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Westminster Cunt All-stars

Guest Poesklap

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Guest Poesklap

'Cometh the hour, cometh the man'... Judging by the bad acid trip Spitting Image bunch of helium-powered gargoyles in your parliament, Britain isn't obviously in that bad a shape needed to call a reluctant statesman the calibre of Vaclav Havel, Churchill or Atlee into the breach. From the Gammon robot that was Cameron, to the harpy that is May assailed by the socks and Birkenstock moldy crudite Corbyn, what MP cunt would you like to give a good cunting to? 

I’ll go first. David Davis. Weekend ‘hard’ Territorial Army wanker who (Censored CC Member) gets gooey over UK Navy, amphibious? battleship frottage.

Over to you. 

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28 minutes ago, Poesklap said:

'Cometh the hour, cometh the man'... Judging by the bad acid trip Spitting Image bunch of helium-powered gargoyles in your parliament, Britain isn't obviously in that bad a shape needed to call a reluctant statesman the calibre of Vaclav Havel, Churchill or Atlee into the breach. From the Gammon robot that was Cameron, to the harpy that is May assailed by the socks and Birkenstock moldy crudite Corbyn, what MP cunt would you like to give a good cunting to? 

I’ll go first. David Davis. Weekend ‘hard’ Territorial Army wanker who (Censored CC Member) gets gooey over UK Navy, amphibious? battleship frottage.

Over to you. 


Here’s four words I sense you will become familiar with.

”repeat bollocks, fuck off”.

and here’s two more: “search function”.

My answer is Gavin Williamson, mind. Uber cunt. 

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29 minutes ago, Poesklap said:

'Cometh the hour, cometh the man'... Judging by the bad acid trip Spitting Image bunch of helium-powered gargoyles in your parliament, Britain isn't obviously in that bad a shape needed to call a reluctant statesman the calibre of Vaclav Havel, Churchill or Atlee into the breach. From the Gammon robot that was Cameron, to the harpy that is May assailed by the socks and Birkenstock moldy crudite Corbyn, what MP cunt would you like to give a good cunting to? 

I’ll go first. David Davis. Weekend ‘hard’ Territorial Army wanker who (Censored CC Member) gets gooey over UK Navy, amphibious? battleship frottage.

Over to you. 

Are you Karl Lagerfeld's ghost?

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I'd like to say Brandon Lewis, but most of my ire is reserved for the constituent voters that have elected him for the past nine years.

I understand that the constituency of Great Yarmouth includes affluent villages on its outskirts, and that these by their nature are going to be full of Conservative voters.

But the bulk of the electorate inhabit the Whore of Babylon itself, and are for the most part scum of the fucking earth. Being one of the most deprived areas of the UK with an obscenely high unemployment rate, the past decade has seen the proverbial Turkey voting for Christmas. It suits me just fine, hopefully the party that they voted for with enthusiasm will encourage a few more of them to kill themselves as the Tory wet dream of Universal Credit slowly steam rolls forth.


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6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The correct answer is, any and all members of the SNP. They're all indistinguishable, ungrateful, incoherent babbling savages, so it doesn't really matter which one you go for.

The @Rev may be able to provide a more considered ordering at some point, based perhaps on how fast he got banned from their respective Twitter feeds.


Edited by scotty
Early onset dementia.
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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

Definitely not edited at any point. Have you partaken of eight pints of Ace, by any chance?

Not for two years now, I'm afraid. Dry as Theresa May's flaps.

And yes, I realise now that your comment I noticed was something you'd posted on the open corner, an area I tend to avoid.

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45 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The correct answer is, any and all members of the SNP. They're all indistinguishable, ungrateful, incoherent babbling savages, so it doesn't really matter which one you go for.

The @Rev may be able to provide a more considered ordering at some point, based perhaps on how fast he got banned from their respective Twitter feeds.

I do hope you aren’t including the wonderful Mhairi Black in this group, Baws. She is surely the finest Scottish Export since the ever popular popular beat combo Texas.

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28 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

I doubt whether LCS could trap wind.

Get fucked your Grace.

Go and reflect on your 6% like-to-post hit rate, your posts gush with originality at every keystroke. 

Incidentally you wouldn’t want to trap wind, it’s most uncomfortable. 

Oh, and get fucked again for good measure. 

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'd like to say Brandon Lewis, but most of my ire is reserved for the constituent voters that have elected him for the past nine years.

I understand that the constituency of Great Yarmouth includes affluent villages on its outskirts, and that these by their nature are going to be full of Conservative voters.

But the bulk of the electorate inhabit the Whore of Babylon itself, and are for the most part scum of the fucking earth. Being one of the most deprived areas of the UK with an obscenely high unemployment rate, the past decade has seen the proverbial Turkey voting for Christmas. It suits me just fine, hopefully the party that they voted for with enthusiasm will encourage a few more of them to kill themselves as the Tory wet dream of Universal Credit slowly steam rolls forth.


Jacob Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister.

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On 20/02/2019 at 16:30, Poesklap said:

'Cometh the hour, cometh the man'... Judging by the bad acid trip Spitting Image bunch of helium-powered gargoyles in your parliament, Britain isn't obviously in that bad a shape needed to call a reluctant statesman the calibre of Vaclav Havel, Churchill or Atlee into the breach. From the Gammon robot that was Cameron, to the harpy that is May assailed by the socks and Birkenstock moldy crudite Corbyn, what MP cunt would you like to give a good cunting to? 

I’ll go first. David Davis. Weekend ‘hard’ Territorial Army wanker who (Censored CC Member) gets gooey over UK Navy, amphibious? battleship frottage.

Over to you. 

What a CUNT

fuck off

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Guest Poesklap
1 hour ago, Monumental cunt said:

What a CUNT

fuck off

Jou ma se vrot bok poes. 

That took me four seconds. Three more than your gurning, drooling grunt.


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Guest Poesklap

'Iron' ('Iron hoof' = 'poof') In Cockney rhyming slang, only the first word is generally used. So the abbreviated form of 'iron hoof' is 'iron'.

Had to look this up. It reminded me of how fucking much I hate Cockney cunting rhyming slang. A stupid, drunk-uncle ‘Carry On’ movie lexicon of cringe-worthy intellectual homunculus pat shite. A secret verbal handshake for amputees.




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