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Popular music - style over substance

Guest Khiwa

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In the 60's and 70's most of the music was fucking amazing, and the majority of the bands were the ugliest cunts you could ever wish to meet, but were very talented musicians.

These days everyone's "pretty" and the music is fucking SHITE!

4 or 5 modelesque braindead clones standing in a line does not constitute a BAND, no matter how often they refer to themselves as such.

It's just karaoke for the deaf.

If you're a band, where are your fucking instruments???

The manufactured plastic effortlessly interchangable cunts.

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Guest judgetwi

It’s called capitalism Wizard. You give dimmos what they like and take their money. The crap music of today existed in the 60s and 70s you have just chosen to forget “Sugar Sugar” , The Osmans, David Cassidy and untold other fucking wankers.

The reason that young cunts love rap, hip hop and all that shit is precisely because old cunts like us hate it. Can you imagine your Dad swinging his hips and saying “ Who’s that? Jimi Hendrix? Has he been on Top of the Pops? “ ( cue The Gyppo telling us that he was actually on TOTP)

You’re just getting old mate. Just get on with it and stop crying about it, you’re not a millennial and never will be.

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39 minutes ago, Khiwa said:

In the 60's and 70's most of the music was fucking amazing, and the majority of the bands were the ugliest cunts you could ever wish to meet, but were very talented musicians.

These days everyone's "pretty" and the music is fucking SHITE!

4 or 5 modelesque braindead clones standing in a line does not constitute a BAND, no matter how often they refer to themselves as such.

It's just karaoke for the deaf.

If you're a band, where are your fucking instruments???

The manufactured plastic effortlessly interchangable cunts.

Seriously?? Most of the stuff the Beatles churned out was overrated dog shit and where does Glam Rock fit into your theory? Have you ever heard the Bay City Rollers?

Whilst you make some good points, every decade has shit and quality in equal measure, you've simply got your Elton John rose tinted specs on and you're showing your age.

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1 minute ago, DrCunt said:

Seriously?? Most of the stuff the Beatles churned out was overrated dog shit and where does Glam Rock fit into your theory? Have you ever heard the Bay City Rollers?

Whilst you make some good points, every decade has shit and quality in equal measure, you've simply got your Elton John rose tinted specs on and you're showing your age.

Very true, every era has it's fair share of shite, but lately it seems to be just pretty cunts in a row miming. What's happened to guitars and drums?

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2 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Khiwa means “wizard” in Zulu, but usually translated as “whiteman”.

You were probably too busy bullying them instead of fucking their women.

I'm British white, my long term girlfriend is black Zulu. Khiwa is her jokey nickname for me. She's lived in UK over 10yrs. Your point is?

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Guest judgetwi
11 minutes ago, Khiwa said:

I'm British white, my long term girlfriend is black Zulu. Khiwa is her jokey nickname for me. She's lived in UK over 10yrs. Your point is?

So you’re not a Saffer then? They originally called the British “wizards” because they had the magic sticks ( guns) that fucked them up in a big way, Having fucked up their bodies we then sent in the missionaries to fuck up their minds with Bible bashing bullshit. We replaced their primitive superstitions with our own. Now we allow the primitive superstitions of Islam to rule this country,

There’s a delicious irony in that don’t you think?

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1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

So you’re not a Saffer then? They originally called the British “wizards” because they had the magic sticks ( guns) that fucked them up in a big way, Having fucked up their bodies we then sent in the missionaries to fuck up their minds with Bible bashing bullshit. We replaced their primitive superstitions with our own. Now we allow the primitive superstitions of Islam to rule this country,

There’s a delicious irony in that don’t you think?

The religious part is very ironic yes.

My British family were very religious, but I have no feelings for it at all.

But I have popped to church occasionally with my girlfriend who has strong Christian beliefs (she knows I don't by the way).

Just to mention, she's from Soweto, and is the funniest, most caring, beautiful, loving, and incredibly intelligent person I've ever met, and I couldn't love her any more if I tried.

(She's also the SEXIEST,  most stylish Gucci wearing hard drinkin partay biatch mutha fuckin flippa with the best fuckin ass in the history of the fucking world.)

I've always gone by what most of the religions bang on about at the heart of their comics:

"If someone's nice, they're nice. If they're a cunt, they're a cunt."


Ps My all white Brit friends were happy when we got together. No issues at all.

But plenty of my bird's black friends in SA had BIG problems with her seeing a whitey, insulted her, blocked her on social bullshit etc.

See, it works both ways. (Me and bird couldn't give a shit though, just block the cunts).

Pps Just in case some cunt blows me up before tomorrow, please tell my bird I love her to bits.

Tell everyone else "Fuck you, you're all cunts!" (apart from the nice ones). x

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4 hours ago, Khiwa said:

Just to mention, she's from Soweto, and is the funniest, most caring, beautiful, loving, and incredibly intelligent person I've ever met, and I couldn't love her any more if I tried.

(She's also the SEXIEST,  most stylish Gucci wearing hard drinkin partay biatch mutha fuckin flippa with the best fuckin ass in the history of the fucking world.).

Ppp tomorrow, please tell my bird I love her to bits.


You bent fucking cunt.

Shove your Barry White album and box of Black Magic up your fucking arse.

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10 hours ago, Khiwa said:

The religious part is very ironic yes.

My British family were very religious, but I have no feelings for it at all.

But I have popped to church occasionally with my girlfriend who has strong Christian beliefs (she knows I don't by the way).

Just to mention, she's from Soweto, and is the funniest, most caring, beautiful, loving, and incredibly intelligent person I've ever met, and I couldn't love her any more if I tried.

(She's also the SEXIEST,  most stylish Gucci wearing hard drinkin partay biatch mutha fuckin flippa with the best fuckin ass in the history of the fucking world.)

I've always gone by what most of the religions bang on about at the heart of their comics:

"If someone's nice, they're nice. If they're a cunt, they're a cunt."


Ps My all white Brit friends were happy when we got together. No issues at all.

But plenty of my bird's black friends in SA had BIG problems with her seeing a whitey, insulted her, blocked her on social bullshit etc.

See, it works both ways. (Me and bird couldn't give a shit though, just block the cunts).

Pps Just in case some cunt blows me up before tomorrow, please tell my bird I love her to bits.

Tell everyone else "Fuck you, you're all cunts!" (apart from the nice ones). x

Hang on, are you S African as well? I thought it was that Poesklap bloke who was the springbok botherer. I can't fucking keep up with this place.

Is Gerrie Coetzee dead yet?

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Hang on, are you S African as well? I thought it was that Poesklap bloke who was the springbok botherer. I can't fucking keep up with this place.

Is Gerrie Coetzee dead yet?

Did he not fight Bruno at one point? I tend to mix up my Afrikaaners. I once got thrown out of the cricket for loudly and drunkenly comparing Hansie Cronje to Eugene Terre’Blanche. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
13 hours ago, Khiwa said:

The religious part is very ironic yes.

My British family were very religious, but I have no feelings for it at all.

But I have popped to church occasionally with my girlfriend who has strong Christian beliefs (she knows I don't by the way).

Just to mention, she's from Soweto, and is the funniest, most caring, beautiful, loving, and incredibly intelligent person I've ever met, and I couldn't love her any more if I tried.

(She's also the SEXIEST,  most stylish Gucci wearing hard drinkin partay biatch mutha fuckin flippa with the best fuckin ass in the history of the fucking world.)

I've always gone by what most of the religions bang on about at the heart of their comics:

"If someone's nice, they're nice. If they're a cunt, they're a cunt."


Ps My all white Brit friends were happy when we got together. No issues at all.

But plenty of my bird's black friends in SA had BIG problems with her seeing a whitey, insulted her, blocked her on social bullshit etc.

See, it works both ways. (Me and bird couldn't give a shit though, just block the cunts).

Pps Just in case some cunt blows me up before tomorrow, please tell my bird I love her to bits.

Tell everyone else "Fuck you, you're all cunts!" (apart from the nice ones). x

She'd do well not to keep the bog door ajar, either, whilst taking a shit. You lot don't have a good track-record, and trust me, my accusation's got legs. 

Are you Daasanach from Debub Omo, or an Albino choc? 

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Guest judgetwi
13 hours ago, Khiwa said:

The religious part is very ironic yes.

My British family were very religious, but I have no feelings for it at all.

But I have popped to church occasionally with my girlfriend who has strong Christian beliefs (she knows I don't by the way).

Just to mention, she's from Soweto, and is the funniest, most caring, beautiful, loving, and incredibly intelligent person I've ever met, and I couldn't love her any more if I tried.

(She's also the SEXIEST,  most stylish Gucci wearing hard drinkin partay biatch mutha fuckin flippa with the best fuckin ass in the history of the fucking world.)

I've always gone by what most of the religions bang on about at the heart of their comics:

"If someone's nice, they're nice. If they're a cunt, they're a cunt."


Ps My all white Brit friends were happy when we got together. No issues at all.

But plenty of my bird's black friends in SA had BIG problems with her seeing a whitey, insulted her, blocked her on social bullshit etc.

See, it works both ways. (Me and bird couldn't give a shit though, just block the cunts).

Pps Just in case some cunt blows me up before tomorrow, please tell my bird I love her to bits.

Tell everyone else "Fuck you, you're all cunts!" (apart from the nice ones). x

Strong Christian beliefs eh? I can’t say i’m surprised, we did a good job on the African psyche back in the day. I’m not surprised by the reverse racism either and it’s not just in Safferland either, trust me.

A word to the wise mate. I wouldn’t drop personal details on here if I were you. A lot of these wankers will use it against you when you dare to disagree with them. Of course they’ll just make shit up anyway but it’s not the same thing, know what I mean?

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14 hours ago, Khiwa said:

But I have popped to church occasionally with my girlfriend who has strong Christian beliefs (she knows I don't by the way).

Just to mention, she's from Soweto, and is the funniest, most caring, beautiful, loving, and incredibly intelligent person I've ever met, and I couldn't love her any more if I tried.

(She's also the SEXIEST,  most stylish Gucci wearing hard drinkin partay biatch mutha fuckin flippa with the best fuckin ass in the history of the fucking world.)

By any chance, do you happen to use Facebook? 

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15 hours ago, Khiwa said:

The religious part is very ironic yes.

My British family were very religious, but I have no feelings for it at all.

But I have popped to church occasionally with my girlfriend who has strong Christian beliefs (she knows I don't by the way).

Just to mention, she's from Soweto, and is the funniest, most caring, beautiful, loving, and incredibly intelligent person I've ever met, and I couldn't love her any more if I tried.

(She's also the SEXIEST,  most stylish Gucci wearing hard drinkin partay biatch mutha fuckin flippa with the best fuckin ass in the history of the fucking world.)

I've always gone by what most of the religions bang on about at the heart of their comics:

"If someone's nice, they're nice. If they're a cunt, they're a cunt."


Ps My all white Brit friends were happy when we got together. No issues at all.

But plenty of my bird's black friends in SA had BIG problems with her seeing a whitey, insulted her, blocked her on social bullshit etc.

See, it works both ways. (Me and bird couldn't give a shit though, just block the cunts).

Pps Just in case some cunt blows me up before tomorrow, please tell my bird I love her to bits.

Tell everyone else "Fuck you, you're all cunts!" (apart from the nice ones). x

If someone blows you up, will she love your bits?

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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Did he not fight Bruno at one point? I tend to mix up my Afrikaaners. I once got thrown out of the cricket for loudly and drunkenly comparing Hansie Cronje to Eugene Terre’Blanche. 

Not surprised you got thrown out. Everyone knows Terry Blanche is a better spinner. 

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4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Did he not fight Bruno at one point? I tend to mix up my Afrikaaners. I once got thrown out of the cricket for loudly and drunkenly comparing Hansie Cronje to Eugene Terre’Blanche. 

Correctamundo. Far as I know, South Africa's only heavyweight world champ (WBA, so a bit wank).

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13 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Correctamundo. Far as I know, South Africa's only heavyweight world champ (WBA, so a bit wank).

Gerrie Coetzee ('Little Sore Hands' I kid you not).

How the shitting hell did we get down this cul-de-sac?

Sure it's the job of de yoof to piss off the old folks and the easiest way to do this is with their music, 'cept these days it's via their music being fucking lightweight drivel. We're the first generation whose music is harder and more intense than their kids'!

Come on Drill Rap! Get in there and start kicking some aging punk rock arse!

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