourself to a white wine with the ladies. 

There was no supposition. Merely a statement of fact that you have claimed your original comment pertained to wizardsleeve's fictional beard, when you were in fact responding to a post from Cuntybaws.

Now, stop the avoidance tactics and explain your 'grooming' comment.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
17 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

He's got form. He resorted to thinly accusations of kiddy fiddling last night too. I couldn't be arsed to report him, I'm rather enjoying the spectacularly thick spastic melting down. Won't be long before he goes nuclear.

He's already in obssessed stalker mode.  Following some around to every thread, posting idiotic infant level insults.  Next comes the "I'm not rattled at all, I like stirring it up" phase.  

Still, I want him dead.  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's easily explained when you remember that Crabbie would have to raise his IQ by at least 20 points just to reach the "persistent vegetative state" level.

He could raise it 40 points and still be inferior to an amoeba.  

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2 hours ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Apparently there's some new Pokemon film coming out called "Detective Pikachu" or some such shite set in London, which will no doubt be full of cliches and bowler hats, twee shit and stereotypes out of date by 100 years.

Not only that not one but TWO new Pokemon games are coming out set in the WHOLE of the UK , again set in some bizarre victorian era steampunk style fictional version of the UK, despite being set in modern times? Also the whole fucking island is upside down. Again full of out of date cliches and stereotypes. FFS if you're going to set it in the UK at least do some research first you twats instead of looking at pictures of it from 200 years ago. I fully expect Pikachu to get his phone stolen by scooter muggers or it's not accurate.

Should we be flattered by this or not? What's your opinion?

You'll have to excuse me not being able to directly insert images and  instead using a link as i've got a problem with my web browser.







1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

You've seen Mr Mime, then?



1 hour ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Is that from Detective Pikachu? Pokemon really look quite creepy in live action.


1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Indeed it is. If you think that's creepy, wait until you see Pikachu and Jigglypuff with fur!


1 hour ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

You're bringing back memories from 2001 when some spacker at school told me how to do the cloning trick on Pokemon silver for the Gameboy, and i ended up erasing my Lugia! The mong was pissing himself laughing.


23 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

I actually do remember that yeah! I also remember (the pokemong guy) one day got literally thrown in the school disabled toilet by the "hard" kids when everyone was waiting for the teacher to turn up outside the class, and then they broke the handle or something and he couldn't get out for ages. Fucking hilarious.

I know it's against the rules, and I am a reformed character who hasn't been banned in over a year, but you've brought this upon yourselves.

You dirty pair of nonce cunts.

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Guest Erroreptile404
5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I know it's against the rules, and I am a reformed character who hasn't been banned in over a year, but you've brought this upon yourselves.

You dirty pair of nonce cunts.

Excuse me i wasn't even 13 years old back then. lol

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I know it's against the rules, and I am a reformed character who hasn't been banned in over a year, but you've brought this upon yourselves.

You dirty pair of nonce cunts.

@Mrs Roops, I'm not a vindictive man, and would argue strongly that this is not a ban-worthy offence. Just delete 50% of his "likes", and we'll call it quits.

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Guest Erroreptile404
2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

@Mrs Roops, I'm not a vindictive man, and would argue strongly that this is not a ban-worthy offence. Just delete 50% of his "likes", and we'll call it quits.

IOU 1 like 👊

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38 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

He's already in obssessed stalker mode.  Following some around to every thread, posting idiotic infant level insults.  Next comes the "I'm not rattled at all, I like stirring it up" phase.  

Still, I want him dead.  


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@EreptileDysfunction, I've embedded your link.

15 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

This is childish, incomprehensible gibberish.

Are you a baboon ?

We've had words before about you derailing threads. You did this within five minutes of the nom uploading. Cease and desist.

13 hours ago, Crab said:

That's a lot of supposition on your part. Mind you 10/10 for running like a little girl to the scene of the alleged crime. Treat yourself to a white wine with the ladies. 

That's a bit rich from someone who is not adverse in using the "report post" function.

13 hours ago, Crab said:

Kinky sex games is more your line of interest. Do your grooming somewhere else. 

We have a zero tolerance policy to this type of comment, so off to the cooler.

@Decimus, you as well, Decs

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Guest Wizardsleeve
8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

@EreptileDysfunction, I've embedded your link.

We've had words before about you derailing threads. You did this within five minutes of the nom uploading. Cease and desist.

That's a bit rich from someone who is not adverse in using the "report post" function.

We have a zero tolerance policy to this type of comment, so off to the cooler.

@Decimus, you as well, Decs

@Mrs Roops  You're resembling Michael Corleone a little more each day...settling all family business at once.  

7 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Oh dear, oh dear, Decs the playground leader sent to detention.  I'm glad I reported his vile comment.

Laffin     © Panzer

Now I know what you're on about, forget the PM.  

If you're connected to Crab in anyway, I still wish you'd fuck off.  

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38 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

@Mrs Roops  You're resembling Michael Corleone a little more each day...settling all family business at once.  

Now I know what you're on about, forget the PM.  

If you're connected to Crab in anyway, I still wish you'd fuck off.  

I don't see a problem. I have a certain empathy toward Crab, it's like I've known him for years. As for you, can you please go and play with Ape.

Peasant Lol.  

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