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The Independent Group


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I'm torn on this one.

Whilst I'm a little bit excited that we might potentially see the formation of a new centrist party, I can't fucking abide anyone playing the antisemitism card. Chuck in Chuka as well, plus the inevitably lazy and slightly racist political commentary that will laud him as a new Obama, and you've got the potential for a party that registers an SNP reading on the stupid fucking cunt scale.

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23 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm torn on this one.

Whilst I'm a little bit excited that we might potentially see the formation of a new centrist party, I can't fucking abide anyone playing the antisemitism card. Chuck in Chuka as well, plus the inevitably lazy and slightly racist political commentary that will laud him as a new Obama, and you've got the potential for a party that registers an SNP reading on the stupid fucking cunt scale.

I see one of the magnificent seven is already being accused of racist hate speech. Clearly, Steptoe and Abbopotamus have activated the character assassination spin-monkeys. They'll all be reported in the Guardian as Nazis and supporters of slavery by this time next week.

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Look at the state of Ann Coffey in the orange trouser suit. Seriously, what sort of cunt chooses an outfit like that for their big day in front of the press?

I'm reminded of that quote from The Green Mile, "Yes boss, like the drink, but spelt different", although I didn't realise the drink was fucking Tango!

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7 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Look at the state of Ann Coffey in the orange trouser suit. Seriously, what sort of cunt chooses an outfit like that for their big day in front of the press?

I'm reminded of that quote from The Green Mile, "Yes boss, like the drink, but spelt different", although I didn't realise the drink was fucking Tango!

Mike Gapes needs his blood pressure checking. He makes Alex Salmond look like Charles fucking Atlas. 

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9 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Look at the state of Ann Coffey in the orange trouser suit. Seriously, what sort of cunt chooses an outfit like that for their big day in front of the press?

I'm reminded of that quote from The Green Mile, "Yes boss, like the drink, but spelt different", although I didn't realise the drink was fucking Tango!

The dress code of some female MPs leaves a lot to be desired to be honest. 

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Guest judgetwi

Seen it all before

gang of four


Liberal / SDP alliance

Liberal Democratic Party.... the same party that who’s only policy is to reverse the DEMOCRATIC decision of June 23rd 2016.

Chucky and his mates are crying about anti semitism......, like any of these cunts care about anything other than sucking the cocks of their EU masters. They should go for a by-election but they won’t.

Fucking cunts the lot of them.

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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Be careful with those B&Q cunts. One of them came up to me and asked me if I wanted decking, luckily I got the first punch in. Be careful though.

I’ve got the Homobase crew backing me. This could end up a turf war. Now we’re talking. My mate started on the trolleys at B+Q  last August and now he owns his own overalls and safety boots. Who said Britain was fucked? Every day he rides that bus to work grinning like Lord fucking Sugars apprentice.

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve got the Homobase crew backing me. This could end up a turf war. Now we’re talking. My mate started on the trolleys at B+Q  last August and now he owns his own overalls and safety boots. Who said Britain was fucked? Every day he rides that bus to work grinning like Lord fucking Sugars apprentice.

Drop the flash cunt. 

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35 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Be careful with those B&Q cunts. One of them came up to me and asked me if I wanted decking, luckily I got the first punch in. Be careful though.

I went to B&Q and said "can someone sell me a kettle?" and the  bloke said "Kenwood" and I said "go and get him then". Ithangyow 

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I went to B&Q and said "can someone sell me a kettle?" and the  bloke said "Kenwood" and I said "go and get him then". Ithangyow 

I fuckin hate diy why do think I got married? If a jobs worth doing, make her do it, after she’s made my dinner and sucked me off while I’m watching countdown. God I love that woman!

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I had never heard of any of these cunts apart from the closet poofta Umunna. I'm all for the labour party fragmenting, and the conservatives going the same way, but these fucking nobodies are going to disappear into political obscurity. Even if a couple of EU shills from the tory party join them, it is hardly my idea of a party that will be offering anything new to politics.

It also boils my piss to hear Nigel Fucking Farage insist they should all call a by-election in their constituencies. Hasn't this tory clown just shopped his UKIP card for a different party. I didn't see him leaving his cushy MEP position. 

Either way, this side show is just a distraction. The real issue is what sort of country do we want after 29th March, a catweasel hard left socialist cesspool or a fucking Rees-Mogg dyed in the wool old school tory approach. A new party is desperately needed to avoid both of these fuckwits, but not these fucking nonentity has-beens of the Independent group.

It's so fucked you couldn't make it up.

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